The main reasons for male refusal of intimacy. Why doesn't a husband want a wife? If the husband doesn't want

One of the common reasons why spouses separate is sexual dissatisfaction. What to do if a man has become indifferent to sex, and how to return his former passion?

Constant psychological pressure and family squabbles over every trifle push people away from each other. Source: Flickr (Kelli_Seeger_Kim)

The husband does not want his wife: the importance of solving this problem

As a rule, a woman does not lose interest in sex with age, but men after 35 years do not strive for daily love pleasures. After several years of married life, sexual interest may be lost for various reasons. Women begin to think that their husband has a mistress. Such a development of events is not excluded, but it is far from being in the first place. It is important not to ignore the problem, because the lack of sexual relations negatively affects marriage bonds: hidden grievances, omissions, tension between partners and mistrust appear. In this situation, a woman needs to show wisdom and patience, not fall into a depressed state and not nag her husband with or without reason. What are the main reasons psychologists identify why a man doesn’t want a woman?

Why a husband doesn't want a wife: reasons

Representatives of the fair sex mistakenly believe that a man does not want a woman for one or two reasons. In fact, there can be a huge number of reasons. It is necessary to consider not only psychological, but also physiological barriers.

If your husband has suddenly lost interest in intimacy, then you should pay attention to his health. Physiological problems associated with decreased sexual desire:

  1. Hormonal imbalance - a decrease in testosterone production is directly related to a decrease in sexual activity.
  2. Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland that requires drug treatment.
  3. Chronic fatigue - if a man works very hard and practically does not rest, then it is quite natural that in a home environment he just wants to relax, and not indulge in lovemaking.
  4. Diabetes mellitus or problems with the cardiovascular system.
  5. Age-related changes.

As for psychological aspects, the following factors should be taken into account:

  • Stress at work

Negative emotions gradually accumulate, and tension increases. A negative emotional background will definitely affect family life.

  • Domestic quarrels and troubles

Constant psychological pressure and family squabbles over every trifle push people away from each other. A man does not want to make love to a woman who is constantly dissatisfied with something. Psychologists say that in most cases, women themselves are to blame for the fact that men do not want them.

  • Differences in biorhythms and temperament

It is quite natural that a husband may be tired at work, so evening or night sex does not bring him pleasure, and in the morning the wife is not ready for lovemaking. Ladies cannot ignore the fact that men have different temperaments too. For some, the norm is 5-6 sexual intercourse per month, while others happily enjoy the love process every day or every other day.

  • Monotony in bed

When the passions of love subside and are replaced by routine and scheduled sex, the unbridled attraction instantly disappears. A man gets bored, so he looks for a new source of thrill. Some representatives of the stronger sex throw themselves into work, others are actively involved in sports or find a hobby, and still others are a new object for sexual pleasure.

  • Getting used to your partner

At the beginning of family life, women try to take care of themselves in order to please their beloved husband. Unfortunately, after the birth of a child or simply after a certain time, they stop taking care of their body and face, putting on terry robes and trampled slippers. The husband, on a subconscious level, does not perceive such a woman as a sexual partner.

  • The birth of a child

It happens that a husband does not want his wife after childbirth. What are the reasons to behave this way?

Spouses are not always supportive when it comes to sex with their husbands, especially after the birth of a child. For some period of time, the mother literally does not leave her baby, without noticing the man. In the depths of his soul, resentment arises; he feels superfluous at this celebration of life, afraid of disturbing the family idyll called “mother and child.” Therefore, some of them are afraid to even hint to their spouse about sex when there is a baby in the house. Other representatives of the stronger half of humanity stop seeing a woman in the mother of a child. First of all, this is due to external changes: weight gain, stretch marks on the body, tired appearance. The woman becomes completely different from the girl he once passionately loved.

  • Long-term abstinence

Naturally, after repeated refusals, no self-respecting man will want to ask for it, risking once again being rejected.

Note! A woman’s tactless behavior, inappropriate jokes about her partner’s sexuality, or refusals of intimacy give rise to self-doubt and internal resentment in the other half. This behavior hits a man’s pride very hard.

No one knows your other half better than you, so listen to yourself, change your behavior and approach to sex. Source: Flickr (Bo_Abeille)

Psychologically, it is very difficult for a woman to understand the fact that her husband does not want to have sexual relations with her. Therefore, we have selected several effective recommendations that will help restore the relationship to its former passion or not take this state of affairs too seriously.

So, what to do if your husband doesn't want you?

  • Do not torment yourself with suspicions that your husband is cheating on you. Try to remember at what point your intimate relationship became tense. He may simply be very tired at work, trying to feed his family. If you know for sure that your spouse is cheating on you, then only you can decide the future of the marriage.
  • Try to diversify your sex life. It will be great if you buy beautiful lingerie, learn an erotic dance or several new sexual positions. Your spouse will be very pleased if you invite him to have sex in a non-standard setting: invite him to a restaurant, having booked a hotel room in advance.
  • Take care of yourself. A spoiled figure can be easily corrected if you start eating right and exercising. Don't skimp on things, wear sexy lingerie, wear tight lounge suits rather than shapeless robes. Clean, neatly styled hair, gentle or flashy manicure, natural makeup - little tricks that will help you seduce a man. Even the most attractive appearance becomes boring over time, so change your image, experiment with hair and makeup.
  • Enrich your inner world. The ability to carry on a conversation and extraordinary thinking always attracts more than external gloss.
  • Involve your husband in raising children. Wives believe that their husbands are not capable of caring for a child, so they shoulder all the household chores on their own. Remember, many men don't help because they aren't asked to. You will have time for yourself if you allow your husband to take care of family life.
  • Get more rest together. Being busy at work exhausts not only you, but also the man. Try going on vacation together. Warm sand and gentle sun have a beneficial effect on libido.

Important! There is no universal way to renew sexual relations between husband and wife, but a lot depends on the woman. No one knows your other half better than you, so listen to yourself, change your behavior and approach to sex. You will be pleasantly surprised when your feelings begin to flare up with renewed vigor.

Life stories

A few real-life stories will help you look at your problem from a different perspective.

Angelica, 28 years old

“I asked myself one question for a long time: “Why doesn’t my husband want me after the birth of a child?” I talked to him about this, but did not receive a response. The psychologist advised me not to focus on sex and just take care of my appearance, since I had gained about 20 kg during pregnancy. I was pleasantly surprised that after losing weight, my husband began to show signs of attention again. It turned out that he just didn't like my legs and big belly. Later he admitted that he could not say this because he was ashamed. I’m very glad that everything is fine with us now.”

Victor, 42 years old

“I don’t want to sleep with my wife, because she constantly pesters me with imaginary financial difficulties. I earn enough: every year we go on vacation, the child receives a good education, we do not infringe on ourselves in almost anything, but she is unhappy all the time. Eternal grumbling and bad mood discourages me from having sex with her. I even thought about having an affair on the side, but my conscience does not allow it. I don’t recognize my loving wife!”

Irina, 32 years old

“My husband and I have been married for 4 years. During this time, we did not have any serious quarrels, but recently I began to notice that he was abstracting himself from sex with me. I wondered why my husband doesn’t want me? I always take care of myself, my figure is fine, and there are no problems with money. It turned out that he just got bored. How did I understand this? She arranged for him several romantic evenings with fiery dancing, went on an extreme hike with him, changed her hairstyle and became a little more persistent in bed. Now everything is just great with us.”

Victoria, 45 years old

“I never thought that my husband would not be interested in lovemaking. When I was young, he didn’t give me peace, but now he doesn’t even look at me for months. If the husband does not want his wife, then this does not bode well. I carefully talked to him about this topic, and he admitted that he himself did not know the true reason. We decided to go to the doctor together. It turned out that he has prostatitis, so he needs to be treated, and not seduced with sexy lingerie. I'm very glad that everything has become clear. Now we are undergoing therapy.”

Maxim, 30 years old

“My wife recently gave birth to a child. We have been waiting for this joyful event for a very long time, but now she devotes all her time only to the baby. She doesn't take any hints of sex, so I stopped even mentioning it. I’m very glad that now we have a full-fledged family, but you need to at least occasionally pay attention to your husband, otherwise it could lead to betrayal.”

Don't be indifferent to your significant other and don't forget that feelings need constant nourishment! Family is the greatest treasure that you need to know how to protect.

Video on the topic

Hi all!

If it seems to you that your man has lost interest in you, and you are wondering why the husband does not want his wife, and what are the reasons for his strange behavior, I will tell you about the opinions of men on this matter. Your friends, of course, will give you their opinion later. And I will speak on behalf of men, because how can we not know why we do not want intimacy with our own wife.

The most common reason why a husband does not want intimacy with his wife is a health problem. Doctors diagnose every third man after 35 with prostatitis. Yes, we don’t like to talk about our troubles, especially such intimate ones. Sometimes even with loved ones.

Many men are afraid of clinics and doctors like fire, so the very thought of going to a urologist seems terrible. No, we will endure until the last moment, until it becomes completely unbearable.

This, by the way, also applies to men who work 24 hours a day. Well, there's just no time to visit a doctor. It’s better to take a pill, and the pain and discomfort will go away for a while. Of course, if he “presses” to the fullest, the man will be forced to turn to doctors for help. And then it will become clear why he does not have an intimate life.

Another simple explanation for his reluctance to share a bed with you is a sexually transmitted disease. He itches and itches there, but he is wildly afraid to confess to you. Perhaps even in the glove compartment of his car there is a piece of paper with test results or a certificate from a venereologist.

But don’t rush to execute him, because such diseases are not only transmitted through sexual contact (although in most cases this is what happens). In this case, most likely, your husband will tell you stories about how he has a headache, is tired, or is not in the mood to perform marital duties.

It can be issued by:

  • Guilty look;
  • Shifty eyes;
  • Suspicious pills that have appeared in your home medicine cabinet.

By the way, a mistress is the third reason for a husband’s cooling towards his wife. Perhaps every third woman talks about her man’s fidelity and is wrong. Even:

  • he praises your borscht,
  • attentive to children
  • comes home from work on time.

