How did it all start?
I had a boyfriend, I dated him for a long time, for a very long time - more than four years, but over the last year of our relationship with him, I realized that I had no feelings for him at all. And I started cheating on him, at first there was one guy, then another one appeared, only not a guy, but a man, and I think I even thought that I fell in love with him, there were frequent meetings, he gave gifts, but he had a wife, I was always I was freaking out about this, what I told him about, he answered me that this is his family and he will never leave it, over time I had to come to terms with it and accept him as he is, everything developed globally! We could no longer live without each other; meetings simply blew our minds away. It was difficult to restrain ourselves in public, because in front of them we were just colleagues. This lasted almost a year. My “common-law husband” suspected me, of course, but I managed to smooth everything over, he felt that I had cooled down, and I didn’t hide it at all. I set a barrier for myself, I knew that he would never be mine and I no longer felt for him what I had before, but for him, on the contrary, he had already completely begun to overwhelm me with calls, meetings, I didn’t need it at all anymore, After all, I had already killed this feeling of attachment in myself and I became cold towards him, he was already ready to leave his wife and go to me! I told him that it was too late and I was not worth these sacrifices. . . Why did I suddenly become so cold? Yes, because another one appeared - HE! We also work together and it turned out that our communication became closer, well, we spent a lot of time together, went on a business trip to another city, had fun, laughed, nothing more. On one of these trips, he took me home, it was already late, about 3 am, my husband was not at home, he wrote an SMS asking to meet, I said that it was too late and it was time to go to bed. But I was actually very happy about his message! The next day we met in the evening, as usual we just talked, laughed, and naturally we kissed! It was great, then we met a few more times and we had sex for the first time! It was unforgettable! He really tried, everything was fine. At work we behaved as if nothing had happened. I left for the session, we didn’t see each other for two weeks, we called each other every day, upon arrival I left my husband and said that this could no longer continue, that I could no longer live in lies and betrayal. I felt sorry for him, because he loved me, and truly! Like no one else! My meetings with HIM continued, but again there was an obstacle - he has a girlfriend with whom HE has been with for more than 5 years! I met her, we began to communicate with her, she constantly told me how they quarrel, make up, etc.. I supported her, but my soul was scratched by the fact that HE was with me and with her, yes and I myself behaved no better towards her. I constantly told HIM that it was very difficult for me to share him with someone else like that, HE said that he didn’t love her, but didn’t leave her. I tried to come to terms with it, but it didn’t work. We met secretly, HE arrived late in the evening and we went out of town, then HE began to come to my home, we spent the evenings with him, watched movies, got mad and just fell asleep, early in the morning HE left me. I was tormented by the fact that his girlfriend didn’t disappear anywhere, she was as she was. New Year. I went home. He wrote, called, and I…. I was at home, I was happy and calm, I was walking and having fun, I didn’t have to make excuses to him, because HE was with her all this time. Upon arrival, I decided that these unnecessary meetings were enough. I told him that our communication with him was ending, it was hard, but I still decided. Two days passed, HE started writing, calling, saying that he couldn’t live without me. I picked up the phone, HE arrived, and again this whirlpool. Again everything is in circles. All the same. Two months have passed. For work, I was transferred to another city, I told him that I was leaving and would not come again. HE was shocked and said that he would come to me. I have left. We called each other. His girlfriend wrote to me that their relationship had completely come to naught. I was actually glad. I agreed to transfer him to my city. HE has arrived. A couple of days later, his girlfriend began to write to me about how I could live with him like this? It turns out HE didn’t tell her anything until the last minute! And when I arrived too! We started living together. Seems to be OK. But for myself, I don’t understand whether I need HIM or not. I know that now HE communicates with her again, calls her, she sometimes writes to me about this. I make scandals for him about this. In fact, I think that I feel him, or my intuition, which is so strong, tells me that HE is not sincere to me. That’s why I myself treat him with caution, because I don’t want to hurt myself anymore. Everyone around me insists that HE is not my match, and I myself understand this. But for some reason I continue to be with him and endure and forgive. . . I guess I'm afraid to be alone in a strange city. I just sat and thought, if I were at home, I wouldn’t even worry about this for a minute, and I probably would never deal with such hemorrhoids. And here. . . This is how it works. They tell me - turn around, maybe your happiness is walking somewhere nearby, and I.... I don't want to look around. I can't understand myself