Reasons for the presence of hemoglobin in urine, symptoms, types of the phenomenon. Hemoglobin in urine: what does it mean? Causes and signs of the disorder, normal What does hemoglobin in urine mean in women

Photo 1. The presence of hemoglobin in the urine is a symptom of serious diseases. Source: Flickr (reynermedia)

Why does hemoglobin appear in urine?

The presence of hemoglobin in the urine - hemoglobinuria, occurs as a result of greatly exceeded levels of hemoglobin in the blood, which during hemolysis can reach a twofold increase. The body cannot process such an amount of pigment, and hemoglobin enters the urine.

Hemoglobinuria occurs in the following conditions:

  • damage to red blood cells that enter the urine, which, when released into urine, lose hemoglobin as a result of an alkaline chemical reaction;
  • penetration of hemoglobin through the renal filter. It happens when the amount of pigment in the blood plasma is significantly exceeded. Free hemoglobin accumulates in the bloodstream as a result of the destruction of red blood cells. This is a common phenomenon, but normally it must bind to a special protein - haptoglobin, which makes it impossible for hemoglobin to penetrate the urinary system. Hemoglobinuria of this etiology is called true and is considered a pathological condition.

The cause of true hemoglobinuria can be:

  • blood transfusion, not suitable for compatibility;
  • hemolytic anemia, which is manifested by the breakdown of a large number of red blood cells;
  • infections(sore throat, typhus, malaria);
  • poisoning;
  • severe thermal burns;
  • severe injuries.

Thus, the presence of hemoglobin in biological fluid may be a symptom of serious problems in the body.

Signs and symptoms of hemoglobin in urine

Hemoglobinuria is often detected when a person tests - it attracts attention reddish-brown color uncharacteristic of urine. The settled biomaterial becomes transparent and forms a sediment, but does not change color.

Man complains about general decrease in tone and back pain.

Blood test shows anemia with an increase in the amount of indirect bilirubin.

Unhealthy symptoms increase, and soon appear:

  • severe pain and aches in the joints;
  • fever; headache;
  • nausea and vomiting.

Diagnosis of hemoglobin level

Diagnostic measures begin with.

There are specific laboratory tests for hemoglobinuria:

  • hemoglobinuria is confirmed using ammonium sulfate and the establishment of detritus in the sediment;
  • for hemosiderin;
  • electrophoresis or immunoelectrophoresis of urine proteins.

  • general research;
  • Coombs test;
  • coagulogram;
  • blood chemistry.

To assess the function of the hematopoietic system, bone marrow sampling for a myelogram.

Decoding of the analysis (norm and deviations)

Hemoglobin is present in red blood cells - red blood cells, which are part of the blood. They have too much mass, and therefore are not able to pass through the kidney filter and enter the urine when a person is healthy.

Therefore, their detection in urine is a sign of pathological changes.

Note! The normal proportion of hemoglobin in urine submitted for analysis is its complete absence. The appearance of even a minimal amount of it in this fluid is the basis for assumptions of severe dysfunction of the kidneys and the body as a whole.

Any readings above zero are a deviation from the norm.


Treats hemoglobinuria hematologist.

Therapy is prescribed taking into account the form of the disease.

There are three types of condition:

Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria

Its characteristic feature is attacks of intravascular hemolysis, which happen mainly at night. The disease is quite rare.


  • due to prolonged exposure to low temperatures;
  • as a result of infectious processes in the body;
  • as a consequence of vaccination;
  • after a blood transfusion;
  • from heavy physical exertion,
  • after surgical operations.

Attacks of red blood cell hemolysis accompanied by:

  • hyperthermia, joint and chest pain;
  • drowsiness and weakness(due to increasing anemia).

Nocturnal hemoglobinuria mainly involves therapy aimed at relieving symptoms:

  • blood transfusion;
  • taking iron supplements.

For hypoplastic changes in the red bone marrow, hormonal drugs such as prednisolone, as well as anabolics, immunoglobulin.

In case of severe enlargement of the spleen, which affects the functions of the bone marrow, causing disruption of hematopoiesis, surgery may be performed. splenectomy.

