What men should be like. A real man - what should he be like? Qualities of a real man What a man owes and to whom

Information about what men should be like will be useful to both women and the stronger sex. We will try to describe in as much detail as possible the qualities that a person must have in order to please girls and be successful in every area of ​​life.

There are many works praising the best. These are mainly women's novels and poems. What should a man be like? Who knows?

It is unlikely that a complete answer to such a question can be found. Each woman has her own ideas about what men should be like. Women's magazines say one thing, and it may well be correct. The author can write something else in his book, and, in his opinion, this will also be correct. Each girl has her own idea of ​​what the man of her dreams should be, and she is also right, because she chooses him for herself.

Today in women's conversations you can often hear the phrase “real man”. Men use its slightly modified form - “normal man”. This article presents only some of the qualities that should be present in a man who will be close to the ideal. So, a real man: what should he be like?

A man must have a goal

In our opinion, this is an extremely important point. The goal may change from time to time. What should a modern man be like? First of all, he must know what he wants and what he is striving for. The goal can be anything: to achieve something in work, career, sports, personal life. The main thing is that it exists. If a man does not have a goal, then this is very bad, because his free time begins to be taken away by beer, TV, and bed. 95% of people choose such an existence, and no one will tell them that they are living incorrectly, since everyone seems to be deciding this issue for themselves. Which man will you choose? Successful and purposeful or someone who is rooted to a certain place on the sofa? What should men be like? Those who know how to set a goal and achieve it.

Be able to bear responsibility

What should a man be like? The qualities are individual, in the opinion of each girl. But, of course, any list will indicate that a man must be able to bear responsibility for himself and his family. A man should not be afraid or avoid it.

For example, one guy has conversations in this vein: everything will be fine with him. Some day. Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, when the president changes, when the aliens arrive - it doesn’t matter. The point is that only after this event will he have a job, will he start meeting girls, will he have both money and goals. Frankly speaking, such guys do not rely on their own strength, but on a successful combination of circumstances. Just when will it happen? In general, someday, but obviously not today. And not tomorrow. Perhaps in a month or even a couple of years.

But the other guy takes a different approach. He sees a problem in front of him and thinks about how to solve it. He understands that if he does not solve the problem on his own, then no one will do it for him. Even if he doesn’t succeed the first time, he finishes the job.

Which should Literature quotations offer many options. But if a guy is not responsible for his life, can he be called a man?

He must have a strong character

What should a man's character be? First of all, strong. We are not talking about biceps strength here at all. A man should have a lot of positive energy and be able to share it with others. He always has free time, which he can, and most importantly, wants to devote to his loved ones - family, wife, girlfriend, friend. In modern society, many people only try to take something from another. But when there is a guy who doesn’t mind sharing, no matter what: time, good mood, hobby or a cup of coffee - this is really attractive.

A simple example. There are two guys. One is constantly in a bad mood, crying and sad, telling how bad it is for him, with all his appearance demanding pity for his person. And the second one is always smiling, cheerful and joyful - he knows how to solve his problems and support others, give advice or help with deeds. Which of the two guys would a sane girl choose?

Therefore, to the question: “What should men be like?” - one of the answers: those who know how to be happy and share their joy with others.

He must be physically strong

Must always be ready to protect yourself and your family. What should a man's body be like? No, an abundance of muscles is not at all necessary. However, it is not for nothing that they say that in a healthy body there is a healthy mind. A man must be active and dexterous, because if he is passive and physically weak, then what kind of mental health can we talk about?

Have your own style

In most cases, guys simply copy the other person's reactions, clothes and habits. He observed someone else's behavior, he liked the way the person behaved, and he begins to repeat the same thing, like a circus monkey. Needless to say, this looks unnatural and fake from the outside?

What should a beloved man be like? He must have his own style, which will be strictly individual. He should not have the habit of looking at others and imitating them.

This includes everything, for example, one’s own in relation to another person, without taking into account the opinions of others; individual non-standard jokes; clothes that will not allow a man to get lost in the gray mass. You will never confuse such a guy with others even a kilometer away and in a crowded crowd.

A man must be able to keep his word

There are many people in the world who say one thing today, promise another tomorrow, and swear a third the day after tomorrow. It often happens that guys simply abandon their own words in favor of personal gain. Many will say that this is wrong, and one cannot but agree with this.