This doesn't mean he doesn't have anyone. Perhaps he likes another woman. It is not necessary that he had anything with her. But, mentally, turning to the wall in the marital bed, he thinks only about her. And the wife lying next to him is not so interesting.

The most harmless reasons for his reluctance would be:

  • fatigue,
  • lack of free time.

If he works two jobs and comes home at three in the morning, then you are unlikely to expect violent intimacy from him. Sexy lingerie will not save you in such moments. He wants borscht, a soak in the bath and a good night's sleep.

The psychology of relationships is the most exciting topic for women. Almost every married woman wants to find out why her husband doesn’t want his wife. Of course, bad thoughts immediately pop into your head. And if cockroaches also live in your head, then they start a real riot.

What am I talking about? Perhaps, in your case, banal stress is to blame.

We men are designed in such a way that any failure affects our libido. This is especially true for financial problems. A man by nature is a breadwinner. He must worry about the future of the family, so when failures occur at work, marital responsibilities fade into the background. First he must solve the problem.

I'm not talking about those men who can't be torn away from the sofa or game console. When asked why they don’t work, such specimens sigh and mutter something about the financial crisis in the country. He and his wife have clearly switched roles, and the status of a housewife suits them quite well. Their libido will be fine, even if they announce that a meteorite is flying to Earth.

After the first few years of marriage, the passion gradually subsides. At the same time, the first child is usually born in the family, and instead of the status of “lovers,” the man and woman acquire the status of “parents.” Why is this happening:

  • During a wife's pregnancy, the husband sometimes does not want his wife, for fear of somehow harming the baby in the womb.
  • After the birth of a child, a lot of responsibilities fall on the shoulders of the spouses. All attention is focused on the child. Again, this is stress, so intimacy in life becomes less and less.

Gradually, the husband forgets how to use his unit. Kidding. He just endures, hopes and waits for his wife to pay attention to him. If this is your case, break away from the child, let the grandmothers babysit him, and try to spend more time together.

And finally, I’ll tell you about the most common reason for the lack of sex in family life - mutual disrespect between spouses.

If you’re tired of complaining to all your neighbors about what a jerk Vaska is, lying on the couch all day and not helping you with the children, then don’t expect Vasily to turn into a passionate lover every evening. Why are you telling your friends this? The more people know about your problems with your spouse, the more humiliated he feels.

When one of the spouses loses their feelings, this is extremely stressful. Any changes in a relationship for the worse are especially painful for a woman, since she vitally needs to be loved and desired. It is very difficult to admit the fact that a man has fallen out of love, so many wives continue to deceive themselves and play at being an ideal family. This position is very dangerous, as it implies inaction. It is much wiser to admit the problem and try to understand what to do if the husband does not love his wife. What signs may indicate this?

Direct “evidence” or hidden hints?

As a rule, a wife does not need to have direct evidence that she is no longer loved. This manifests itself even in small things; you just need to stop “hiding your head in the sand” and analyze your husband’s behavior. Psychologists advise paying attention to a whole range of factors that explain how a husband behaves if he does not love his wife.

The main signs of dislike

Is it necessary to save the family?

If a husband doesn't love his wife, what should she do? This is the first question that a woman must answer for herself. To make it easier to make a decision, you need to evaluate all the pros and cons of your man and understand whether you need to fight for him. Divorce is never easy, but living with a husband who has no feelings left is also difficult. Not every woman is ready to live in the hope that her husband will love her again.

Ways out of the situation

Psychologists assure that, finding herself in this situation, a woman can choose one of two options:

  • Break up if you are not sure that your feelings will return, and do not torture yourself or your husband.
  • Try to bring back lost love.

Can a husband fall in love again?

Life is unpredictable, so this outcome is quite likely. But for this a woman must make some effort. First of all, you need to remember how the relationship began and what initially attracted the man. Having analyzed the relationship, the wife must also realize her mistakes, because there probably were some. It is useless to shift the blame only to the husband; this position is doomed to failure.

There are always signs that a husband does not love his wife. What signs may indicate this - you need to figure it out. A woman knows her husband better than anyone, so it will not be difficult for her to identify the factors that provoke irritation. You should start working on your relationship by eliminating the reasons that cause your husband’s dissatisfaction.

Sometimes in such cases, a joint trip or a weekend spent together will be indispensable. The opportunity to retire and talk calmly is an important step towards mutual understanding.

A difficult situation always arises if the husband does not love his wife. What to do is up to the woman to decide. When she wants to return her husband's love, she should not impose herself and become his shadow - this will push him away and cause a new wave of irritation. You cannot show your loneliness and melancholy. A confident and happy woman is much more attractive. For a husband to look at his wife with different eyes, she must believe in her attractiveness and exclusivity. It is unlikely that a husband will want to idolize a woman who does not believe in herself.

Honor and Praise

Any man loves to be admired. This is an integral feature of their nature, and many wise women take advantage of it. When a wife praises her husband and emphasizes his strengths, he feels confident next to her, and will constantly return for a new portion of admiration.

Probably every woman thinks from time to time: if the husband does not love his wife, what signs should be present. Joint conversations on topics that are interesting to both will help to renew old feelings. A woman can surprise her husband with her knowledge in various fields and show that she is smart and educated.

If you decide to leave...

Family life is not an easy matter, so it often ends in divorce. When people have different values ​​and perceptions of the world, it is not easy for them to find a common language and maintain love. At the beginning of a relationship, very little attention is paid to this fact; it seems that all difficulties are surmountable. But when feelings cool down, optimism quickly disappears, and a situation often arises when the husband does not love his wife. Any wife knows what signs will help determine this.

If a woman realizes that she is not ready to live with a man who does not love her, she decides to leave him. In such cases, resentment and misunderstanding do not allow you to objectively assess the situation, but it is worth making an effort and parting correctly. There is no need to blame your husband for lack of love; it is better to try to accept reality and let him go. Perhaps then the relationship will move to a new level, and everyone will be able to live their own lives.

What do the experts say?

If a husband does not love his wife, the psychologist’s advice boils down to one thing - to analyze the relationship and future prospects. It is important to understand that all couples feel cooling at some point in time. As the cold drags on, the woman begins to realize that perhaps her husband has stopped loving her. It seems that he lives his own life in which she has no place.

Each family may have its own reasons why it seems that the husband does not love his wife. The signs need to be considered only as a whole. Psychologists believe that most often feelings cool down due to the fact that there was not enough emotional intimacy between spouses. Misunderstanding leads to the fact that the couple cannot find a compromise and come to an agreement. Problems grow, irritation accumulates, and quarrels do not die down.

What to do?

When a woman realizes that her husband has lost interest in her, she thinks about how to return his feelings. But first of all, it’s worth figuring out: is it necessary to do this? Often, attempts to get a man to talk end in failure, since he is unlikely to discuss his feelings.

To avoid another scandal, a woman must express her thoughts calmly and judiciously, without stooping to insults. How does a husband behave if he doesn’t love his wife? By his behavior, intonation and words, you can understand whether there is a chance to restore the family or whether you need to come to terms with reality.

When a relationship feels like a one-way game, the wife needs to think about herself and remember that she also has the right to be happy. There is no need to continue meaningless conversations and try with all your might to keep your husband. Such actions will not lead to the creation of a strong family, but will bring new disappointments and collapse of hope.

A woman must realize that if she clings to your back, she will never feel needed and desired. Sometimes loneliness is much more pleasant than constant torment and suffering, so you shouldn’t be afraid of it. In addition, it is time to find peace of mind and harmony, which will be useful for building new relationships. It is important to realize that your own happiness does not depend on the actions of other people, it is achieved as a result of painstaking internal work on yourself.

For help - go to church

If the husband does not love his wife, the questions the woman asks the priest will help her learn to believe in the best. You need to appreciate life, notice elementary joys and know that God sends only those tests that a person can withstand.

An article on the topic: “the main reasons for a man’s refusal of intimacy. Why a husband doesn’t want a wife” from professionals.

It often happens that a woman denies intimacy to her husband, but as soon as the opposite happens, the girl’s self-esteem begins to fall. In such a situation, it would be correct to analyze the main factors why the husband does not want intimacy with his wife, the reasons for this behavior. Very often you can solve an unpleasant situation. It is enough to know what to do and how to behave correctly with your husband.

Reasons for refusal of intimacy

Below are several reasons why a husband may refuse a woman intimate relationships.

  1. Drinking alcoholic beverages. Many may rule this out, but in fact this is a serious problem.
  2. Frequent criticism of a man for one or another of his actions.
  3. Possible unwanted changes on a woman’s body can repel a man.
  4. Problem with emotional intimacy, that is, the woman does not support her husband enough in life situations.
  5. The emergence of new interests in a man’s life that his wife will not share. Personal compatibility is lost.
  6. The appearance of a new girl for a man. This can be both in real space and in currently popular social networks.
  7. Monotony in sexual life can bore your beloved husband.
  8. Presence of depression. Any type of stress, financial problems at home and at work.
  9. Fear of aging. Midlife crisis in a man.
  10. The appearance of excess weight and fatigue.
  11. Doubt about individual abilities due to failure the previous time, after which not enough encouraging words were heard from the spouse.
  12. Fatigue at the end of the working day.
  13. Feelings of pain during sexual intercourse (you should definitely see a doctor).
  14. Perhaps the version is that often the wife herself refused for one reason or another and thus pushed him away.
  15. There is no variety in relationships.

And the most undesirable version that can be is that he simply has someone else and wants to end his relationship with his wife.

What psychological problems could there be? Most often this happens due to the disproportionate rhythm of life. But there are a number of other reasons such as.
  • Monotony in bed.
  • Frequent quarrels.
  • The influence of others and this leads to stress.
  • Possible incompatibility in temperaments.
  • Lack of sexual activity for a long time.

