When boys' voices begin to break. Transitional age in boys. When does the voice change end?

Since children grow unevenly, one guy may still be small, but his bass voice is already breaking through with all his might, while the other has grown a mile tall, and his larynx is still small, his voice is still childish. These are the boys who have the hardest time; they are the most embarrassed about their voice. What happens to the voice and at what age?

Otorhinolaryngologist and phoniatrist, MD, tells: Gennady Ivanchenko.

Whistles and flutes

The voice is born using several systems of the body: the larynx, vocal folds (in everyday speech they are called ligaments), lungs, chest and nasopharynx. A stream of air escaping from the lungs causes the vocal folds to vibrate at a certain frequency, with the chest and nasopharynx serving as resonators. The larger and thicker the vocal folds, the lower the sound. Not always though. Caruso, for example, had vocal folds twice as large as another bass profundo, and Caruso sang in a tenor.

In boys, like in girls, the larynx is small, the folds are small, and only their edges vibrate under the action of a stream of air. Experts call this the falsetto mechanism of sound creation. The larynx is like a whistle. Nature designed it this way so that a child, whose sound-producing systems are still small, can still be heard. And in fact, the squeals of children are so clearly audible that if you walk into school during a break, for example, you can simply go deaf.

Folds are a hormone-dependent structure

But at the age of 13-14, under the influence of various hormones, mainly sex hormones, boys’ vocal folds begin to grow, lengthen and thicken. These folds are a hormone-dependent structure. It is not for nothing that eunuchs have a high-pitched, childlike voice - they themselves have the build of fully grown men, and the vocal folds do not reach adult sizes, because the body does not produce sex hormones.

For the same reason, older people’s voices become higher - because there are less and less sex hormones in the body. And in women, in old age, on the contrary, the voice sounds in lower tones; again, there are not enough hormones, only female ones, which change the folds so that the sound is high and ringing.

An adult can speak and sing in falsetto even with a normally developed vocal apparatus. True, without habit it is not very convenient. But it’s fashionable, it’s not for nothing that some radio hosts say so and Presnyakov Jr. sings. For an adult, such a mechanism of sound formation is still more natural, when the entire fold vibrates, the vocal wave travels both horizontally and vertically. Therefore, an adult voice turns out to be deeper, more beautiful, and varied in color. In ordinary speech, we use 2-3 tones above and below our fundamental tone. And the singer takes two octaves.

Fear of the new

For a teenager, switching from falsetto to a full-fledged sound formation process is difficult. But the problem here is more likely not a problem, but a psychological one: the boy is accustomed to the sound of his childhood voice, but a new voice - a baritone or bass - scares him. When talking, he uses either the old mechanism of sound generation or the new one.

Since children grow unevenly, one guy may still be small, but his bass voice is already breaking through with all his might, while the other has grown a mile tall, and his larynx is still small, his voice is still childish. It’s these boys who are ahead of their peers or behind them who have the hardest time; they are the most embarrassed about their voices. But for most people, voice loss is a normal physiological process: the voice becomes lower and rougher - well, okay. Most quickly discover a new mechanism for producing sounds. In rare cases, any teenager needs the help of a phonopedist - a voice specialist who usually works with singers. Perhaps only a few of those who grow up surrounded by women alone. These boys have no one to even imitate, no one to take an example from. But for them, one lesson is usually enough, during which a doctor or phonopedist will show you exercises for establishing and strengthening a normal male voice.

Three features

There are three features of teenage mutation that are useful for parents to know.

● When breaking your voice, there is no need to load the vocal folds. But the boys, unfortunately, do not take care of them, they strain them at every step: either while playing football they scream like crazy, or they sing songs at the top of their lungs with a guitar... Due to overstrain, nodules can appear on the folds, doctors call them that - screamer knots. These nodules change the vibration of the folds and the voice becomes hoarse. Some nodules then resolve on their own if the loads drop, but sometimes you have to remove them - microsurgical operations.