If a person has given his word, then even if he hurts himself, he will fulfill his promise. Only in this case will the man be respected by his family, friends and colleagues. These are the kind of guys that girls like, because they can be trusted, they will become a reliable support.

A real man will constantly monitor what he says and be responsible for what he says. He will never contradict himself, in no case will he unreasonably slander other people, spread gossip in order to humiliate someone, and so on.

Alcohol is not for real men

Firstly, alcohol negatively affects health even in small quantities, and a man thinks about his health - both moral and physical. Secondly, a real man should be able to enjoy life without alcoholic beverages.

Can he control himself?

A real man should be able to remain calm in any life situation. Only then will he earn real respect, and maybe even admiration. After all, men who fulfill their personal or work duties, while not allowing themselves to show anger, aggression or dissatisfaction, evoke precisely such feelings in those around them.

Directness and toughness are the natural properties of the entire male sex, which are necessary in order to solve emerging issues and problems. However, it is not appropriate to have any complaints against colleagues, management, subordinates, friends or your beloved man. This is ideal.

However, this is not always the case. Nervousness, stress, and a negative attitude are common causes of early heart attacks or nervous breakdowns. Still, the woman she loves should allow the man to let off steam or at least talk it out. An unexpressed negative emotion can easily cause illness or illness.

A man must be smart

A sharp mind coupled with a good sense of humor are the necessary qualities of a real man. Without them it is impossible to achieve success.

When a person makes particularly important decisions, in most cases he is faced with the problem of choice. In order to make the right decision, a man needs a sharp mind and rich experience accumulated throughout his life. Even ordinary communication with a girl requires a lot of worldly wisdom from a guy.

He must be loving

A real man loves not only himself, but also his parents, his wife, and his children. The family should be the base on which his life is built. Everything else is secondary.

Financial success and career are not the end in itself of a real man. He achieves this not for show-off, but in order to provide his family and loved ones with a high standard of living, to make sure that they do not need anything.

Independence is an important trait

In an emergency, a real man is quite capable of ironing a shirt himself and remembering to pick up his child from kindergarten. He takes responsibility for his loved ones and family without any problems. In addition, he treats any activity, even if it is changing a baby’s diaper or mowing the grass from his garden plot, as if his fate depends on it.

Be able to self-realize

It is believed that for the sake of his family happiness, for the sake of peace and well-being of loved ones, as well as for the sake of financial success, a guy should turn from a romantic into a simple worker in an ordinary office. Children's dreams of traveling, conquering the skies and performing aerobatics have to be exchanged for daily routine work in order to be closer to the family and ensure a steadily growing income, to live a measured and calm family life. And, as already said, don’t complain about your lot.

However, any real man is distinguished by his desire for the “high”. It is necessary to respect his aspirations, support him in his work and hobbies, leaving him time for self-realization. Then a man will achieve much greater success than by overstepping himself and working at a job he doesn’t like.

To be or not to be selfish?

Often women unconsciously demand unconditional altruism from their friends. That is, before making a decision, a guy should think about anyone, but not about himself. But are you doing the right thing if you force a man to renounce his interests?

Of course, every person needs personal space in order to build their life. It’s great if it doesn’t contradict the interests of your loved one. However, perhaps it’s worth changing tactics and showing interest in the man’s hobbies? Who knows, maybe you will like it too?

Know how to show emotions

Mental and physical male development is only half the battle. If he does not have high moral and spiritual qualities, then he will be nothing more than a cyborg.

Only the man who loves will be able to make himself, his parents, his wife, his children, and all the people around him happy. Those men who, at the same time, are loving and know how to show their feelings, command universal respect.

Finally, he must be careful

Don't panic, this just means that a man should learn to put his dirty socks in the bathroom and fold his clothes neatly when he comes home. By the way, the car should not be littered with garbage either.

Nowadays, the boundaries between men and women are becoming more and more blurred. It talks about gender equality, about strong women and overly flexible men.

Nowadays, the boundaries between men and women are becoming more and more blurred. It talks about gender equality, about strong women and overly flexible men. Thus, in our society there are fewer and fewer real men and fewer and fewer real women. Here you will learn the qualities that every self-respecting man should possess or strive to possess.

Now the concept of a “real man” is so distorted that it often becomes unclear who is in front of you: a woman in a man’s body or something in between...