Donor transplantation may be considered for the treatment of nocturnal hemoglobinuria. bone marrow transplantation if other therapy has not given the desired results.

March hemoglobinuria

The symptoms of this condition are not so striking. Often this is - fatigue and weakness. The reasons are high physical activity. Most sufferers of this condition experienced pathological lordosis of the lumbar region.

Photo 2. Hemoglobinuria manifests itself as back pain during the development of the disease.

Hemoglobin in the urine is a disease that doctors call hemoglobinuria. This pathology is typical for both children and adults.

Among the internal, frequently occurring factors that can provoke hemoglobinuria, doctors note the following:

  1. Transmission of influenza.
  2. Damage to the body by acute infections.
  3. Pneumonia.
  4. Blood transfusion in which the groups do not match.
  5. Hemolytic anemia.
  6. Sore throat, scarlet fever, malaria.

If there is hemoglobin in the urine, the causes may also be external:

  • Poisoning.
  • Strong physical exercise, which are unbearable for a child or adult body.
  • Hypothermia.
  • Getting injured.
  • Damage to the body by poisons or chemicals.
  • Receiving thermal or other burns.

Urine hemoglobin test

You can check the amount of the substance in the urine using a routine test, which is mandatory for adults and children when going to the hospital. The attending physician or specialist directs the patient to take such a test. Analysis is very important for children of different ages, since it is possible to diagnose a particular disease at an early stage.

This element is usually understood as a protein that is normally found in red blood cells. Red blood cells undergo a breakdown process that allows hemoglobin to combine with another protein. This creates a substance that cannot pass through the kidney filter. Therefore, the presence of hemoglobin in the urine of a child or adult is not detected. But if the protein passes through the filter, then a urine test will show a positive result, indicating the presence of hemoglobin in the patient’s urine. The higher the level of the substance in the urine, the darker it becomes. The color may change from dark to brown, which indicates an increase in the concentration of indirect bilirubin in the blood serum. This condition is easily recognized by lower back pain.

Detection of hemoglobin in urine is carried out different ways to distinguish hemoglobinuria from hematuria. The main diagnostic measures that are prescribed by doctors if the color of urine is alarming are:

  • Taking a routine urine test.
  • Carrying out tests using ammonium sulfate.
  • Identification of detritus that may be present in urine sediment.
  • Using a so-called electrophoresis paper test, which aims to detect the concentration of protein in the urine.
  • When examining children, an ultrasound scan is often prescribed to determine the true causes of the development of the pathology.

The urine that people submit for urine testing begins to break down into several layers after a certain time:

  1. The top one, which remains transparent for a long time. The shade lasts for a long period.
  2. The lower one, which will contain traces of destroyed organic matter, called detritus. Based on them, the doctor determines that hemoglobin is present in the urine. If there is a positive result, the specialist diagnoses hemoglobinuria.

Forms of pathology

Doctors distinguish several types of this disease:

  1. A toxic form of hemoglobinuria resulting from massive hemolysis. Hemoglobin is formed in urine due to severe intoxication of the body, which is possible when poisoning occurs with poisons and chemicals. These can be ordinary mushrooms, bites of poisonous animals and insects, damage to the body by sulfonamides.
  2. Marching form associated with the onset of mechanical hemolysis of red blood cells. Typically, this condition occurs due to the fact that the feet are affected by strong physical activity.
  3. Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria, which is acquired and occurs when damaged red blood cells begin to disintegrate inside the vessels.

When tests and diagnostic results show traces of hemoglobin in the blood of a child or adult, it is necessary to establish the true factors that provoke the occurrence and development of such a condition.

Among the most common causes of hemoglobin in the urine are the following:

  1. Red blood cells penetrate into the blood, where they begin to break down under the influence of a high level of acidity, releasing hemoglobin.
  2. The level of the substance in the blood is high or several points higher than the established norm. Because of this, hemoglobin cannot contact protein in time and enters the urine through the kidney filter.
  3. The occurrence of inflammation in the urinary tract.
  4. Development of tuberculosis or cardiovascular diseases in patients.
  5. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. Kidney failure.
  7. Development of phimosis in boys.
  8. High fever, which often occurs in young children.
  9. Frequent running, long hours of walking.
  10. Constant use of beets or medications often provokes a change in the color of urine. It becomes dark red because intravascular hemolysis causes hemoglobin to pass freely through the kidneys.