A man’s desires may disappear if this is just a marital duty for him. To avoid this, you need to frequently diversify your sex life. The wife needs to take a closer look at what time her husband prefers to make love. Perhaps he does not want daily sexual contact or vice versa. If the problems are related to work, then it is better to give in to him and refrain from the right moment when the situation improves.

What to do if a man doesn't want a relationship

Often men, even knowing about the emergence of health problems, do not go to the doctor on their own. Therefore, the wife should force him to do this so that the problem does not deepen. Very often, according to doctors, health problems directly affect sex life. These diseases are quite dangerous for sexual life.

  • Problems with the heart and blood vessels.
  • Hormonal changes associated with age.
  • Kidney diseases.
  • Prostate diseases.
  • The presence of diabetes mellitus in the body.

Sexual activity in men approximately declines at age 30 due to a decrease in testosterone hormones. While in a girl it begins to increase. And this may also be another reason for the reluctance to have sexual contact with his wife.

To avoid such a situation, you just need to start controlling your diet and do it the right way. You need to include activity in your life: dancing, gym or just walking in the fresh air. As for other diseases, you should definitely undergo examination by a doctor.

To begin with, a woman needs to approach the matter with hints; if a man begins to react, then she should continue with light flirting. The main thing is to choose the right time for this, convenient for him.

If the situation of a woman’s reluctance depends on work fatigue, then the best option is to convince her man to go on vacation for at least a few days. Thus, he will rest and personal relationships will improve.

If a lot of time spent online is a hindrance, then you need to agree with your husband, for example, to devote a certain time to the Internet or games, for personal space.

It is especially difficult for wives on whom a man cheats. Therefore, you should find out what to do in this situation. Tips for dealing with your husband’s betrayal will help you improve your intrapersonal relationships.

The reunification process should not be delayed. It is important to find out in a timely manner why the husband does not want intimacy with his wife and the reasons for this behavior. In the early stages, the problem can be solved. You should not wait until your husband begins to seek solace in flirting with other girls, games, alcohol or virtual communication.

Many girls think that men are always turned on and all they have to do is give a hint and they will begin their actions. But this is a deep misconception that many girls and women believe. The problem that a woman may have, a man may also have. It is considered a myth that a man is ready to give in to passion whenever and wherever. On the contrary, he often needs an appropriate environment in his relationship.

What does a woman think when her husband refuses her? She begins to look for all the problems in herself. He starts doing unusual things, for example, going to the gym to lose weight, changing his style - from clothes and shoes to underwear.

But even if the problem is not solved, the first thing that may come to a woman’s mind is that her husband has a problem with potency. Advice: in such cases, you need to refrain from quarreling with your husband or look for some reasons in yourself.

This period may depend on the attitude towards each other. And this situation cannot be considered a problem of only one person, it can arise due to the general situation among themselves.

Try these men's drops to bring the passion back into your relationship. >>

In every family there may be such a thing that both husband and wife do not want sex. And there are a huge number of reasons for this behavior.

It is necessary to immediately find out the reason, and not explain the lack of sex by saying that love has passed. A quick and correct response will be required in order to save the marriage.

Lack of intimacy is the result of stress

The modern rhythm of a big city puts a person in a state of tension. The accelerated pace of modern life, troubles in the workplace, conflict situations - all this negatively affects well-being. Stress leaves a huge mark on the potency of the stronger sex.

It is clear that in such a state nothing will work. Not every person is able to instantly disconnect from problems. Or maybe you just don’t have enough strength for intimacy.

Perhaps your man devotes all his strength to work, and, no matter how sad it is, you simply don’t have any left for you. Some men are so passionate about their work that they enjoy it more than sex with their beloved wife.

Various diseases

In most cases, the sources of problems associated with the lack of intimate life in the family are diseases.

Diseases that reduce erection and negatively affect male potency have long been known. Let's list them again: depressive situations, heart disease, hormonal imbalance, impotence.

Depressive situations

The human brain is a strong erogenous zone. It is with this that sexual arousal begins, which then spreads to other organs. Depression leads to weakening of men's health.

Unfortunately, most anti-depression pills have a negative effect on potency. Depression is a disease in which changes occur in the human brain. No one is immune from this disease.

60% of people with depression have problems of an intimate nature, and the rest have complete dissatisfaction with the process.

Depression is not so easy to define because it has many similarities with other diseases. People make the situation worse by not being able to admit to themselves that they have a problem and consult a psychiatrist or neurologist in a timely manner.

This is not such a complex disease as to give up on yourself. The main thing is to have support from family and friends, then all problems can be solved.

Heart related diseases

Malfunctions of the heart are another reason for the lack of normal sex life. The thing is that no blood flows into the male genital organ, therefore, there is no arousal itself.

Hormonal imbalance

Over the years, every body ages, and men are no exception.

This is also associated with a decrease in attraction to the spouse.


Impotence is a violation of erectile function when the sexual organ is not able to function fully. Previously, scientists believed that impotence could only occur in older men. But today even very young people face this problem.

Your partner's Internet addiction

Internet addiction is when a person uses the Internet almost all of his free time, and he needs nothing else to be happy.

Many are attached to social friends, games, events. People who are addicted to the Internet may lie about the amount of time they spend online, and this is where discord in relationships begins. An Internet-addicted man lives in his own virtual world, and he simply has no time left for his wife.

The reason is the partner

For the stronger sex, sex is not only physiological needs. They need romance, affection and tenderness just as much as girls. In the event that your partner refuses to have sex with you, you should think about whether everything is okay in your relationship.

If you try to awaken your former passion with the help of scandals, then most often this only worsens the situation. Perhaps you no longer take as much care of yourself as you did when you were dating? Look in the mirror, what if you are constantly wearing curlers and an ugly robe?

If you stop taking care of yourself, then it’s hard to expect a different reaction from a man; unfortunately, you just stopped exciting him. Do not forget that first of all you are a Woman, and only then a cook, a cleaner, a laundress, and so on down the list.

Another woman appeared

Coldness in relationships, constant conflicts, lack of sex - these are signs that your man may have someone on his side.

They also have mistresses for a reason, which means that not everything is in order in the family, the man does not get what he needs. Perhaps not everything is satisfactory in bed and the old sensations are missing.

If you have been having problems in your intimate life for a long time and your husband has a mistress, you will have to save the marriage. For many men, a mistress is not a reason to destroy a family (unless serious feelings have arisen for the homewrecker). And such relationships do not burden him.

What to do if your husband “doesn’t want to”?

We start by realizing that the problem exists and it needs to be solved. The first thing to do is talk to your husband about it. You need to calmly find out the reason why your husband has lost interest in you.

Perhaps it's all about illness; your husband needs your help and support. Contact your doctor and follow his instructions flawlessly.

If the reason for the lack of sex is stress at work, you may be able to take a vacation and relax together.

Hello to all representatives of the fair half of humanity! Sasha Bogdanova is with you, as always, and today we have a difficult conversation ahead of us.

According to several readers of online women's magazines, their self-esteem is slowly dying, and they cannot find a way out. The husband does not want intimacy with his wife and she feels more like a neighbor than a beloved woman.

Why does this happen and how can I get my husband’s desire back?

I know that this problem is common, but not everyone can admit it to themselves. But no matter how painful it is, we must face the truth, find the reasons and fix the problem. Let's gather our strength and get started.

What's wrong with me, doctor?

The opinion that every man wants intimacy all the time is not entirely true. This statement applies to males who are “free swimming” and at the peak of sexual activity.

After 30-40, testosterone production decreases - everyday, family and work problems are layered on top of each other, and in the end we have what we have.

The husband’s lack of desire has two reasons:

  • physiological
  • or psychological

The wife must completely exclude the possibility of diseases that inhibit sexual function. Otherwise, only a qualified doctor will help here. We are looking at the psychological side of the issue and looking for solutions.

Who said it would be easy?

Imagine that you are your husband. You have been looking for your soul mate for so long, you found and fell in love at first sight with this slender nymph. The highest happiness was to protect your woman and at the same time feel like a real man.

Then you created a family with her to give birth to your wonderful children, and... the fairy tale began to end.

Yes, this is what happens in most families. Everyday life, routine, problems - all this eats away the romance and novelty of sensations, the desire to conquer your other half again and again.

How should it be? Infatuation is replaced by true love and respect. Novelty gives way to stability.

Family and home should be a place where you are welcome, loved, and where you want to return as soon as possible. A wife is a beloved, dear, true friend and support. It is in this situation that a man feels happy.

Girl of my dreams

It often happens that a wife goes too far in trying to create an ideal family model. Then the husband becomes simply a means and an instrument to achieve her goals.

“Hang up the shelf, it’s already been in the corner for six months!”, “Finally vacuum the apartment,” “Choose how we’ll spend the day off: at my mom’s or go shopping.”

These phrases, coupled with a dressing gown and curlers, said in the tone of a colonel, are the most effective testosterone killers.

Many reasons for separation from each other occur during the wife’s pregnancy and after childbirth.

When a woman is pregnant, she experiences an incredible number of changes in her head and body. There is fear for yourself and the baby, hormonal storms, stress, rejection of your new plump body, physical discomfort, and so on.

The man thinks that his wife’s belly is simply growing. On my own. That's all. He will never understand her feelings. Therefore, the most important thing is to talk to your man.

Baby I don't care about you

You can cite a huge number of everyday situations that are slowly crowding out intimacy from family life. But physical intimacy is impossible without emotional and spiritual intimacy.

Let's take a more global look and highlight the most common reasons and outline tips on how to get back what was lost.

  • Monotony and boredom

Monotony in life will make anyone sad. The same haircut for years, the same conversations, the same routine every day. Anyone can get tired of it, don't you agree?

You need to bring something new to life, show yourself from an unexpected side! Go to bed in seductive lingerie, have a dinner with seafood and wine, invite your husband on a date, seduce him!

  • Self-Humiliation

In what way do you talk about yourself? The global mistake of many women is an ostentatious manifestation of self-dislike. “I’m fat,” “You don’t like me,” “You don’t love me,” “Are you cheating on me/will cheat on me someday.”