It may be harsh, but it's true.

Who is a real man?

Let's think about it. Who is a real man?

The one that can get any girl into bed? Or the one who can drink a bucket of vodka?

Or maybe the one who earns a lot of money and walks around looking cool, treating others with condescension, or even contempt???

It is this idea that is increasingly taking root in modern society. Rave.

Imagine a Man...

What image came to your mind?

A sleek guy, with a cigarette in his mouth and a cheeky smile, who can “glue” any girl together?

Or a real “kid” who pretends to be cool and has a rude manner of communication?

Or maybe a strong, purposeful person, for example, saving lives or protecting the borders of the state?

Do you agree that the last example is somehow more inspiring?

Even following simple logic, a man is a person who possesses certain qualities or strives to develop them.

There are many qualities and signs of a real man that can be listed, but these are the most important.

This article highlights the most basic things that men need to pay special attention to.

Famous psychologists of our time, as well as sages of past years, identify several basic qualities that every man must possess.

If you are a man and you don’t have some quality or all of them at once, then you need to start developing them.

So, if you are serious, then let's move on.

5 fundamental qualities of a real man

A real man should know the purpose and meaning of life

The main questions that every man should ask himself are:

Who am i?

Why was I born in this world?

Have you asked yourself these questions? Or do you live by the principle “like everyone else”?

Think about the number:

More than 50% of people at the end of their lives greatly regret that they lived it in vain and meaninglessly.

So, in order not to regret later, you need to start looking for answers to these questions now.

Yes, without a doubt, career, family, friends, health, etc. - all this is important in a man’s life. But think about it, maybe there is an even deeper meaning...

A real man is obliged to engage in spiritual and moral self-development

The most important goal and responsibility of a man is to raise his family to a spiritual level. To do this, he needs to engage in spiritual development.

In order to possess the first quality, that is, to know the meaning of life, spiritual development is simply necessary.

Moral self-development is necessary in order to develop such qualities as courage, loyalty, honesty, respect, patience, including those listed below.

It’s sad when a man doesn’t engage in any kind of self-development at all.

A real man should be generous

There is nothing sadder and more boring than a stingy man, both materially and emotionally. I think every woman will agree with this.

Often a man does not understand why he needs to be generous. This comes from ignorance of one simple rule: a woman needs 3-9 times more than a man.

Need what? Clothes, jewelry, all sorts of beautiful things, emotions, impressions, etc.

Often emotional generosity is much more needed than material generosity.

This should be manifested in support, understanding and protection.

A real man must be purposeful

A man realizes himself as an individual when he achieves a certain position in society or strives to achieve it. This is male nature - to achieve results in external activities in society.

To do this, he needs to set certain goals, plan ways to achieve them and achieve them.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that if I have set a goal, and its achievement does not inspire me, then this is not my goal, but one imposed by society.

There are also goals that can only be achieved through enormous efforts and painful damage in different areas of life. In this case, you also need to reconsider them; most likely, the time to achieve these goals has not yet come.

If we continue to persistently strive for such incredibly difficult goals, then we destroy either our health or our relationships with loved ones, i.e. We upset the balance in some other area of ​​life.

A real man must be courageous

Courage must be demonstrated in various areas of life.

He needs to strive to courageously overcome all obstacles and difficulties along the way. They should not knock him out of the rhythm of life

A man must find the courage to be with one woman all his life, and also be faithful to her.

He must find the courage and strength to take responsibility for his life, for his loved ones, for his mistakes and failures. In general, taking responsibility is a sign of a man’s maturity. Until a man begins to take responsibility, he is still a young man, although he may be over 40.

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Ecology of life. People: About the immutability of human nature and why paying 40 rams for a lady is right!

Psychologist Oleg Silyavsky about the correct roles of men and women, the immutability of human nature and why paying 40 rams for a lady is right!

Many couples today do not experience any pleasure in their relationships. Instead of enjoying life, people figure out who should pay for what and why one has to earn more.

“Where is the justice?” - ask the male earners.“The real heroes have long since disappeared,” lament the fair sex. We talked with coach, trainer-psychologist, teacher of true essence, director of the consulting company “Practicum” Oleg Silyavsky about the correct roles of men and women, the immutability of human nature and why paying 40 rams for a lady is right.