The first and most important symptom that a child or adult has hemoglobin in the urine is a change in the color of the secreted fluid. Brown, dark and reddish colors should cause alarm among parents of children and adolescents, since such symptoms indicate inflammatory processes in the body. It is important to promptly and correctly determine why hemoglobin appears in the urine of a child or adult, what needs to be done, what medications to take, and whether to change the diet and lifestyle.

Symptoms of hemoglobin in urine

In children and adults, the release of a substance from the kidneys into the urine is manifested by the following symptoms:

  1. Fever and increased temperature are possible.
  2. The kids will be weak, lethargic, and capricious.
  3. General weakness and fatigue appear.
  4. My back hurts, especially my lower back.
  5. The joints ache or there is a feeling that the whole body hurts.
  6. Nausea and vomiting.
  7. Headache.

The presence of the above signs helps determine pathological condition and severe inflammatory processes.

When the analysis confirms the presence of hemoglobin in the urine, the question immediately arises of what to do next. The list of possible actions looks something like this:

  • Contact a more specialized specialist, in particular a urologist.
  • Passing several special tests using various methods and parameters. This type of examination is aimed at studying in detail the impurities in urine.
  • If there have been injuries or burns, or there is a suspicion of oncology or other types of tumors, then you need to undergo an x-ray.
  • Perform an ultrasound examination of the genitourinary system.

After determining the exact diagnosis and causes of the disease, the doctor will prescribe treatment. Sometimes it involves a blood transfusion to give the person new red blood cells.

Therapeutic interventions may include components such as:

  1. Taking anabolic medicines.
  2. Reducing the amount of fats and their derivatives consumed.
  3. A full course of antianemic treatment, which involves taking drugs with a high content of iron and its compounds.
  4. Taking anticoagulants included in the direct and indirect action groups to prevent the formation of blood clots.

After recovery, both children and adults should carry out regular disease prevention. This includes urine and blood tests and an examination by a urologist. It is necessary to protect your body from injuries, infections, germs and bacteria, avoid hypothermia, excessive physical activity, and lead an active lifestyle.

Hemoglobin is a protein found in red blood cells - erythrocytes. It contains iron, thanks to which it has the ability to attach gas molecules - mainly oxygen and carbon dioxide. Being inside the cells and having a fairly large molecular weight, hemoglobin is a priori unable to penetrate the kidney filter and be excreted along with urine against the background full health person.

For this reason the norm of hemoglobin in a general urine test is zero and the appearance of even small amounts of this protein in a given biological fluid clearly indicates a severe disruption of the kidneys and the entire body as a whole.

This is closely related to such criteria as the color and transparency of urine, the amount of protein and red blood cells, and the density of urine.

Why does hemoglobin appear in urine?

There are two main types of hemoglobinuria and two ways this pigment protein enters the urine:

  • The first way is associated with the penetration of red blood cells through the kidney filter or the entry of whole blood into the urine due to a defect and bleeding in the organs of the urinary system. This is observed with glomerulonephritis, urolithiasis, severe inflammation and tumors of the urinary tract. In this case, a phenomenon such as hematuria develops - the urine becomes red, and microscopy of the sediment is determined a large number of red blood cells. However, if the urine has a clearly expressed alkaline reaction, or a lot of time has passed from the moment the material was collected to the examination, most of the red blood cells are destroyed, releasing the hemoglobin they contain. This forms the phenomenon of so-called secondary or false hemoglobinuria - this protein is not excreted in the urine, but is formed directly in it from destroyed cells.
  • The second way this protein appears in the urine is called primary or true hemoglobinuria. This condition develops with massive destruction of red blood cells in the bloodstream - hemolytic anemia. The cause of this phenomenon may be poisoning with certain poisons, diseases of the spleen, allergies, or genetic defects in the erythrocyte membrane. In this case, a huge amount of free hemoglobin enters the blood plasma. When it is filtered through the kidneys, some of this protein enters the urine. However, a much larger part of the hemoglobin simply disrupts the functioning of the nephron filter, leading to its destruction, which, in turn, makes the entire functioning of the kidneys impossible. That is why true hemoglobinuria is a sign of increasing acute renal failure.