Stop it! So you can persuade him... There is no need to run into compliments and expect that your husband will rush to convince you. Until some point this will be the case. But not forever.

  • Loss of interest in wife as a person

Analyze your relationship with your spouse. What are you talking to him about? How do you communicate with him? What SMS do you write to him? "Cottage cheese eggs powder salt pads" or something like that?

If there are only routine obligations between you, then this will not lead to anything good.

Look at your husband as if he were a stranger, remember what attracted you to him at the beginning of the relationship. Fall in love with him, and the sly sparkle of your eyes will not leave him indifferent!

  • wife-saw

No comments. One question: do you really want to be the main character of jokes? And forget forever your favorite saying “Well, I told you so!” What are you trying to say? What kind of husband is you, incompetent, narrow-minded and stupid?

You chose it yourself, which means you don’t respect either your choice or yourself. It is logical that he does not want intimacy, since he does not feel like a man.

  • Wife-mother

Excessive guardianship does not allow a man to feel like a male. There will be no attraction to a woman who is like a mother to him. It's against nature. You need to be weak yourself and show it.

  • Problems at work, in the family

Constant stress depresses the nervous system and has a detrimental effect on male libido. Daily conflicts in the family and showdowns exhaust and exhaust the husband; it is not surprising that he has stopped striving for intimacy with his wife.

Basics of basics

The simple truth that the weather in the house depends on the woman is relevant at all times. If you ask yourself the question “why doesn’t my husband want me lately?” and are looking for an answer, then you are a smart woman.

Men are the same people, with their own weaknesses and complexes. Talk to him, listen to him and listen. A man must be treated with sincere respect, then the woman will be a queen with him.

No man will miss such a Woman! Love and never offend yourself, then the phrase from the beginning of the article will change to “my husband said that he doesn’t want to lose me.”

And if it so happens that your husband has completely run away from you, then I recommend reading an article on how to get your ex back.

That's all for today, friends, but I'm not saying goodbye!

I am very glad that the most interesting people have gathered here and are subscribers to my blog) I hope there will be more and more of us! Thank you for your thoughts!

Always with you, Sasha Bogdanova

Oh yeah! You are thinking correctly - it is almost certainly another woman. True, if you think about it taking into account the existing circumstances and hidden facts, then there may be another reason. For example, health problems prevent you from taking care of your personal life, and this worsens the relationship with your wife, who does not even realize that the problem is not with her or a third party. All that remains is to find out what specific reason your husband has and decide whether it is valid or not.

Little things in life you didn't know about

You just have to read popular glossy magazines for women to find the answer to your question. This press often publishes many interesting articles on the topic of betrayal, cooling off in relationships, and almost all of them are true, although they often seem stupid or banal. For example, my wife hasn’t bought new clothes for a long time, hasn’t had her hair done or had her nails done.

What's wrong with this? After all, everyone knows that men are far from this and do not begin to love the quantity and quality of “clothes” right here and now. It is only the fair sex who cannot live without a new beautiful dress or jewelry.

But that's not true. Novelty is exactly what the stagnant male ego, which is accustomed to seeking polygamy on a subconscious genetic level, lacks. Simply put, your husband wants something new and a new woman too! And if he has one and it’s always the same, then I’m sorry, dear, but this is not exactly what I want now at 25 (35, 45) years old.

What else could be the reason for weaning from bed?:

Body odor(some people simply can’t bring themselves to sleep with a sweaty woman, or, for example, if she hasn’t brushed her teeth and just recently cuddled with a dog).

Argument. It is only in Hollywood melodrama that the hero glows with passion if he quarrels with the subject of his dreams. Yeah, of course, we were daydreaming. A modern man, if his wife is wrong, will not even think about it.

Not in the mood. Does anyone else still think that love and passion can relieve stress, depression and other similar psychological conditions? Once, perhaps, but this is not a panacea.

Hearty dinner. If this is not an aphrodisiac menu, then why not? Try feeding your spouse less and see the difference – it’s easy to see if this judgment is right.

Children. In different interpretations: there are already children, and the husband is afraid of being caught, there are no children yet - he doesn’t want them, the problem of conceiving children - they want them, but it doesn’t work out.

mother-in-law. Where would we be without her? If a wife begins to become a copy of her mother, then this is no good. What kind of excitement can we talk about here, of course, only on the condition that your mother-in-law is not Miss Perfection and a beauty pageant finalist?

And now the most important thing is the other side. Rival. You can distinguish this reason from all the others without resorting to a fortune teller. Listen to your intuition, force yourself to hug your husband more often and look into his eyes. Yes, yes, this is exactly what will reveal his secret. The guilty person will always hide his eyes from you so that you do not notice indifference in his gaze. And when the return hugs are too weak or there are none at all (go away, honey, I’m busy right now), then you can safely make a claim. A loving husband will immediately tell you what’s wrong, but an unfaithful husband will try to come up with excuses, and maybe even blame you.

Greetings to all readers. Today we are discussing a man’s desire, or rather not a desire, but a man’s lack of desire to have sex. I’ll say right away that we won’t be able to talk in detail about all the reasons at once, we’ll do it gradually, but everything is within the framework of this note. A lot of time has passed since we published a note on the site, we looked at various reasons why this condition occurs and what can be done in this case. And now the time has come for men. In this article we will look at various reasons and situations when a man refuses sex. When we say man, we mean men of all ages, and since not only husbands refuse sex with their wives, this article will answer many similar questions.

As happens at our gatherings, very vital questions are often raised, and often the kind of questions where you want to know, but are afraid to ask. Men often want to appear cool and fearless, and when the issue arises related to sexual health, most go on the defensive and become super spies, diligently preserving the greatest of their own “secrets.”

Why a man doesn't want to have sex

I think there is no need to dive deeply into the background of our conversation, but I will voice the questions raised during the conversation. It all started with a series of questions:

Why might a husband not want sex? Lately he says no more often than yes?
... maybe he has someone and he will be satisfied on the side?
... maybe I’ve become somehow different and don’t arouse desire in him?
... why does he refuse to talk to me about sex?
...doesn’t he understand that the lack of sex also affects my condition?

Today we will outline several reasons why men refuse sex. Let's say right away that this is not a complete list, but the reasons listed are often the basis of why a man does not want sex. And yet, most likely we will not be able to write about everything at once; we will add answers to questions as they are ready.

... no desire to have sex

And so... your husband, beloved man, or just your boyfriend declares that he has lost the desire to have sex. It is noteworthy, but the first thing that most often comes to the minds of women and girls is an affair on the side, he has someone else. We will not deny this possibility, but... as practice shows, more often there will be other reasons.

Armed with research results, we can be confident that if a woman has no problems with sexual desire, then at this moment the lack of desire to have sex in men is observed in 62 percent of cases. It sounds scary and this is Depils’s exclusively personal point of view. We will perceive this as a fact and will not be afraid, but will move on to the possible reasons themselves. For now, we will briefly list the reasons, and we will publish what can be done in a specific situation a little later.

A man doesn't want sex if he has low testosterone levels

Testosterone– this is the hormone that distinguishes a man from a woman. It is because of this that the stronger half of the sex develops resistance to stress, endurance, strength, muscle mass gain, aggression, lack of tearfulness, secondary sexual characteristics, and sexual activity.

Low levels of the male “hormone of happiness” or, more correctly, sex hormone, experts briefly explain the situation as follows: there is little hormone - a man does not want to have sex, very little hormone - a man cannot have sex. All this is very serious and the problem cannot be dismissed, but it can be brought back to normal. There can be a great many reasons for this condition, including ecology, physiology, and age.

It has already been proven that after 25 years, young people gradually begin to lose interest in sexual fun. This is all due to the fact that the level of testosterone ceases to be released so rapidly and pushes a man to vivid sexual exploits. Now he wants more and more to sit at home and bask in a warm bed, rather than go out to win your heart, which is already beating somewhere nearby.

It is also known that testosterone levels, and with it sexual desire, can sharply decrease if a man is seriously ill, for example, with diabetes. Therefore, if his behavior seems suspicious to you, try to get him to have a frank conversation and do not put off visiting the doctor for a comprehensive examination.

Where is testosterone produced in men? Testosterone is produced by the hormone-producing cells of the male gonads (testes), as well as the adrenal cortex and testicles. However, the command for the formation of testosterone comes from the hypothalamus and pituitary gland - areas of the brain.

Testosterone differs from the female hormone estrogen by only one hydrogen atom. Therefore, testosterone can easily turn into the sex hormone estrogen. This development of events will occur due to excessive alcohol consumption, high excess weight, low physical activity, irregular sex, certain medications, testicular injury, blood pressure.

The amount of testosterone is strongly influenced by food, because some foods lower the male hormone, gradually transforming it into a female one. Such foods include salt, refined sugar, consumption of large quantities of caffeinated drinks, industrial meat, foods with “bad” cholesterol, animal milk, industrial confectionery, and smoked food.

  • The reasons for a sharp decrease in testosterone production may be:
  • chronic diseases (kidney failure, liver cirrhosis, diabetes mellitus and others);
  • genetic abnormalities (for example, Klinefelter syndrome - a chromosomal male disease);
  • inflammatory diseases such as sarcoidosis (Beck's sarcoma, which causes pneumonia);
  • taking medications, especially hormonal and corticosteroid medications;
  • dysfunction of the pituitary gland (brain appendage, pituitary gland, responsible for the production of many important hormones);
  • excess iron in the body (hemochromatosis, bronze diabetes, pigmented cirrhosis of the liver);
  • chronic pain and a regular drug approach to eliminate it;
  • chemotherapy or radiation to treat cancer;
  • injury, infection or loss of testicles;
  • stress, depression;
  • alcoholism;
  • HIV and AIDS.