- What should be the roles of men and women ideally?

In my trainings, I often ask people to imagine a simple biological model. For example, there is a house on the edge of the forest, a man, a woman and five children live in it - as it used to be. And from here flow all the roles, functions, consequences, who should treat whom how, who should do what.

Yes, in material and social terms everything has changed: people live in comfortable apartments, there is no need to cut down forests or carry firewood. But at the same time the archetypal nature of man remains the same. If people do not follow it, then problems and certain defects begin: psychological, social.

In general, in the modern world there is a self clear distortion of the roles of men and women, it's like drinking.

People are too far removed from their true nature and do whatever they want.

Men forget their roles and functions, women lose theirs... In this sense, now it really is a complete mess.

- If we follow your model, then it turns out that a man should fully provide for a woman?

- Of course I should. Definitely. Otherwise, he loses his masculine essence and degenerates. There is such a thing as a spiritual path, and everyone follows it, whether they know it or not. If a man does not realize his true biological function, then his path, his psyche turns out to be distorted. It's the same with a woman.

- But does a man owe a woman anything?

If he is a man, then he first of all owes it to himself, his masculine nature and his spiritual path.

A man's duty, his natural nature, is to to be a warrior, protector, patron.

And if he doesn’t do this, then he’s not a man.

Of course, a person can act differently. He really doesn't owe anyone anything. But then let him accept the consequences of what he does, of the fact that he does not fulfill his specific purpose. And the consequences will be sad - both for men and women who do not want to go the natural route.

- What are the consequences?

For a man, this is the destruction of a business, loss of the meaning of life, depression, alcoholism, impotence. There are a lot of options that nature has prepared. In women, violation of their nature and the correct spiritual path leads to loss of beauty, weight gain, and female cancer.

At first it all seems fun, especially at a young age. These consequences have not yet caught up... In Hinduism and Buddhism, such a concept as karma is professed. This beautiful law is actually the law of karma, or, as it is also called, law of universal justice.

But even if we remove the mystical side of the issue, the law of karma really exists. And here it is not even necessary to bring all these Buddhist stories about reincarnation. The law of universal justice works already in this life. The essence of this law is very simple: the choices we made yesterday determine our lives today, the choices we make today will determine our lives tomorrow.

Therefore, those people who today make a choice against their true nature can first enjoy and receive a lot of pleasures. It seems to them that they have gotten rid of unnecessary obligations: to provide for a woman, support a family, or - for a woman - serve a man, maintain a hearth, raise children. But a person can be happy for a year, two, three, and in five it will catch up with him.

And after eight it will catch up with him so much that he won’t think enough. I have been practicing for twenty years and have seen so many destinies! It really works like clockwork and people don't even suspect it. They think: this is the world, you know, do whatever you want in it. But it is not as simple as it seems.

- So, what is the true path of a real man?

First of all, he must have a Business. For a man, it plays a fundamentally important role. If he has no business, then he is not a man. To say “profession” here would be incorrect. Is being a businessman a profession? Or an artist?

Again, in a simple biological model, the head of the family must go hunting every day or plow the land. Then he survives, his family survives. Therefore, the main male path, spiritual development, is connected precisely with business. This is the first priority.

And the second priority- this is a woman. Because a man needs, how to put it, to get rid of the fruits of his business. If a man does not have a loving woman, then his life begins to be a complete mess. For example, he begins to reinvest the fruits of his labor.

This is what many businessmen do who have problems with their relationships. That is, I created one business and received a lot of money. Where should I put them? We need to invest in the next business. Invested in the next one. Now where to put them? After all, if a man is successful and has created one business, he will create two or ten.

I thought about getting rid of the money, but there were twice as many of them. We need to start a third business! He will be so bent, he will live his whole life in these businesses, and then at the age of 70 he will discover that everything has passed him by. There was success, but there was no happiness, no, he was building his career and doing something else.

Therefore, every man should ideally have a woman who would waste his money.

- Right into the wind?

Yes exactly. Women waste money, this is obvious. But first a man needs to earn money. And this has always been indicated in traditional cultures. Unfortunately, in the modern world, most traditional practices have been lost. But in some places such cultures still remain. For example, in the East, such a phenomenon as bride price has still been preserved. And that's right, I tell you. This is very correct. Because if you can’t pay 40 rams, you can’t trust a woman.