When hemoglobin enters the urine, other indicators of the general analysis also change. For example, false hemoglobinuria is accompanied by hematuria. The true condition leads to a significant increase in the amount of protein and density, a change in color, which depends on the amount of pigment protein - from red to dark, almost black.

The appearance of hemoglobin in the urine shortly after a blood transfusion indicates that this donor material was not suitable for the person, and massive destruction of the red blood cells of the transfused blood began. That is why a person should spend the first day after such a procedure in a hospital setting to avoid this complication.

Hemoglobin in the urine is an alarming sign of a serious condition of the body, therefore, if it is detected as part of a urine test, a person should be immediately hospitalized to determine the cause of hemoglobinuria and further treatment of this condition and its consequences.

The presence of hemoglobin in urine is called hemoglobinuria. Normally, this protein is found only inside red blood cells. In a healthy person, hemoglobin cannot penetrate the filtration apparatus of the kidneys and be excreted in the urine. The norm of this protein in the analysis is zero. Therefore, the detection of hemoglobin in urine should always be alarming. This may indicate serious illness.

How does hemoglobin appear in urine?

If a person has hemoglobin in his urine, what does this mean? This result indicates the penetration of blood into the urine. The etiology of the deviation may be different. The following causes of hemoglobin in urine can be distinguished:

  1. This protein enters urine during bleeding in the organs of the urinary system. This can be observed with glomerulonephritis, inflammatory processes and tumors in the excretory organs. In such cases, the urine turns pinkish or reddish. The analysis reveals a large number of red blood cells. This phenomenon is called hematuria.
  2. Hemoglobin can enter the urine when red blood cells are destroyed in the blood vessels. This condition is called hemolytic anemia. This is observed in cases of intoxication, pathologies of the spleen, allergic reactions, infections, injuries, burns. In these diseases, the blood plasma contains a large amount of hemoglobin. This protein then penetrates the glomeruli of the kidneys and ends up in urine. This is an extremely dangerous condition that can lead to kidney failure.
  3. Hemoglobin in the urine may be observed after a blood transfusion. This indicates that the donor material was not suitable for the patient. In this case, massive destruction of red blood cells occurs in the body.
  4. Positive hemoglobin in urine can be determined by an increase in the level of myoglobin, a protein found in muscles. These two compounds are very similar in structure. Therefore, myoglobin in the analysis results is often defined as hemoglobin. Increased muscle protein levels are a sign of serious muscle disease.
  5. Track and field athletes sometimes experience a marching form of hemoglobinuria. This is the result of increased stress on the legs. Such a deviation is not considered a pathology. Hemoglobinuria usually disappears after eliminating excessive physical activity.
  6. With prolonged exposure to low temperatures, cold paroxysmal hemoglobinuria occurs. This is quite a rare occurrence. It is completely reversible. After the body warms up, hemoglobinuria goes away. A course of treatment is required only if the process is chronic.
  7. The presence of hemoglobin in the urine may be a sign of an extremely rare disease - paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria. This life-threatening pathology is accompanied by massive destruction of red blood cells, pain in the lumbar region and black urine. Such conditions in patients usually occur after sleep. Immediate blood transfusion and treatment with iron-containing medications are necessary.

Norm of analysis

Normally, blood protein should not be detected in the urine. Its quantity must be zero. Only the presence of 1 - 2 red blood cells in the field of view of the microscope is allowed. These blood cells also secrete hemoglobin. However, its amount is so small that it is not detected in the study results.

Traces of hemoglobin in the urine usually indicate pathology. The reasons for this deviation may be different. A doctor can make a diagnosis based on blood protein levels. In some cases, hemoglobin may appear in urine in very small quantities during emotional experiences or after physical exertion.

Slight hemoglobinuria

If the hemoglobin level in the urine is from 10 to 25, then this indicates bleeding in the urinary organs. This analysis result can also occur in diseases accompanied by the destruction of red blood cells. Blood enters the urine through filtration in the kidneys.