If we ignore other reasons for a while and consider only the effect of food on the amount of testosterone, then we can be guided by studies that have already been proven many times, namely, the following foods lower testosterone levels:

  • Salt. It has been experimentally proven that salty foods very quickly reduce not only testosterone levels, but also sperm motility. The maximum permissible daily dose is 3 grams of sea salt.
  • Sugar. Stimulates the release of insulin into the blood, which, being an antagonist of testosterone, blocks its activity. It is worth choosing sweets with a low glycemic index. It is preferable to replace sugar with natural sweets - fruits, honey, dried fruits and consume them in small quantities in the first half of the day.
  • Caffeine in large quantities, you should not drink more than 2 cups of coffee per day.
  • Industrially produced meat. It is no secret that meat producers introduce analogues of female hormones into animal feed, this is done to accelerate the maturation of animals and more quickly gain weight. You should not blindly trust the assurances that estrogen-like substances are destroyed during heat treatment; there is no exact answer to this question yet.
  • Foods that increase cholesterol, namely: fatty meats, shrimp, hard yellow cheese, baked goods with margarine, baked goods with wasters.
  • Animal milk. Milk contains hormones that work similarly to estrogen.
  • All industrial baked goods and confectionery products. Reduce the level and activity of testosterone: trans fats, yeast, sugar. These ingredients “acidify” the body, provoke an increase in glucose and cholesterol in the blood, and blood thickening.
  • Smoked meats. Especially those prepared with liquid smoke, and this is a powerful carcinogen, causes toxic damage to testicular tissue. For those who did not know, we inform you that in men, 95% of testosterone in the body is produced in the testicles.
  • Beer. All industrially produced beer contains phytoestrogen, which in turn blocks the activity and production of testosterone. Beer reduces testosterone levels by 20% within 24 hours.

Let's summarize the “hormonal” result. The male sex hormone, testosterone, is affected by: alcohol abuse, excess weight, genital injuries, low physical activity, blood pressure surges, and taking certain medications. We especially note that drinking any alcohol in quantities that can cause a hangover reduces testosterone levels by 20% within 12–24 hours. A decrease in the amount of testosterone in a man’s body leads to a decrease in the need for sex.

Symptoms of low testosterone

Sexual desire, along with sexual arousal in a man, becomes rare or disappears completely.

Testosterone plays a key role in the formation of both male and female libido. As men age, they may experience some decline in sexual desire, and this is normal. However, individuals who have suffered from a decline in testosterone unplanned by nature are faced with the above problem in a more pronounced form: they simply suddenly notice that they have not thought about sex for several days (if not weeks) in a row and are not eager to have it with anyone whatever it was.

A decrease in testosterone levels in men leads to erection problems.

They seem to follow from the previous misfortune. Testosterone by itself will not lift the organ, but it stimulates the brain receptors to produce nitric oxide, a substance that helps the “manhood” perk up. When there is too little sex hormone in the blood, it is difficult for a man to “recharge” on time: either by the “critical moment” he does not succeed at all, or with great difficulty despite the presence of full emotional readiness, or he experiences spontaneous erections at inappropriate times (sometimes during sleep , For example).

A man experiences low sperm quality as a result of decreased testosterone levels.

Testosterone plays a very significant role in the production of seminal fluid, a whitish substance that promotes sperm motility. Here's a simple example: the more testosterone in a man's blood, the more sperm (and quite fast ones) he will please his wife. Maine, with a low T-androgen, may sometimes ejaculate and notice significant exhaustion and, perhaps even a visible slowdown in its “milk rivers”.

Hair loss can occur as a result of decreased testosterone levels.

The love hormone is actively involved in the process of hair formation. Balding is a natural and inevitable part of aging for many men. Low testosterone can manifest itself with quite sudden and unexpected hair loss both on the head and throughout the body.

Low testosterone levels will be reported as increased fatigue, energy depletion, apathy.

Consider measuring your testosterone levels if you constantly feel tired despite getting enough sleep every night. You should also be concerned if you realize that every day it is becoming more and more difficult for you to force yourself not only to go to the gym, but also to do some daily short-term warm-ups.

A reduction in testosterone in the male body leads to loss of muscle mass and bone loss (osteoporosis).

No matter how “alas,” but a reduction in testosterone in the male body leads to a loss of physical strength and muscle volume, if any. At the same time, returning to your former shape through strength training will be almost impossible with low testosterone and quite difficult - after its level returns to normal limits. Moreover, this can be hampered by the unsatisfactory condition of bone tissue, the porosity and degeneration of which is observed not only in women (in them this disease is simply more common), but also in men with a low content of “sex hormone”.

Accumulation of fat tissue - obesity.

If, despite the presence of at least some of the above symptoms, your weight nevertheless increases, then this is most likely due to the buildup of fatty tissue. Please note this: when the level of testosterone in the male body is low, breast enlargement can often be observed due to abnormal accumulation of fat in this area - gynecomastia. It is assumed that this occurs mainly due to hormonal influences on metabolism (and, accordingly, its disruption).

Sudden mood swings, irritability, attention deficit as a result of low testosterone.

Women often suffer from this scourge during menopause, when their estrogen levels drop. Men with low testosterone often face the same fate, since this dictator hormone can impose its loud “fe” on mental performance along with mood. As a result, poor people with a deficiency of the “love hormone” most often also suffer from depression, irritability and / or attention deficit.

Blood quality deteriorates.

Yes Yes. This is expressed in changes (usually not for the better) in cholesterol levels, as well as a decrease in hemoglobin with the subsequent possibility of developing anemia.

If all of the above is written about you or your man, then you should not panic and try to immediately increase your testosterone levels. Do not forget that the reduction in the production of the love hormone with age is planned by nature itself, so it is likely that nothing “supernatural” is happening. In order to make sure how normal the level of testosterone in your blood is, simply do the appropriate tests. You can even visit a specialist to have everything explained to you. This does not mean that if you find low testosterone levels, you should stock up on medications; we will tell you how to increase testosterone levels using natural and folk remedies.

How to increase testosterone levels in a man

Adding zinc to your diet is one way to improve low testosterone levels.

Zinc is very important for the production of testosterone, as it is one of the key components of this hormone. Zinc converts the female hormone estrogen into testosterone and prevents the reverse conversion. Foods high in zinc include oysters and seafood, liver, poultry, eggs, dairy products, nuts and seeds.

Vitamins A, B, E, C affect the production of testosterone in a man’s body.

Vitamins A, B and E play an important role in the production of testosterone; a deficiency of these vitamins leads to a decrease in testosterone levels. Vitamin C, like zinc, prevents the conversion of testosterone to estrogen and reduces cortisol levels, allowing your body to increase testosterone production. If you eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, meat and nuts, then you shouldn't worry about any vitamin supplements.

Healthy fats will help restore testosterone levels.

You can naturally increase your testosterone levels by eating more healthy fats, as your body needs them to produce testosterone. Research has shown that men who eat a diet rich in monounsaturated and omega-3 fats have high testosterone levels. These fats are found in nuts and seeds, avocados, fatty fish such as salmon and tuna, olives, olive oil and peanut oil. Make sure that 20-30% of your total daily calorie intake comes from healthy fats.

Lose excess weight and increase testosterone levels.

Excess weight negatively affects testosterone levels, since adipose tissue contains aromatase, which converts the male hormone testosterone into female estrogen. Therefore, the higher the body fat content, the lower the testosterone level. When trying to lose weight, try not to go on a strict diet or starve yourself, as your body will think you're starving and will stop producing testosterone to wait out the hunger. Aim to lose 0.5-1.5 kilograms of fat per week primarily through exercise and dietary changes to boost your testosterone levels.

Strength training will help increase testosterone production.

You can force your body to increase testosterone production by doing strength exercises that target several large muscle groups. In this case, you need to use heavy weights that will allow you to do about 5 repetitions per set. It is also necessary to limit training time to 45-60 minutes, as overtraining leads to an increase in cortisol and a decrease in testosterone. So if you don't allow yourself to recover between workouts, your testosterone levels may drop.

Sleep at least 6-8 hours to restore male hormone levels.

Increase the length and quality of your sleep to give your body adequate time to recover from your workouts and produce more testosterone, as it is produced during sleep. Your testosterone levels are 30% higher in the morning than in the evening, which is why you may experience an increased sex drive in the morning. Loss of morning erections may be a sign that your testosterone levels are low.

Reduce stressful situations, get rid of nervous tension, stop worrying.

When you are stressed, your body produces the stress hormone cortisol, which suppresses testosterone production. Cortisol also causes you to store belly fat, which, as you already know, increases estrogen and decreases testosterone levels. Therefore, you need to get rid of nervous tension, stop worrying about small things, be more positive and avoid overtraining to increase your testosterone levels.

Don't overheat your testicles.

Your testicles need to be a few degrees cooler than your body temperature to function better and increase testosterone production. If you wear tight-fitting underwear, tight jeans, take long hot baths, hold a laptop on your lap, or do other things that cause your testicles to overheat, you will inhibit testosterone production.

Quitting alcohol and smoking also have a positive effect on testosterone levels.

Alcohol affects the endocrine system, as a result of which the body can stop producing male hormones. Alcohol also reduces zinc levels in the body and makes it more difficult for the liver to break down estrogen. Nicotine and cotinine in cigarettes also inhibit and reduce testosterone production.

Get rid of excess estrogens and xenoestrogens.

To get rid of excess estrogen, which reduces your body's testosterone production, you can eat more raw cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, bok choy, radishes, turnips. These vegetables contain a substance called diindolylmethane, which helps the body get rid of excess female hormones. You can also eat more fiber to naturally cleanse your body and get rid of toxins that cause excess estrogen. Most fruits and vegetables, nuts and legumes contain high amounts of fiber.

Xenoestrogens are man-made estrogens found in pesticides, artificial growth hormones and steroids, air fresheners and plastic containers. Xenoestrogens increase female hormone levels, reducing testosterone levels. Therefore, try to avoid consuming fruits and vegetables that contain pesticides, animal products (meat and dairy), grown with artificial growth hormones and steroids. When storing food and water, use glass rather than plastic containers, as plastic products tend to contain xenoestrogens. Do not use perfumes or air fresheners that contain paraben as an ingredient, which is a xenoestrogen.