● Colds can prolong the mutation. A red throat in a teenager is not always a sign of a respiratory infection. When the larynx grows, blood circulation increases in it, the tissues become redder, and it seems that the child has laryngitis. They begin to treat the boy for a cold, give him medicine, take him to doctors... But it’s just a normal physiological process.

If the mutation has been prolonged, that is, the boy has already stopped growing upward, and his voice has not become low like a man, the teenager must be shown to a phoniatrist. The longer a guy speaks in falsetto, the more difficult it will be for him to switch to adult tones.

● We are not destined to know what kind of “adult” voice a beautifully singing little boy will have. In childhood, there is a high, clear voice, but a mutation has occurred, and the voice turns out to be the most banal - both in color, and in timbre, and in strength. A well-known example is Robertino Loretti. And nothing can be done: what is given is given.


A curious case. Once, an officer, and not of the lowest rank, turned to phoniatrists - doctors who study the peculiarities of the functioning of the vocal apparatus. Quite an adult, and his voice is like that of a boy. It turns out to be frivolous. Doctors helped him and taught him to speak in a baritone voice.

Our children always somehow unexpectedly turn from toddlers to almost teenagers. How do you understand that a guy’s process of growing up has begun? Along with obvious changes in physical appearance, the voice begins to sound completely different. This may be strange and difficult for the boy to cope with for a while, and he will make all sorts of strange sounds when he speaks.

The child's larynx becomes larger and thicker - this happens in both boys and girls, but obvious changes appear only in boys. The girls' voices become deeper a couple of tones, and these changes are barely noticeable.

Why do guys' voices change?

Before a boy reaches puberty, his larynx is quite small and his vocal cords are small and thin. That's why his voice is higher than an adult's. But as he goes through puberty, his larynx becomes larger and his vocal cords lengthen and thicken, so his voice becomes deeper. Along with the larynx, the vocal cords grow much longer and become thicker a little later. In addition, the facial bones begin to grow. The cavities in the sinuses, nose and back of the throat grow larger, creating more space in the face - which gives the voice more room to resonate.

The process of producing sound is controlled by how tightly the muscles of the vocal canal are clenched when air from the lungs hits them. If you've ever pulled on a small, thin rubber band, you've heard it stretch as it stretched. A thick rubber band makes the sound deeper and lower. This is the same process that occurs with the vocal cords.

As a boy's body adjusts to these changes, his voice may break. This process only lasts a few months. Once the larynx is formed, your son's voice will not produce these unpredictable sounds.

Normal growth stage

These rasps in a boy's voice are just part of a normal and natural stage of growth. When he's just getting used to these big changes, the voice can be difficult to cope with, and it may take a lot of effort for your son to keep it under control. Just as he adjusts to the changes in his body, he must adjust to the sound of what he says.

Along with other changes in your son's appearance, significant changes are occurring in the throat area. As his larynx gets bigger, it tilts at a different angle inside the neck, with part of it sticking out in front of the throat. This is Adam's apple. Girls' larynx also changes, but not as much as a boy's, so girls don't have Adam's apples.

When the voice breaks

Each person's development is different, so some boys' voices may begin to change earlier, while others may begin to change a little later. A boy's voice usually begins to change between the ages of 11 and 14, usually just after a growth spurt. Some boys' voices may change gradually, while others may change quickly.

If your son is worried, self-conscious, or embarrassed by the sound of his voice, let him know that this is a temporary thing that all guys go through. Let other men in your family talk to him about this and share their experiences.

In a few months he will probably have a resonant, deep and strong voice like an adult!

A lot of scientific works have been written about mutational changes in the voice of boys, although this phenomenon is quite common. A change in voice timbre occurs during the growth of the vocal apparatus. The larynx first increases significantly in size, while the thyroid cartilage bends forward. The vocal folds lengthen and the larynx moves downwards. In this regard, an anatomical change in the vocal organs occurs. If we talk about voice mutation in boys, then unlike girls, everything is more pronounced in them.