Moderate hemoglobinuria

If the concentration of hemoglobin in the urine is from 25 to 50, then this is a sign of blood diseases. This may also be a sign of increased myoglobin in muscle pathologies. Such indicators should seriously alarm the patient and the attending physician. To find out the cause of the pathology, it is necessary to undergo a number of additional studies.

High hemoglobin levels

If hemoglobin levels in urine exceed 50, then in most cases this is due to an increase in myoglobin protein. It appears in the urine in severe muscle diseases. This may be a sign of severe injuries, extensive hematomas, as well as infectious processes in muscle tissue. With such diseases, leukocytes in the urine are usually increased.

During pregnancy

For pregnant women, the norm for blood protein in urine is no more than 0.1. If increased hemoglobin is detected in the urine, this may be a sign of kidney stones. During pregnancy, hormonal levels change. This often increases the risk of oxalate stones. They have sharp edges that injure the mucous membrane of the urinary tract. This leads to blood entering the urine.

Hemoglobin in urine in pregnant women can be observed when infectious diseases urinary tract. These pathologies are more severe during pregnancy, since the woman cannot take antibiotics and other medications. Hemoglobin can also appear against the background of tonsillitis or scarlet fever.

In children

In childhood, the detection of hemoglobin in urine without treatment can lead to chronic diseases of the genitourinary system. The following diseases can provoke hemoglobinuria in a child:

  • urolithiasis disease;
  • kidney and bladder tumors;
  • infectious diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract;
  • increased calcium levels in urine;
  • narrowing of the ureters;
  • phimosis in boys;
  • injuries to the excretory organs.

If a child experiences a change in the color of urine, it is necessary to urgently contact a pediatrician or pediatric nephrologist. It is necessary to conduct an ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder to identify the cause of the pathology.

Signs of hemoglobinuria

Sometimes with hemoglobinuria, the presence of blood in the urine can be detected with the naked eye. Urine can have a different shade: from slightly pinkish to the color of meat slop. However, staining of urine does not always indicate pathology. Urine may change color after eating red vegetables or berries.

Symptoms of hemoglobinuria may vary depending on the cause of blood in the urine. A person may experience lower back pain, aching joints, fever, and malaise. There is an enlargement of the liver and spleen. The patient's skin becomes pale or yellowish.

What to do if the test result is positive

Hemoglobin is usually determined during a general clinical examination of urine. There is also a rapid diagnosis of the presence of blood protein in the urine. In pharmacy chains you can find special kits for determining hemoglobin in urine. If the test result is positive, additional tests are required.

More detailed studies of urine and blood are prescribed:

  • urine electrophoresis;
  • study for hemosiderin and detritus in urinary sediment;
  • blood clotting test (coagulogram);
  • urine and blood analysis for biochemical parameters;
  • bacteriological examination of urine sediment;
  • test with ammonium sulfate (to determine myoglobin);
  • Coombs test for antibodies to red blood cells.

In addition to laboratory research methods, ultrasound diagnostics of the kidneys and urinary tract is performed. If trauma is suspected, radiography of the excretory organs is indicated. IN severe cases do a bone marrow biopsy.

Therapy for hemoglobinuria depends on the etiology of the disorder. It is necessary to eliminate the cause that caused the appearance of blood in the urine. During treatment of the underlying disease, corticosteroid hormones and iron-containing drugs are prescribed. This prevents the development of severe anemia. Vitamin therapy is also recommended. If there is a tendency to thrombosis, anticoagulants are prescribed. If hemoglobinuria occurs as a result of poisoning with various poisons, then detoxification is required. In severe cases, the patient is given blood and red blood cell transfusions.

Hypothermia is contraindicated in patients with hemoglobinuria. Patients are also advised to drink less fluid so as not to put unnecessary strain on the kidneys.

If hemoglobin is detected in urine, you should immediately visit a doctor. A dangerous sign is also a change in the color of urine. This may be a sign of serious kidney or blood problems that require immediate treatment.

Hemoglobin in urine - what does it mean? The presence of this substance in the urine is determined during tests as hemoglobinuria. In healthy people, hemoglobin molecules are completely absent from urine. When it gets into the urine, it acquires a dark brown tint. Visually, it appears that the person is urinating blood.