Some diseases deprive a man of the desire for sex

Often, a decrease in sexual activity in men is observed due to the presence of any health problems. Moreover, we can talk about both general diseases and malfunctions in the reproductive system. Moreover, in the first case, the desire disappears, and in the second, the opportunity disappears, since potency suffers. At the same time, a representative of the stronger sex may not even know that he has any health problems, attributing all their consequences to the same fatigue, stress, laziness.

We will not list all possible diseases, but we will list some of those that negatively affect male libido. Our list begins with disease number one - diabetes mellitus. Cardiovascular diseases have a very significant impact on a man’s desire to have sex. The influence of diseases such as kidney problems, a variety of tumors, cystic fibrosis, hemorrhoids, joint and lower back diseases, and hypertension has also been noticed.

Some diseases can severely inhibit sexual function. It is obvious that normal sex life is impossible with diseases that limit a person’s mobility: multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury, stroke or cerebral palsy. Diseases accompanied by severe pain also play a negative role: rheumatism and arthritis. Some diseases directly affect the genital organs, nerves or blood vessels involved in the production of sex hormones and the emergence of sexual desire.

We think you most likely already understand that sex and health are inseparable from each other in the life of a man and a woman, which is why sex and illness are poorly compatible with each other. When you get sick, your immune system suppresses your sex drive by lowering your hormone levels. Any surgical operation upsets the psyche and can cause a feeling of vulnerability and even self-loathing that does not go away long after physical recovery. Chronic diseases are expressed in pain and fatigue and affect the psyche, while a chronic disease affects especially in middle age and earlier, tends to put an end to your sex life in the future.

Some diseases cause more harm to your sex life than others, and we'll talk about them in a little more detail. And if it happens that you have some suspicions about your own health, be sure to consult a doctor about the effect of the disease on male libido and sex life in the future. If you are undergoing surgery, demand that you be told in detail about the possible negative impact of surgery on your sex life. You have a right to this information, especially since there has been a direct link between failure to provide such information and subsequent complications in sexual responses.


Alcohol is a long-time friend and enemy of man. In moderation, it lifts the mood and removes inhibitions. However, after 2-3 drinks, it begins to suppress arousal and potency. As for chronic drunkenness, its results are simply catastrophic. According to one researcher, 70 to 80% of alcoholic men lose desire or potency, and sometimes both.

Chronic alcoholism reduces testosterone levels while increasing estrogen levels. The result is symptoms such as loss of hair and muscle mass, impaired fertility, swollen breasts and alcoholic hypogonadism - shrinkage of the testicles. Alcoholism is a scourge for men. He has the power to turn us into asexual beings.

Therefore, unlike diseases that will be discussed later, in this case we cannot give advice on how to maintain your sex life and love of alcohol. For your sake and those around you, stop drinking. And consider the return of sexuality one of the many rewards for this feat.


About half of men suffering from arthritis say that it interferes with their intimate life. First of all, it is, of course, pain. But also self-doubt, which is often expressed in the fact that your partner’s sincere sympathy is mistaken for a veiled disgust for your body, which once attracted her. This disease does not directly affect sexual responses, but pain, fatigue and the feeling that you are no longer as attractive as before have a negative impact on libido. Therefore, it is important to make lovemaking as easy as possible.

Standard advice: stretch your joints, warm them up in the bath and massage them, use a painkiller, choose the most appropriate moment for lovemaking, and try new positions.

Men should not avoid sex with this disease, nor should women, since arousal and orgasm can cause a surge of endorphins and corticosteroids, which reduce pain and inflammation in the joints. Some arthritis sufferers report that they experience no pain at all for up to six hours after having sex.

Oncological diseases

With cancer, as with any other chronic illness, you have to abandon many previous ideas. Malignant tumors sometimes directly affect sex life. They reduce the production of sex hormones or directly affect the genital organs (prostate, penis, ovaries). Treatment of any cancer (even those not directly affecting the genital organs) causes discomfort and a feeling of insecurity about one’s sexual attractiveness. Sex can no longer happen spontaneously. You should choose a time when you are not tired and feel well.

The specific harmful effects of this disease depend on the location of its foci, but, of course, genital cancer most affects sexual function and sexuality in general. Wives require special attention in relation to their husbands being treated for prostate and testicular cancer. Sick men should discuss the possibility of sexual intercourse with their doctor. Each case requires a separate approach.

Radiation and chemotherapy are powerful treatments that sometimes cause much more unpleasant symptoms than the cancer itself. Side effects of this treatment include fatigue, nausea, hair loss, skin irritation, and weight fluctuations. Surgeries to remove cancer (for example, testicular removal) affect a person’s self-esteem and also affect the quality of sexual life.


Half of men aged 50 who have diabetes suffer from erectile dysfunction. This is a well-known fact, but it is only partly explained by the fact that with this disease, over time, the finest nerves in distant parts of the body are affected. Another component of the lack of sexual desire in diabetes is depression and psychological stress caused by the awareness of the incurability of the disease.

Diabetics sometimes develop diabetic neuropathy. Due to poor circulation and high blood sugar levels, the nerves suffer, and this also reduces libido.

Diabetes, whether congenital or acquired, can impair male sexual function. Severe alcoholism and poor blood sugar control can further worsen the problem. But there is evidence that patients who take into account the specifics of their illness fare better. If you develop acquired diabetes, or someone you're dating has it, there's no need to bother your general practitioner about sexuality. See a doctor who specializes in male sexual dysfunction.

Heart diseases

After a heart attack, fear of sex appears. Most heart attack survivors say they are held back by a sense of fragility, poisoning the few moments of pleasure they have left in their lives. And the terrifying picture of repeated cardiac arrest during sexual intercourse forces one to postpone sex indefinitely. Moreover, wives are afraid of this no less than husbands. Fortunately, the likelihood of another heart attack during sex is extremely low. Provided that you are making love with your spouse, whom you have known for many years, and your heart rate does not rise above 120 beats per minute.

According to experts, 80% of heart patients can afford reasonable, moderate sexual activity, but only after consulting a doctor. It is possible that you will have to raise the issue. Some cardiologists avoid talking about sex as much as their patients.

During the first year after a heart attack, there is a high probability of both premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction, even in men who do not use medications. The reason is rather psychological - a man is too worried about his pulse and listens more to the pain in his chest than to the pleasant sensations of the current moment. He suffers from anxiety about his own capabilities.

Don't forget to stay in good physical shape. In this case, as in all others, exercise can improve your sexual performance.

Medicines affect male libido and suppress sexual desire

It often happens that a man, taking pills for insomnia or cough medicine, has no idea that this could result in disappointment for his beloved girlfriend or wife. We would like to limit our list to the most common drugs - antidepressants and beta blockers, yes, the same ones that are used to treat arterial hypertension, but there are many more drugs that affect male libido. So, let's look at medications that weaken potency and suppress sexual desire:

  • Blood pressure lowering drugs- clonidine, methyldopa, propranolol, metoprolol, pindolol. But captopril, enalapril and verapamil do not cause sexual dysfunction.
  • Some hormonal drugs(cimetidine, ranitidine, etc.) increase the secretion of prolactin, which can lead to impaired sexual desire and impotence. The new drug, famotidine, does not cause such disorders.
  • Some antidepressants are dangerous for men- haloperidol, chlorpromazine, perphenazine, thiothixene, amitriptyline, imipramine, desipramine, nortriptyline. They cause sexual dysfunction due to their ability to suppress the production of male hormones. On the other hand, the antidepressant trazodone can cause priapism (abnormal erection). For some nervous disorders and anxiety conditions, the drug phenelzine and other drugs from the group of monoamine oxidase inhibitors are prescribed.

Drugs that depress the central nervous system (sedatives, tranquilizers, marijuana, alcohol, heroin) have the same disadvantage. They reduce libido, impair erection and inhibit ejaculation. It should be noted that cases where it is medications that weaken erections and worsen sex life in general are observed quite often. In one large-scale study, scientists found that among the 200 most common medications, more than 15 can cause noticeable weakening of erections and other sexual disorders.

Fortunately, such conditions can usually be corrected fairly quickly. When the dosage of the drug is reduced or replaced with a harmless analogue, the penis “comes to life” again. An important area of ​​drug treatment is the prescription of hormonal drugs; this method of combating dysfunction is irreplaceable. Often, men are prescribed pills that negatively affect male libido, but they don’t even know about it, and doctors forget to tell about it.

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors

The most common type of antidepressant. It is known that depression is a real libido killer, but some antidepressants, like Prozac and Zoloft, cope with this task just as well. Therefore, you should look for more gentle alternatives.

Tricyclic antidepressants

They only appeared in the 1990s, so they are not widespread enough. But drugs such as Elavil are increasingly being prescribed by doctors because they treat not only depression, but also nerve pain. You can switch to other drugs or reduce the dose. Naturally, this is done exclusively in consultation with the doctor.

Male oral contraceptives

They can reduce libido by reducing the amount of sex hormones, including testosterone. The best alternative is non-hormonal contraceptives.

  • Androgen and estrogen tablets. The main effect here is a temporary increase in libido and a decrease in sperm quality. It is recommended to take them for no more than thirty days, after which you take a break for four months. Otherwise, abuse of these pills can lead to harmful consequences, including lack of erection, mental disorders and decreased muscle tone in the body.
  • A drug based on cyproterone acetate. It causes temporary sterilization by reducing seminal fluid. A significant drawback of this drug is the unknown time required to restore the previous amount of sperm and the ability to fertilize. For those men who want to achieve a similar effect without chemicals, have sex every day, several times a day.
  • Two-component contraceptive. The basis of a two-component oral contraceptive is a gestagen, which affects the brain and suppresses the formation of hormones responsible for the formation of sperm. And testosterone, also present in small quantities in the composition of the drugs, maintains a constant level of this hormone and should prevent a decrease in libido. This two-component drug also has the side effect of causing irreversible sterilization and a complete lack of libido.