The mechanism of voice failure in boys

As stated earlier, voice change occurs through the enlargement of the larynx during growth. However, during puberty, in boys, the larynx increases by 70%, in contrast to girls, the vocal tube, which only doubles in size.

  1. Pre-mutation period.

This stage manifests itself as the body’s preparation for the restructuring of the vocal apparatus. If we talk about the spoken voice, then there may be voice breakdowns, hoarseness, coughing, and an unpleasant “sore feeling.” The singing voice is more informative in this case: voice breakdowns when taking the extreme notes of a young man’s range, unpleasant sensations in the larynx during vocal lessons, “dirty” intonation, and sometimes loss of voice. At the first bell, you should stop practicing, since this period requires rest of the vocal apparatus.

  1. Mutation.

This stage is characterized by swelling of the larynx, as well as excessive or insufficient mucus production. These factors cause inflammation, thereby the surface of the ligaments acquires a characteristic color. Overexertion can lead to wheezing, and subsequently to “non-closure of the vocal folds.” Therefore, during this period it is worth paying close attention to, including the prevention of colds and viral diseases. There is instability of the voice, distortion of sound, as well as characteristic hoarseness. When singing, tension in the vocal apparatus is observed, especially when jumping over wide intervals. Therefore, in your classes you should lean towards singing exercises, rather than compositions.

  1. Post-mutation period.

Like any other process, voice mutation in boys does not have a clear boundary of completion. Despite the final development, fatigue and tension of the ligaments may occur. During this period, the changes that have occurred are consolidated. The voice acquires a fixed timbre and strength. However, the stage is dangerous due to its instability.

Features of mutation in boys

Signs of voice breakdown in young men are more noticeable and this is due, first of all, to the fact that the male voice, in fact, is much lower than the female one. The mutation period occurs in a short time. There are cases when it happens almost instantly. However, in most cases, the restructuring of the body is delayed for several months. Just yesterday, a boyish treble could develop into a tenor, baritone or powerful bass. It all depends on genetically determined indicators. For some young men, significant changes occur, while for others, the transition to an adult voice is not expressed in clear contrast.

Voice mutation in boys most often occurs at the age of 12-14 years. However, you should not rely on this age as the norm. There are many factors that can affect both the start date and the duration of the process.

Firstly, the natural climate undoubtedly influences. Conducted research has proven that in different climatic conditions the process of “maturing” the voice occurs in different ways, and the age of restructuring ranges from 11 to 20 years.
Secondly, the genetic factor. The settings initially laid down in the body cannot be changed.
Thirdly, the mechanical factor. That is, the restructuring may be disrupted for some reason. They can be, for example, disorders of the vocal apparatus, somatic diseases.

Hygiene of the singing voice during the mutation period in boys

Mutation of the singing voice is a complex process that requires a lot of attention from vocal teachers or phoniatrists accompanying the educational process. Measures for the protection and hygiene of the voice should be carried out comprehensively, and they should begin in the pre-mutation period. This will avoid disruption of voice development, both at the physical and mechanical level.

Vocal lessons should be conducted in a gentle manner. However, during this period it is better to refuse individual lessons, since such classes are designed for the comprehensive development of voice abilities. And during the period of voice failure in boys, any overstrain of the ligaments is prohibited. However, there is an alternative - these are choral classes and ensembles. As a rule, young men are given an easy part, a range that does not exceed fifths, usually in a small octave. All these conditions are not valid if the process is accompanied by periodic voice failures, wheezing or instability of unison pronunciations.

Mutation in young men is undoubtedly a complex process, but with the right approach and compliance with the postulates of voice protection and hygiene, you can “survive” it without consequences and with benefit.

Boys growing up is a rather complex and lengthy process. This takes several years. External changes occur, the inner world of adolescents and their behavior are radically transformed. At this age, growing up tomboys most often commit stupid, rash acts, behave like hooligans, and try to smoke around the corner of the school with high school students. Teenagers often lose interest in learning. The good guys fall into C grades.