Hemoglobinuria develops only if red blood cells are destroyed, as a result of which the level of hemoglobin in the blood plasma increases to a critical level, and it begins to be excreted through the kidneys. This pathology can be detected in both adults and children of any age group.

Types of hemoglobinuria and causes of origin

Traces of hemoglobin in the urine are a sign of an underlying blood disease, or a violation of the filtration function of the kidneys. In addition, red blood cells can be massively destroyed under the influence of other negative factors. This is influenced by a person’s lifestyle, the presence or absence of concomitant diseases of internal organs, quality of nutrition, type of activity, and abuse of bad habits.

The nature of the origin of hemoglobinuria has been studied by practicing physicians for several decades. Based on multiple studies, the following types of pathology have been identified, as a result of which urine is saturated with hemoglobin.

In Latin it is written - hemoglobinuria. Latin letters are used to write the disease in the language of the pharmaceutical industry.

Paroxysmal hemoglobinuria

This form of the disease, in which hemoglobin is detected in urine, is also called nocturnal, and is also called Marchiafava-Micheli disease. Hemolytic symptoms of the disease are characterized by the constant breakdown of blood cells - red blood cells. This happens exclusively at night, when the acidity of the blood is slightly lower than the daytime level.

The disease manifests itself in attacks. Local vascular thrombosis develops, and blood circulation in the internal organs is partially disrupted. Hemoglobinuria of this type occurs in people whose age is between 20-40 years. Pathology is diagnosed much less frequently in the elderly and children. Paroxysmal hemoglobinuria is considered to be a short-term symptom; it is caused by the following factors:

  • heavy physical activity when the body does not have time to recover (quite common among professional athletes, as well as among people who work a lot and have little rest);
  • extensive blood poisoning with dangerous strains of infectious microorganisms (Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Streptococcus, meningococcus, tuberculosis);
  • incorrectly performed blood transfusion, which resulted in medical errors;
  • taking medications containing high concentrations of iron oxide;
  • recent surgery accompanied by heavy blood loss.

The danger of the appearance of hemoglobin in the urine associated with these factors is that if measures are not taken to eliminate the cause of the pathology, bone marrow hypoplasia develops. In the future, this will negatively affect the cellular composition of the blood.


It occurs as a result of the pathogenic effect on the human body of substances of chemical and biological origin. Blood cells are the first to suffer, as harmful components destroy their structure. In parallel with this, the filtration function of the kidneys is impaired. The more severe the intoxication, the more pronounced the symptoms of hemoglobinuria become. According to the results of a urine test, an increase in hemoglobin is observed.

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The toxic form of hemoglobinuria develops for the following reasons:

  • poisoning by poisons, chemical or biological substances that are dangerous to human health;
  • overdose of certain types of medications;
  • long-term abuse of strong alcoholic drinks and drugs;
  • work in production workshops where volatile vapors of organic acids and other chemical compounds are present.

If the causes of hemoglobin in the urine are the consequences of poisoning, then the main task of the attending physician and the patient himself is to ensure the rapid purification of the blood from foreign chemical compounds. For this purpose, sorbent drugs, intravenous drips, and hemodialysis are used.


It is considered an extremely rare and not fully understood form of the disease. In a urine test, hemoglobin appears after prolonged stress on the feet. It is diagnosed in travelers, military personnel and simply people who, due to certain circumstances, were forced to travel a lot on foot. There is a theory that constant compression of the tissues of the sole leads to local destruction of blood vessels.

After this, a chain reaction develops and red blood cells are damaged in all parts of the body. March hemoglobinuria does not have a particular impact on health, but only on the condition that the person in whom hemoglobin was detected in the urine is provided with complete rest and the static load on the capillary network of the sole is reduced. Otherwise, stable kidney function may be disrupted.


The destruction of red blood cells and the release of hemoglobin into urine occurs after severe hypothermia of the body. Most often, the disease occurs in people who swam in a pond at low air temperatures, became victims of frostbite, were dressed inappropriately for the weather, or were exposed to cold conditions for a long time. Quite often, cold hemoglobinuria occurs in people with syphilis.