In addition, the following factors can be considered as disadvantages of male contraceptives:

  • Possibility of developing mental disorders;
  • Decreased muscle tone in the body;
  • The exact time it takes to restore the ability to fertilize after temporary sterilization is unknown;
  • Increased blood thickness;
  • The appearance of a rash on the skin;
  • Possibility of cardiovascular system disorders.


A popular remedy for the treatment of benign prostate hyperplasia. We recommend that you consider transurethral resection of the prostate - an excellent alternative to medications.


A drug from the group of antiandrogens is widely used to combat baldness. The most common side effect is a decrease in libido (sometimes irreversible). Try another effective hair loss remedy, Rogaine.


They are used to treat allergies and sometimes also have a negative effect on sex life. However, their effect lasts, on average, 8-10 hours, so take them long before the intended sexual intercourse, and everything will be fine.

Antiepileptic drugs

They disrupt the passage of impulses through nerve cells, which prevents seizures. But an orgasm, in its mechanics, is very similar to such a seizure, so medications interfere with it too. It is necessary to carefully select an alternative together with your doctor.


An effective remedy for relieving acute pain, which, unfortunately, causes addiction and decreased libido. Men taking opioids may benefit from testosterone therapy to increase their libido.

Beta blockers

An excellent remedy for the prevention of heart disease, in rare cases it has a negative effect on sex life. The choice of beta blockers is huge, so one drug can be replaced by another.


Xanax and similar anti-anxiety drugs can reduce sexual desire. However, they are most often taken by people in a state where they do not even think about sex. And when the anxiety is relieved, the effect of the medications ends.

Overweight men are more likely to refuse sex

Overweight men make love much less often than their thin competitors and this is a scientifically proven fact. In short, the conclusion for overweight people will be this: diet, gym and exercise in the fresh air are salvation for overweight people.

Most sexologists claim that extra pounds lead to a decrease in desire to have sex. Why? What's wrong? Typical sexual problems associated with obesity include decreased mechanical sensitivity to sensory stimuli and impaired self-perception. In turn, overweight men experience sexual dysfunction - libido decreases, sexual arousal disappears and difficulties arise in achieving orgasm. Sexual dysfunction in obese men usually has many causes. These may be hormonal disorders, diseases, psychogenic factors.

Scientific research has proven that overweight people are 25 times more likely to have intimate problems than their slender counterparts. And by problems in the intimate sphere they mean insufficient sexual desire, attraction towards one’s partner, difficulties during intimacy due to excess weight. Some overweight people admit that for these reasons they abstain from sex altogether.

But, if in women, excess weight leads to sexual problems through a psychological component, then in men everything is much more serious and must be considered at the hormonal level. Reduced testosterone levels in obese men may be caused by two independent physiological mechanisms.

First, fat cells produce aromatase, enzymes that play an important role in the process of converting testosterone into estrogen. And as a result, a huge amount of estrogen is released into the blood of an overweight man.

Secondly, the liver of overweight people synthesizes large amounts of protein that binds testosterone, thereby depriving it of biological activity. The globulin produced by the liver binds the main male hormone testosterone, which is responsible for sexual temperament. But estrogen interferes with this connection, and as a result, testosterone is only released, but not stored. As a result, its concentration in the blood decreases, and sexual activity drops to the point of impotence.

Only active testosterone is responsible for libido, feelings of desire and arousal, and other sexual functions.

Do not forget also about purely technical problems that sometimes interfere with sexual intercourse. When the stomach, hips and buttocks get in the way, it is difficult to talk about the joys associated with sex. We can conclude that obesity is present if the waist circumference in men is more than 102 cm (in women it is more than 88 cm).

Overweight and obese people are sluggish, less efficient, and ashamed of their bodies. All this usually leads to the fact that they do not want to have sex, they find it difficult to achieve orgasm, and their sex life does not give them satisfaction.

Obesity in various ways leads to lower testosterone levels, decreased libido and decreased sexual activity, and the lack of sex only further contributes to weight gain.

It would be logical to assume that, following the above conclusions, getting rid of problems in the male intimate sphere lies in the plane of getting rid of excess weight.

How to lose weight and become a sexually active man

Of course, it is impossible to give a single recommendation for the treatment of obesity to absolutely all obese people. Sometimes the reasons why a person has gained excess weight are too deep and are provoked by serious diseases or hormonal disorders; diets and physical activity alone cannot do this, and qualified consultation with specialists will be required.

But most often we have to admit the weak character of a person suffering from obesity and who does not find the strength to fight his deficiency. It is easier for such people to blame their fat body for all their intimate troubles and, having made a couple of timid attempts to correct the situation, leave everything as it is. But in fact, it turns out that the cause of sexual problems is the inability to complete the start of getting rid of extra pounds.

The advice in this case is far from new, try to follow them and see how your body, your love libido, and your intimate life will change.

To start a new life without extra pounds, treat diet as a way to cleanse the body. Any diet has two stages. At the first stage it will not be easy, since you will have an unequal struggle with the feeling of hunger. The new diet will get used to your body within 2-3 days. At this time, do not be surprised by the symptoms of toxic poisoning. The body actively gets rid of toxins, as a result of which they enter the blood. The state of health will return to normal in a few days, when these toxins are eliminated from the body through the skin, kidneys, lungs, intestines and liver. At the second stage (approximately on the 4th day), the symptoms of the first stage will gradually recede and you will feel a surge of vitality and energy, including sexual energy.

So what is this specific diet that will bring such a wonderful transformation to our body and affect male libido?

Make it a rule to drink at least two liters of water daily. Drink water whenever you feel hungry. In the first days of fasting or dieting, this will help relieve discomfort.

Start your day with fresh fruit, without even getting out of bed! At the same time, it is better to avoid dried fruits and candied fruits. Remember also that whole fruits are healthier than fruit juice due to the fiber content of the former.

Don't be afraid to overeat at breakfast. This is the only meal when eating a large meal will not harm your body. At breakfast you can even indulge in a small dessert! The ideal option for a “proper” breakfast is porridge and whole grain bread, boiled egg, tofu, beans, fermented milk products (kefir, kumis, acidophilus, milk, pressed cottage cheese, buttermilk), herbal tea or decaffeinated coffee. But don’t go overboard with eggs and hard cheeses! However, as with salt and sugar.

Don't limit yourself if you feel like eating before lunch. Small snacks are not prohibited. It is better to satisfy the body with small amounts of food several times a day than to overeat at main meals. As a light intermediate snack, you can choose tomato juice, yogurt, fresh vegetables or fruits, and hot broth. Make it a rule to eat often, but in small portions. Remember also the importance of chewing food thoroughly. Thus, you will fully experience its taste and take a step towards establishing normal digestion in your body.

The ingredients for an ideal lunch include a salad of seasonal vegetables (without seasonings or fats!), lean meat (fish or poultry is preferable to lamb, beef and pork), and baked potatoes. Remember the taboo on fried food! It is preferable to steam, boil or bake food.

It will greatly help you shed those extra pounds if you manage to limit your dinner to a light snack of fresh fruit.

But you can’t get an ideal body with proper nutrition alone. We will need corrective physical activity. It would be good to make it a rule to exercise outdoors. Whatever set of exercises you choose, remember that it is not so much the amount of load that is important, but its regularity. Physical activity will not only help you fully digest the food you eat, but will also increase your blood sugar levels, which in turn is so necessary to tone up your love libido.

Just a month and you will be able to talk about a dizzying love adventure, which was facilitated by the lost kilograms! Getting rid of such bad habits as smoking and limiting the consumption of alcoholic beverages will increase your love tone.

It is important to remember that an active life: walks, relaxing with family in nature, playing feasible sports, contribute not only to improving health, but also to normalizing the situation in the family. A good mood attracts positivity into our lives, making us attractive for communication and sex.

Contraception for women

Some sexologists believe that the estrogen contained in contraceptives enters the male body, which negatively affects erection. Men only confirm this.

Food packaging and chemicals

There is an opinion - but this is not a fact - that a variety of chemistry, which has long been a part of our lives, lowers testosterone levels. (we will add this topic to the site later, we will look for confirmation)


Any stressful situations leave their negative imprint on the marital bed, and this can be: severe fatigue and stress at work. In our crazy time of racing for time, money, and career success, men have to prove every day their right to occupy a certain place in the team. Sometimes it is not easy to withstand the oppression of management or the difficult psychological situation in the company. Perhaps, after a hard and busy day of work, what he wants more than anything else is to sleep, or to immerse himself in the imaginary world of computer games. In this case, you should think about vacations, or at least temporarily persuade your loved one to put some things aside for a while. Just two days of rest can bring back a passionate and active lover to you.

Sexual orientation

Nowadays, it is not uncommon for a man’s non-hetero sexual orientation to be the reason for the lack of sexual attraction to a woman. (we will add to this topic later, although... what is there to add to)

A woman who is no longer sexually attractive

Quite often, the reason a man refuses sex lies not in himself, but in his partner. Men say that they do not want to make love to a woman (wife) because she is not sexy. They consider loss of figure and lack of grooming to be the reasons for not being sexy. It is necessary to understand that a representative of the stronger sex must experience a strong attraction to a woman. And this is only possible if she has the necessary level of attractiveness. Unfortunately, some women forget about this fact and simply neglect their appearance in all its manifestations.

Too much pornography

Some men may stop desiring real women due to their addiction to virtual beauties from porn films. (we will add to this topic later)

Boredom or temporary lull in relationships

According to men, sex with the same woman for many years can get boring. Alas, you will not be passionate and ardent lovers 24 hours a day throughout the decades of your life together. No matter how strong your feelings may be. Over time, the quality of intimate life can be negatively affected by monotony, boring surroundings, lack of intrigue and the effect of surprise.