They become impudent, sometimes uncontrollable, and can unexpectedly be rude to the teacher or parents. Outwardly, this manifests itself in the fact that at about 12 years old, boys’ voices break and hair begins to grow where there was none before. All these are signs of a serious restructuring of the growing organism.

What is voice breakage

Every teenager goes through the ordeal of losing their voice. This is an inevitable process when a boyish treble or alto miraculously transforms into a lyric tenor, velvety baritone or manly bass. No one can say exactly what the timbre will be in the end. This is determined by nature in the process of growing up.

When do changes start in boys?

This process is purely individual. Parents whose son is the only or first child in the family often wonder at what age boys’ voices break. To be precise, teenagers' voices do not break, but change. Most often this happens at 12-14 years of age. But this period cannot be taken as the norm, since there may be a shift in the timing of both the start of the process and its duration.

This depends on a number of factors:

  • genetic criterion;
  • disorders (changes) of the vocal apparatus;
  • somatic diseases;
  • climatic conditions.

Does girls have voice problems?

Vocal changes are also observed in middle school girls, they are simply not as pronounced and obvious as in boys, and occur earlier. This will not affect your musical career when practicing vocals. The mutation period in girls is much shorter - from 2 to 6 weeks, although the larynx itself grows gradually and stops enlarging by the age of 30.

  • transformation of the vocal apparatus;
  • ossification of cartilaginous tissues;
  • tongue growth;
  • hormonal surge.

Reasons for voice changes

Adolescence in adolescents is not only a period of puberty, but also a breakdown of the voice, which is observed when the larynx begins to grow. In this case, under the influence of hormones, the vocal cords thicken and lengthen. The male Adam's apple (Adam's apple) develops. The voice tone decreases by 5-6 tones.

At such times, it is important to take care of the ligaments and not strain them. It is better to temporarily refrain from singing. You cannot shout or try to forcefully change the treble to baritone. This is the age of boys when they need parental support, and it must be provided by explaining to the son what changes are occurring in his body.

How does withdrawal occur?

A change in voice timbre occurs during the growth of the vocal apparatus, when the larynx increases by 70%. In this case, the vocal organs undergo significant anatomical changes. The ligaments become longer. The larynx goes down. The thyroid cartilage bends forward. These features always accompany adolescence, and the transition itself includes 3 stages.

Premutation period

The body is preparing for the upcoming restructuring.

  • unpleasant sore throat;
  • cough, hoarseness;
  • voice breakdowns;
  • vocalists have poor intonations;
  • loss of voice.

These are bells indicating that singing lessons need to be stopped, although some experts believe that you need to continue practicing, but in a gentle manner.


This stage, coupled with puberty, is sometimes also called puberty, which is characterized by inflammation and swelling of the larynx. You need to be very careful about your voice. Any overexertion is fraught with wheezing and inability to close the vocal folds. In winter you need to dress warmer. In the spring, take care of viral infections that lead to acute respiratory infections and flu.

Music school students should limit themselves to scales in vocal lessons. Singing is useful, but performing arias while hitting high notes is strictly prohibited. There is no need to strain the speech apparatus. All of the above preventive measures can be called one general phrase - vocal hygiene.

Post-mutation period

Boys do not have a clear boundary defining the end of the mutation. Sometimes it seems that the final development of a young man has occurred, but he continues to experience tension in his ligaments and quickly becomes overtired, which affects the general condition of the body. Despite the fact that the post-mutation period completes the vocal changes, it is characterized by instability, and this is dangerous, although the youthful voice is By this time it acquires a fixed timbre.

How long does voice loss last?

Each body is completely individual, so the timing is different for everyone. This is mainly spent on from two to four months. For some, this period increases to six months. Moreover, the age-related process can begin suddenly. Just yesterday it was a boy with a high treble and suddenly he started playing.

Some teenagers try to force changes in the speech apparatus. Under no circumstances should this be done. Excessive tension will lead to the formation of nodules on the ligaments, which in turn can lead to the development of hoarseness. Sometimes it goes away on its own, but in some cases, surgical intervention is required to change the situation.