- And if a woman doesn’t want you to pay 40 rams for her?

And they have no concept of what a woman doesn’t want. It's a different upbringing. And the man is also sure: if he paid 40 sheep, he knows for sure that the woman wants him, the children, and the kitchen. I saw it all with my own eyes.

- And a man, perhaps, gets pleasure from the fact that a woman spends his money?

Of course, this is obvious. An ideal family is a family in which the woman does not know where the money comes from, and the man does not know where it goes. For the money, this is a superb example of a pair. A woman always has a lot of wonderful ways to spend her money.

A man doesn’t know how to spend cash just like that, he always counts, thinks about how best to invest funds. Strives to ensure that there is always a profit on invested capital. And a woman spends easily. I bought a ring for 9 thousand dollars, for example. And this one was still small, it would cost 25 to get a bigger diamond. Once - and 25 thousand are gone, gone down the drain.

Money in this case is the continuation and embodiment of male love. Gifts, flowers, houses, cars, fur coats and specifically cash. If a man loves, then he gives all this to the woman.

- Why else does a man need a woman, except to spend money?

In general, a woman is one of the best sources of investment for a man. Provided, of course, that this is a real woman. He puts something into her all the time, and she always comes out with something. Once you invested something, you got children, another time you invested, you got a house. On a material level this is important.

At the social level - status, they say, I have a woman, and the best and most beautiful. In addition, it gives a feeling of reliable rear support.

But what about on the spiritual level? This is also very important.

On a spiritual level woman helping man in one very important matter - in search of truth.

Men are always looking for the truth, they are itching for everything. That's why there are so many men in science, among the Nobel Prize laureates, for example?

Because this is their thing: they want to know how the world works, they want to find the truth. Scientists, religious figures, even politicians, in some way, want to know how this world works in order to command it. This is fundamentally important for a man - the truth.

Well, most importantly - the truth about yourself. Find out who I am in this world. And it is a woman who can suggest this. It speaks directly into words who you are. Goat, for example.

And if he’s lucky, he says: “You are my hero.” And that’s it, the man immediately becomes enlightened. Only a real woman can give a man the true image he is looking for.

And give it exactly in the way he needs: I am a hero, I am a winner, I am the best in this world, because such a woman loves me, and she tells me about it.

And yet, a lot has changed. Previously, gentlemen stood up when a lady entered the room, but now it is not customary to give up a seat to a girl on public transport.

The fact is that the classes have shifted a lot. Who were the real men in Rus'? Mostly officers, nobles. Like Tsvetaeva: “with one fierce will you took the heart and the rock”... And they behaved accordingly. But these were really men!

And then in Rus' almost all the men were destroyed. For about a hundred years there was a total genocide of the male population. Look. The First World War, then the October Revolution and the Civil War - the destruction of the entire color of the White Guard, the nobility. Those who were not killed were expelled from Russian territory.

But these were the best men not only in Russia but in the world in general! Further. Dispossession is the extermination of men in the countryside. Those who could actually do something, create a product, run a farm. Then, through Stalin’s purges, the Red commanders, the thinking intelligentsia and, in general, everyone who was capable were destroyed. The Patriotic War is finishing off all the others who were heroes and went to defend their homeland.

As a result, our women were left with no one. It would be good if there was one man per village after the war.

Women are accustomed to having to do everything themselves. It’s like the post-war proverb: “I am a horse, I am a bull, I am both a woman and a man.”

After this, the next generations are raised in a distorted field: boys are in an infantile feminine vein (there are no men around), and girls are like draft horses.

And then this scenario is passed on from generation to generation. And it still works. Our women strive to be independent. I read this on Facebook recently. How to find a real Russian woman? Three-step technique. Set fire to the hut, disperse the horse, wait. [Laughs]

The Russian woman still strives to grab everything herself. “Can I bring you the bags?” - “No, no need, I’ll do it myself.” And it’s okay that the man left, she will earn money herself, she will raise the children herself. And she thinks she should be applauded for it. Previously, yes, when there was no other choice, it was heroism.

But now the situation is different, there are a lot of men.

And here we should not applaud, but throw tomatoes at her for the fact that she crippled the children’s lives, because these boys, raised without a father, do not know what a real man should be, and girls do not know how to deal with the opposite sex. Vicious circle.