Try to add some “zest” to your sexual relationship: buy new erotic lingerie, radically change your hair color (you can use a wig). It would be nice to appear in front of your lover in a new image: for a hooligan to suddenly begin to behave like an angel, and for a modest girl to show herself a little cheekily. You can cheat on yourself for a couple of hours, but such a role-playing game will definitely appeal to your loved one. Just don’t go too far, radically changing your image - if it doesn’t suit you at all, it will only make the man laugh.


After the birth of a child, a lot in your sexual life changes and not always for the better. (we will add to this topic later)

Conclusion: lack of desire to have sex in men

Most of the listed reasons practically exclude the possibility of betrayal, so do not rush to blame, do not try to stop loving, but try to figure it out and understand your man. Recently, more and more often, representatives of the male half of humanity in bed are giving up the initiative to the ladies. Or they even completely reduce their sex life to nothing, citing fatigue, a sore head, etc....

You shouldn’t trust the widely circulated ideas that “male men” should always be in search of the next victim, just as you shouldn’t start to worry about wondering whether your beloved is having an affair and whether he has wasted his energy on another sweetheart. . Before you look suspiciously in your husband’s direction, or, worse, attack him with scandal and reproaches, let’s figure out what reasons today are really pushing your man to give up sex.

For what reasons can a man refuse intimacy?

Our discussion is going interestingly... someone leaves us for a while, but new participants in the gatherings come up and as soon as they have a cup of aromatic tea and a delicious cake in front of them, they are ready to express their opinion about why a man loses the desire to have sex. We even decided to take something similar to a test for everyone, or a questionnaire, if you like it better, but there is only one question: why does a man lose the desire to have sex? As answers appear, I will add them here.

Marinochka is the first to answer about the reasons why men refuse sex, and I take notes and format the text.

It is believed that men are such sexually insatiable creatures that they will never refuse the opportunity to engage in intimate contact. In fact, this is not entirely true; men also refuse sex. Quite often, representatives of the stronger sex ignore hints and direct proposals of their chosen ones. But why does this happen? There can be many reasons for this behavior of men. And unfortunately, not all of them are easy to fix. However, if you still identify them, then you can fight them.

Let's start with the facts and get acquainted with the most common reasons for male refusals of sex. Can't remember the last time you had sex with your spouse? Do you even have the desire to seduce him? Most likely, you yourself are to blame for your lack of sexual desire. This is what I think about the reasons why the desire to have sex may disappear.

Banal fatigue can deprive you of sex

It seems to me that most often the stronger sex is in no hurry to satisfy their chosen ones because of fatigue. Indeed, my man believes that he has to support his family, which means he has to work a lot. As a result, by the end of the day he very often simply has no energy left for intimate exercises, although he tries not to show it. In addition, the modern rhythm of life is fraught with constant stress, and this in no way contributes to the emergence of sexual desire. As a result, instead of wild sex, very soon you can find yourself in the camp of the so-called lovers of plant-based recreation, without unnecessary movements and emotions. Men's fatigue needs and can be controlled, especially if they try to hide it.

There is no sex in bed because of gadgets

The bed is designed for rest, relaxation, sleep and sex should be part of all this. Sex to relax. Sex to sleep better. Sex deepens your relaxation. And sex just for sex is wonderful too. When you go to bed, you take your smartphone or tablet with you, and how do you think your husband should react to this? Your desire is not focused on the man you love, but on games or characters from TV series; as soon as you go on social networks, you will read the news until late until your husband falls asleep. What kind of sex can we be talking about here?

Overeating will easily deprive you of sex

Remember. After eating heavily at night, you become clumsy and your desire to have sex disappears. The same thing happens with your man. It’s clear that sometimes you want to please him in everything and watch him eat with pleasure, but... there is one big and significant but... don’t do this, don’t feed your man, as they sometimes say, from the belly. There will be a belly - there will be no sex. A well-fed man is great, but it’s better after sex. Change the order, sex first, and the rest of the dishes after... The most interesting thing is that after sex a man will eat almost 2 times less.

Excess alcohol deprives a man of desire for sex

Alcoholic drinks, of course, contribute to rapprochement, but only if you drink them in moderation. A glass of wine or a few sips of cognac can help, but if you’ve had too much to drink to the point that you’re seeing double, then there’s no need to talk about sex. Alcohol reduces sensitivity and affects the quality of sex. It is important to observe moderation; if you do not have the strength to take care of yourself, it is better to give up alcohol altogether. In any case, there are a thousand and one examples around me that giving up alcohol only improved life, including sexual life.

Cozy pajamas don't constantly excite your husband.

It’s so comfortable to sleep in your favorite nightgown or pajamas, but in the eyes of your husband you very quickly begin to look like an ordinary housewife, but not a desirable woman. I don’t like to sleep in clothes, but even the sight of a naked body can become boring, so I always ask to undress me. Taking off different things from me every day, my man remembers me differently. Well, if without pajamas it’s just not possible... then let there be a lot of them and a variety of them.

Exercising is not always compatible with sex

Being in good physical shape is, of course, good for a man and a woman, but it’s not worth tormenting yourself with physical activity in the evening. Fatigue, weakness and soreness cannot contribute to hot sex. It is better to move the workout to an earlier time and reduce the load.

Only zoophiles need animals in bed

Your beloved dog loves to sleep with you and as soon as you start having sex, he also joins the “game”. Perhaps, although with a very big stretch, I can imagine that your man will be amused by this once or twice, although most likely not. Men have no desire to have sex if there are cats, dogs, hamsters and other animals in bed.

Habit and sex don't mix

I know from the words of my friends that after several years of marriage, family sex begins to turn into a routine. And naturally, the monotony of a couple’s intimate life reduces a man’s interest in her. The most striking thing for me personally was the fact that despite all this, not all families are trying to deal with this situation. As a result, intimate relationships in such couples become so insipid that representatives of the stronger sex engage in intimacy only in order to fulfill their physical need. But here you need to be realistic; with age, this is required less and less often.

You limit yourself to two favorite poses, there is no desire to try anything new and experiment, but why, because it’s already great. But a habit can kill the desire to have sex not only in your husband, but also in you. No ideas? Has it become difficult with imagination? For example, psychologists recommend using sex toys as a variety. Periodically watch racy movies and flirt with your husband. If everything goes as usual, then very quickly your husband will lose the desire to have sex.

A man doesn't want sex if it's not in his plans

Thoughts, expectations, conversations and preparation for sex act as a strong stimulant. A man is designed in such a way that he sees sexual images in everything and looks for sexual connotations, one might say he lives in fantasies and because of these fantasies he passionately desires to have sex, but there is also one thing... he very quickly stops doing this, if not finds confirmation of his fantasy. A man doesn't want sex if everything around you is devoid of any hint of sexual connotation.

Several reasons for men to refuse sex...

And here is a man’s opinion about the reasons for refusing sex. We welcome Maxim, and I continue to take notes and format the text.

I love beer and sunny days. But sometimes I want neither one nor the other. Sometimes I want mulled wine and a cloudy, cold evening outside the window. And it doesn’t matter why: maybe seasonal depression has set in, maybe there are problems at work, or maybe it’s just a hangover. In any case, the beer and sun here are just illustrating the point: just because I like something doesn't mean I want that "something" all the time.

The same point of view applies to sex. It is widely believed that people with penises are willing to have sex day and night. As a person with a penis, I responsibly declare that this is not so. Sex is great. This is amazing. But sometimes I want mulled wine. Or beer. And I'm not alone in my desires. Every man was simply not in the mood for intimacy, even with his most beloved and desired girlfriend. I can name about fifty reasons for such a situation. But today I will present the most popular of them:

He's drunk and doesn't want sex

Let's imagine that you are both returning from a party where you had a little too much alcohol. If you see that he is not confident in his own strengths and performance, then you should simply refuse intimacy for one night. Don't forget: tomorrow is a new day!

He didn't get enough sleep and has no time for sex

He didn't get enough sleep all week due to stress at work, a session, problems with his family, or all three at once. Does the weekend seem like a good time for sex? I hasten to warn you: he will perceive this proposal as a marathon race, and not as a pleasant pastime.

He is serious, or thoughtful, or sad and therefore not compatible with sex

Does he look like he decides the fate of all humanity? Perhaps subconsciously he wants you to ask about what happened and what is bothering him. Show attention and care, and do not try to distract from problems with the help of your body.

He's in pain and has no time for sex right now

I strained my back, caught a cold in my neck, overworked myself in the gym, it doesn’t matter. But when one partner tries to hide the pain, sex stops being so sexy. As a loving girl, offer to reschedule the intimacy session or be altruistic and sweat for two.

He stinks and has no time for sex

Has he just returned from a run and is awkwardly trying to distance himself from your explicit hints? Give your significant other a couple of minutes for bath procedures and be prepared for mutual pestering!

He's too lazy to have sex

As a rule, men do not want to seem selfish in bed, but in order to get in the mood and do everything right, he needs time and the right mood. "Just not right now, okay?" I'm sure you will understand me.

He feels flabby for sex now

After the second pizza of the evening, I usually feel like a fat and clumsy seal, incapable of even the smallest sexual feat. Tomorrow I will definitely go to the gym and return with toned abs and an elevated libido level. I hope you'll be ready too?

Football! What other sex?

“Darling, let’s at least wait for the first half?”

Stress is a barrier to sex

Stress can be a serious barrier to intimacy. If tomorrow he has an important day, then today he is unlikely to be able to relax and fall asleep peacefully. And the fact that he doesn't talk about work doesn't mean he doesn't think about it. If the problem begins to become regular, offer your man help, give him a massage, provide moral support, and he will definitely appreciate your efforts.

He had a date with... himself

He simply didn’t know that today you were in the mood for intimacy, and relieved the tension in the simplest way. An unfortunate coincidence? Just accept it, it happens sometimes.

Enjoy everything that brings you pleasure

Many questions, several opinions and there should be a continuation. We have not finished considering the question: for what reasons a man may refuse sex, it turned out to be just as important as. The time comes and for some of us sexual passions weaken. We will continue to examine this issue and therefore, ending this note, I would like to wish you a sea of ​​pleasure from everything that brings pleasure!

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