What will the voice be like?

Nobody can predict this. But according to statistics, most men on earth are tenors. Girls like boys with a baritone voice, but they are much less common, and the bass is a one-off item that not even every choir has. We should not forget that external factors, for example, a cold, can interfere with the transformation of the speech apparatus.

The issue of voice transformation is especially painful for boy singers and their parents. After all, many of them see their son as a great opera singer or pop star in the future. Making far-reaching plans in this case is a thankless task. After withdrawal, a teenager’s voice may become ordinary, and vocal success will have to be forgotten forever.

Redness of the throat

When ligaments begin to grow, they require a lot of blood flow. The larynx becomes inflamed and swollen. For some teenagers, the amount of mucus increases, while for others it slows down, and they complain of soreness. Seeing a child with a red throat, many parents immediately rush to treat him, resorting to medications, which makes a big mistake.

There is no need to interfere with nature to do what it considers necessary. Over time, the swelling will subside, the redness will disappear, and the child will return to normal life. True, for some time he will complain that the ligaments get tired quickly. This is also a temporary phenomenon that needs to be experienced.

Changes in adolescence

Boys enter the growing phase when they turn 12-13 years old. The future man will undergo a serious restructuring of the body, which is expressed in both physiological and psychological changes. A difficult stage causes inconvenience, causes internal experiences that are not easy to cope with.

This age is called transitional, difficult, crisis, because childhood is already over, and adult life has not yet begun. An uncertain state causes a feeling of discomfort, the student feels “out of place”, he already has a different value system and list of priorities.

How physiology changes

External changes in a teenager who has begun to mature are visible to the naked eye. His body is changing quickly.

This period is characterized by the following features:

  • increased growth (3-7 cm per year);
  • formation of the male chest;
  • accelerated metabolism;
  • increased lung volume;
  • active work of the thyroid and sex glands;
  • changes in the activity of the pituitary gland.

The heart and tubular bones of the limbs grow fastest, which leads to a disproportionate skeleton. As a result, some children experience impaired coordination of movements. This goes away with age.

Yesterday's boys are stretching out literally before our eyes. Their voice changes, teenage acne appears, and their sweat glands begin to emit an unpleasant odor. Acne on the face can be reduced with the help of special cosmetics. Parents who also once experienced adolescence should help their child cope with the problems that have befallen him.

Psychological changes

Having become the owner of a “new” body, the young man is faced with a large number of difficulties and tasks that he has to solve, but he does not know how to do it correctly. Childhood spontaneity is gone forever. An ambivalent attitude towards oneself appears. On the one hand, he is happy for himself and proud of his growing biceps, on the other hand, he is ashamed of his body and painfully perceives every new pimple on his face.

The same thing is observed in the company of peers. The guy is afraid to look like a black sheep; the main thing for him is to be like everyone else. At the same time, he really wants to stand out. On the one hand, he wants to earn the respect and authority of other members of the company, on the other hand, he flaunts his shortcomings.

This period is characterized in adolescents by the following features:

  • aggressive behavior;
  • daring actions;
  • rudeness towards parents and teachers;
  • disregard for studying;
  • desire for autonomy and independence;
  • sloppiness in clothing.

It is at this age that teenagers try cigarettes, alcohol and drugs for the first time. They celebrate birthdays and holidays, like adults, with alcohol. At the same time, they strive to ensure that parents are absent from parties. Often such get-togethers end with kisses and the first sexual experience.

The first signs of puberty

The puberty period includes not only the transformation of the speech apparatus, but also the stage of puberty. Schoolgirls watch with a smile, How does a beard grow in teenagers? This means that boys' sex hormones have reached the peak of sexual activity.

Secondary sexual characteristics appear:

  • there is facial hair growth (fluff);
  • body hair begins to grow;
  • Adam's apple appears;
  • the voice mutates;
  • wet dreams occur (spontaneous ejaculation during sleep).