She shouldn’t applaud, but say: “Listen, you sick woman, get rid of your idiotic script, attract a normal man into your life. You don’t need to work three jobs and raise children. Learn to be a woman, learn to submit, obey, adore a man, admire him, and everything will be fine with you.”

- That is, a woman does not need to build a career at all, but should only engage in borscht?

A woman cannot build a career. This is not a woman's way of life. And a woman cannot work. The female body is simply not designed to handle stress. Well let's see. Let’s take this box that you have in the editorial office, and we’ll walk with it down the corridor 20 times. First me, then you. You'll see what happens.

Well, the female body is not designed for work loads. A real lady should not work, she should have something to do, and a favorite one at that. If it brings her a good profit, I will be all for it. [Laughs] But if it's not profitable, it doesn't matter. A woman should not earn money!

I'm not saying that a woman cannot receive money or other dividends - fame, respect, recognition - through social merit. Please, for God's sake, let him do whatever he wants. The main thing is that this does not become work for her. Because Only men really know how to work and can do it.

But women are not created for this work. Their body and psyche are tailored to a completely different occupation. First of all, this is borscht, you said it right. Just don't be so skeptical about it. Borscht is a great thing. But here we need to look more broadly. Not just borscht.

This is the same as saying that a man is designed only for a hammer. Only narrow-minded cynics say this, both on the part of men and on the part of women. Everyone has their greatest role in this world. Borscht and a hammer are only the tools of this greatest role. The most important functions of a woman which includes borscht, - uh T about femininity and motherhood in the broadest sense.

First you have to be a woman, and then, if she is able to attract and keep a man, start a family, it will come to motherhood. And if she is bad as a woman, then she will not become a good mother.

And femininity is, first of all, beauty, the same one that will save the world. In other words, A woman has two main functions: beauty and care, femininity and motherhood.

All little girls love to dream and fantasize. A handsome prince appears in their imagination, looking so wonderful, also with a crystal slipper in his hands. And a horse. The obligatory white horse must stand nearby and wave its mane in a welcoming manner.

What are the girls, if adult women are also those inventors - they came up with some kind of knight who must certainly save them from the evil dragon, consumer loans and mortgages for a separate apartment.

In this case, the knight may have no horse at all. The main thing in a knight is the ability to say the magic phrase: “Now you will never have to work. I am slowly removing responsibilities from you and transferring all financial responsibility to myself. Here, hold the bouquet.”

And it’s always like this: women come up with ideas, but men follow suit.

Well, what if we put jokes aside and think about what a real man should be like? Is it so important to be able to rattle knightly armor and dashingly prance on a saber-toothed unicorn, or deep down in their souls do women want to see completely different qualities in their lover? Who is he, a real man, about whom millions of women's hearts dream?

Qualities of a real man

A man should be...Why does a man owe anything to anyone?

Ok, let's look from the other side. What qualities should a man have who is worthy of being with a woman who values ​​herself? A little florid, but closer to the truth.

Real men are not born with a predetermined set of settings and characteristics. It is we, women, who often endow these qualities with the image of a person with whom we would not refuse to spend the rest of our days.

Who is a real man in our understanding and what should he be like?

  • Honest
  • Reliable
  • Fearless
  • Reasonable
  • Responsible
  • Able to admit their mistakes and learn from them
  • Prone to self-irony
  • Respecting your loved ones
  • Purposeful
  • True to my word

This is what truly attracts women to the mysterious souls of men. It is these masculine qualities that give a woman the feeling that she is behind a stone wall and under the reliable protection of her partner. With such a man you can relax, feeling truly feminine. Think about it, dear men, perhaps your woman behaves so authoritarian and masculine because you lack these qualities? Give her the opportunity to be a little weaker.

Habits of a real man

Our habits are reflected in our actions. And what, if not actions and exploits, do we expect from our chosen one? What signs of a real man are shown in their behavior patterns? What does it mean to be a man with a capital M?

1.He is not shy to say what he thinks

He is not afraid and does not look back at strangers when he expresses his point of view. He has his own concepts and principles. He does not depend on the opinions of others and believes that he has every right to defend his position on any issue and act as his conscience tells him.

2. He compliments you and doesn't expect anything in return.

He doesn't want sex or time off to go out with friends when he says you look great. In his mouth, this is just a statement of the fact that today you are unusually beautiful.