Most of the patients are carriers of a latent form of infection. Therefore, when a person is admitted with signs of hemoglobin in the urine, who has previously experienced hypothermia, the Wasserman reaction is prescribed. If it is positive, then the true cause of the disease is a severe form of venereal infection, and the cold only became a catalyst for the destruction of red blood cells.

Other reasons

In addition to the above forms of hemoglobinuria and its nature of origin, the following factors are identified that may cause the appearance of hemoglobin molecules in urine, namely:

  • heavy internal bleeding;
  • in women carrying a child (hemoglobin in the urine during pregnancy appears as a result of increased load on the hematopoietic system and most often occurs during the first trimester of intrauterine development of the fetus);
  • blood transfusion to a patient who has an incompatible antigenic structure with the donor;
  • some types of anemia (hemolytic, pernicious);
  • pathology of the bone marrow (quite often for this reason hemoglobin appears in the child’s urine, and the examination results confirm dysfunction of the hematopoietic system).

Timely medical care allows you to avoid negative consequences in terms of kidney function and stabilize the cellular composition of the blood. In this case, the person returns to his usual way of life in a short time. Children recover completely without the risk of relapse of the disease. Dr. Komarovsky considers hemoglobinuria serious illness which requires urgent treatment.

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Symptoms and diagnosis

Signs of the presence of hemoglobin in urine can be easily detected visually even before the stage of medical diagnosis. It is necessary to pay increased attention to the following symptoms:

  • change in the color of urine, which changes from light yellow to a rich brown tint;
  • physical weakness, rapid fatigue;
  • headache and dizziness;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • discomfort in the lumbar region of the back in the area where the kidneys are located.

If you discover these signs of hemoglobinuria, you should immediately consult a general practitioner for examination and further advice. The presence of hemoglobin in the urine of a child requires urgent measures to treat the underlying disease or eliminate the negative factors that cause the death of red blood cells.

The examination of a patient with signs of elevated hemoglobin levels in the urine begins with an initial examination by a general practitioner. This is necessary to establish the causative factor that influences the change in the cellular composition of the blood, the entry of hemoglobin into the plasma, and then into the urine during the operation of the excretory system. Then the patient is prescribed the following diagnostic measures:

  • blood from a vein to examine it for the presence of severe infections (typhoid fever, scarlet fever, tuberculosis bacillus, syphilis, extensive insemination with Staphylococcus aureus);
  • morning urine, which is primarily tested for hemoglobin concentration, which is documented;
  • blood from a finger for clinical analysis (the percentage of vital cells, the level of glucose and other components is determined);
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys, if the patient has not applied for too long medical care and constant exposure to destroyed red blood cells negatively affected the health of this excretory organ.

Timely diagnosis, establishment of the form of hemoglobinuria, as well as the elimination of the negative factors that caused its development, means a positive prognosis for the patient’s further recovery and restoration of normal functioning of the entire body.


Pathology therapy is aimed at cleansing the blood of destroyed red blood cells, as well as getting rid of the negative causes that provoke hemoglobin to enter the urine. The following treatments may be used to achieve these goals:

  • taking sorbent drugs by the patient that absorb toxic substances that have a toxic effect on the body (used if hemoglobinuria is caused by intoxication of the body, the most effective are drugs such as Atoxil, Enterosgel, Activated carbon, Smecta, the most radical method is considered to be intravenous droppers of a physical solution, as well as the use of hemodialysis);
  • treatment of foci of chronic infection (relevant for patients who do not know that they have a bacterial, viral or fungal infection of the body, which has caused a complication such as hemoglobinuria. Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs are selected individually, taking into account the biological sensitivity of the pathogen to the active components of the drug);
  • vitamin and mineral supplements, immunostimulants (medicines in this category are prescribed to patients who have a weakened body, and the massive death of red blood cells is the consequences of hard physical labor, poor nutrition, and general exhaustion of the body).

A prerequisite for successful surgical treatment is to provide the patient with adequate physical rest in order to minimize the static load on the lower limbs and the musculoskeletal system as a whole.

Higher medical education, venereologist, candidate of medical sciences.

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