Boys are starting to shave, although real male stubble is still a long way off. Physiological changes can bring health problems. Teenagers begin to complain of loss of appetite, frequent headaches, and insomnia. They experience surges in blood pressure, decreased concentration, and increased fatigue.

How a young man changes

The prepubertal period begins in boys at the age of 9-10, when their body is just preparing for a serious restructuring. The first changes are observed at 10-12 years of age in the form of acne on the face, increased oiliness in the hair, and dandruff often appears. At the same time, voice loss may occur. The boys either begin to speak in a deep voice, or suddenly break into a squeal.


At the same time, the process of puberty occurs. At the age of 13-14, teenagers begin to feel a strong attraction to representatives of the opposite sex. Boys have a growing penis, which becomes the object of their close attention. It is during this period that active masturbation begins. Schoolchildren are introduced to sexual pleasure.

The most desperate ones have sexual relations with girls.

Upon self-examination of the genitals, only one testicle may be observed in the scrotum. The second one goes up. This is normal, so no need to worry.

At the age of 15, a teenager can no longer be called a boy. He transforms into a young man, and the final transformation into a man ends by the age of 22-23.

Signs of pathologies

Sometimes a boy’s voice remains high even at 15 and 17 years old. This symptom indicates that the body does not have enough testosterone, the male sex hormone. In this case, you should consult a medical specialist. Other violations are also possible.

When sexual development is delayed, the child does not experience active growth, the penis and testicles remain small. Here you will also need a doctor’s consultation, diagnosis and proper treatment. Sometimes, when the head of the penis is exposed, it is pinched (phimosis). The problem is easily eliminated surgically: a dissection of the foreskin is made.

By the way, puberty can also be premature, for example, at 9-10 years.

How to behave as parents

The transitional age is difficult not only for teenagers, but also for their parents, from whom maximum patience, endurance, and understanding are required. During this difficult period, it is better to try to keep the child closer to home. Let him come with friends, invite them to his room.

Moral teaching and parents imposing their opinions will only alienate the teenager and cause bitterness. At this age, criticism is inappropriate. You need to try to understand your child, feel what he breathes, what interests him, although this is not easy. The boys are trying to distance themselves from mom and dad by any means possible.

During the period of growing up, it is very important for parents to maintain a trusting relationship with their teenager, which must be established in early childhood. The difficulty lies in the fact that the child has already formed an adult understanding of life, but there are still very few opportunities for self-realization. But the level of emotional sensitivity is prohibitive.

If the son withdraws and does not want to communicate, the parents themselves must take the initiative and tell their secret story. Maybe this will be a story about first school love - touching, but unrequited. When a teenager and parents are also friends, the difficult teenage period is easier to survive.

Aggressive behavior of a teenager

Quite often, guys behave defiantly when growing up. They can be insolent to the teacher and respond rudely to the parents. In companies, boys undergo a “boy test”, sometimes quite tough. It is at this age that cruelty towards animals and peers is observed. The guys film it all on video and post it on the Internet, which sometimes becomes a reason to initiate criminal cases.

Teenage aggression is demonstrative in nature and, according to psychologists, is a response to the aggression of adults (all kinds of prohibitions and punishments, restrictions and ultimatums). Teenagers easily get together in companies and groups where they themselves determine the norms of behavior - a kind of “code of honor.”

Alcohol and cigarette consumption

Alcoholism and drug addiction in adolescents are rare.

Basically, a boy who picks up a cigarette, a glass or a syringe is driven by the following motives:

  • feel relaxed next to a girl or in the company of peers;
  • find out the capabilities of your body;
  • experience previously unknown sensations;
  • basic curiosity;
  • bet made.

If alcohol, cigarettes and drugs become the norm in a company, group addiction appears. The guys carefully hide this, often lie to adults and mislead them. The parents' task is to pull the child out of such a group, trying to switch his interests to something else, for example, enrolling him in a sports section.


This video explains how to protect your teenager from the negative influence of social networks.

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