3. He doesn't apologize for his feelings or his desires.

He knows that he is an ordinary person with his own emotions and desires. Suppressing feelings is a destructive habit of people who do not think about its consequences.

He understands that every person has the right to experience certain emotions from time to time and this fact does not bother him at all.

You can see the tears in his eyes, and he won't turn away when he notices your gaze. A real man realizes that sometimes he can afford this weakness. He's not an insensitive idol.

4.He takes care of his body, mind and soul

A real man understands that in order to be able to help others, he must be at his best. He does not ruin his body with bad habits and unhealthy food, but takes proper care of it. He plays sports because he understands how important it is to be strong and healthy, and inspires others to do the same.

5. He supports a woman in all her endeavors

A real man knows what it means for a woman to be passionate about something.

If you want your lady’s eyes to sparkle with enthusiasm, do not destroy her dreams, but, on the contrary, give her a helping hand to implement ideas that can “ignite” her. It is important to be able to hear what your significant other is trying to convey to you.

6. He doesn't resort to manipulation.

A real man plays by fair rules. He will never use guilt manipulation or blackmail you to achieve his goal.

He is straightforward and confident enough to tell you his desires to your face.

7. He will be with you in your most difficult times.

A real man will not back down from his woman, even if some of his ill-wishers throw crap at the fan. He will hold her hand tightly and accept life’s most daring challenge with honor. Such a man will, without hesitation, defend the honor of his family. For him, this is a matter of principle.

8. He listens to his inner voice

Such a man trusts his intuition more than the promises of some people. If his intuition tells him that something smells like kerosene, he will check everything again to make sure his feelings are true.

9.He's not afraid to ask for help

And he himself is not shy about offering his own. A real man understands that mutual assistance in society is perhaps one of the most important things that connects us all.

10. He is not afraid to argue with a woman, but knows how to ask for forgiveness if he is wrong

A real man will not silently and indifferently nod his head if your arguments do not have a logical basis. He will make it clear to you that you are wrong and that you should not behave that way. In this way he protects his own borders. If it turns out that he was wrong, he finds the strength to admit his mistakes and apologize for his behavior.

Dear men, upgrade your qualities and skills. Always strive only for the best version of yourself! Dear girls, do not forget that next to a real man there will only be a real woman. Remember this and do not disturb the balance and harmony.

In this article, I will tell you why girls think that men owe them 😀

I think it’s no longer a secret to anyone what exactly we’re talking about. Everyone knows, heard, saw, etc. and so on. these women, a man must, must, must, a real man must, must and the list goes on, look after, give flowers, gifts, be romantic, pamper a woman, etc., etc.

The point is to manipulate the male gender.

Manipulation is about forcing a man to play by women's rules.

Make a man start competing for her (the woman), just like many other men. How do most men compete? Bingo! By investing resources in a woman (a man should)!

This is traditional female natural selection. (in other words, women's rules of the game).

This is beneficial to absolutely every woman - later, I will explain why, that’s why they use it.

And if we look at this from the female side, I would say that they are doing the right thing by using it.

Traditional female natural selection...

Look. What's the point. NATURAL SELECTION (relatively speaking, competition) is in effect. Under conditions of natural selection = the MALES/FEMALES most adapted to the environment win.

On our topic, any female (girl/woman) wants to win natural selection and survive the evolutionary race. For this he needs the most worthy man (the best male).

Because it is a worthy man (male) who is the main resource in a woman’s life, because it is he who will provide for her and her offspring, feed, clothe, protect, care, etc. and so on. and this is really the case, with a strong, worthy man, it cannot be any other way. Fact!

A woman is biologically dependent on a man. Understand?

A man is a resource getter. This is our basic natural function.

The woman herself traditionally does not extract resources, but uses the extracted resources of the man.

This is how it works evolutionarily. I didn’t come up with this, I made it up, etc. I say it as it really is.

Accordingly, based on this, how can a girl/woman understand whether a man is worthy or not?

Right. She looks at what a man does for her and compares with other men. And then she chooses the best (suitable) one for her. This is FEMALE NATURAL SELECTION.

So, returning to our topic, do you understand the essence (meaning) of a MAN SHOULD?

If this does not happen, if a man does not want to invest and shares resources with a woman (does not want to invest in her) = the woman will not receive gifts, surprises, attention and other resources from the man, and then a problem arises that violates the principle of female natural selection.

In this case, girls/women will not be able to select the best suitors for themselves. Those who are ready to invest resources in them. How then will girls/women weed out unworthy men from worthy ones? HOW?

Accordingly, if a man does not want to share resources with a woman, she will lose in the evolutionary race, she will lose in natural selection, you understand? That's why all girls or the absolute majority of the bottom - use this MAN MUST MUST MUST.

This is an effective tool (tool) in the form of manipulation to achieve the desired goal.

The ultimate goal is to force a man to play by the female rules of the game (to participate in female natural selection). This is beneficial for absolutely any girl/woman, because all girls/women are dependent on men, and they cannot make mistakes in a man, because if a girl/woman makes a mistake in a man, she will pay very, very, very heavily for it and will pay...

P.s. those who have already paid the price understand what I’m talking about now.

For those who don’t understand what I’m talking about, let me explain. A man = he can inseminate at least a hundred women in a day, fuck them, throw them away, and that’s it, leave, he may not care about everything and everyone.

Or the “man” can leave the girl/woman and child and go to his mistress, for example.

Or a “man” may perform his natural functions poorly (not provide for his woman and children, i.e., his family, not protect, does not care, etc., etc., or perform these natural functions poorly ).

And much more. These are huge risks in life. Are they necessary for a girl/woman? The answer is obvious. No. Therefore, absolutely any “normal” girl/woman tries to minimize her risks in life as much as possible, and for this she carefully selects her sexual partner.

Do you understand what women pay for a mistake?

This, by the way, explains why the number 1 main male quality is. If a man has no responsibility, he is not a man, and having anything to do with him is worse for yourself.

If a girl/woman makes a mistake, hey, she will have to carry a child for 9 months, then feed him for another 18 years, dress him, protect him, take care of him, stay awake at night, work three or more jobs, put him on his feet, and generally get through going through this entire process alone.

Well, most likely she will commit ab*rt. Kills the life inside you. Your child 🙁

Or the woman will live with a loser who poorly performs his natural functions, poorly provides, takes care of, etc. and so on. or he doesn’t do this at all, in the end, such a “man” will not suit the woman, there will be scandals, quarrels, swearing, eternal betrayals, a terrible life, complete crap in short. This is the price for a mistake if a girl makes one with a man.

Therefore, the tool “a man must” = for you, females, is very profitable and wise to use, so you definitely need to use it, but use it correctly (competently), skillfully, in a feminine, skillful way, and not like many “girls”... at least - at the initial stage this is very important for you (this is an answer to the topic of the article for men, and advice to every girl/woman).

With the help of this weapon, you, women, will be able to weed out all sorts of losers, weak, unworthy, in general, your selection is classic, you know? This is absolutely normal.

It’s normal because the main resource for you in life is a worthy man. With a worthy man, you minimize your risks in life. And you will win in natural selection.

With an unworthy man = you have huge risks in life, you lose in natural selection.

Now some information for men...

If you do something for a girl/woman = then you are playing in traditional female natural selection, in other words, you are playing by female rules, you know? =)) This is what the vast majority of men on planet Earth do, because the vast majority of men are low-mid-ranking, and they are the ones who compete against each other = for a woman.

For a girl/woman = good. Female gender = advantage in this situation. It benefits them.

But for you (a man) this is not profitable, because, firstly, almost everyone does this, since = and then the one who wins is the one who is much more successful compared to all the other males. You need to be a male very much adapted to the surrounding reality. A very powerful male, superior to all other males in all respects, this is the only way you will defeat them all.

Those. you can invest a lot, a lot, but there may be someone who will invest even more than you = and in the end = they will tell you something in the style of, let’s remain friends, you’re so good blah blah)).

And secondly, it’s not beneficial because the more you invest in a girl/woman = the worse it is for you. The rule is that the more you invest in a girl/woman of resources (money, time, effort, energy, etc., etc.), the more her VALUE for you increases and increases, and your value is in her eyes - on the contrary, it is underestimated and underestimated. This happens under the condition that it goes on (this is when you invest and invest, free of charge, but there is no and no or very little and no balance in you, an imbalance occurs), and in the end = you make it worse for yourself with your investment.

About high-ranking, powerfully pumped men...

It is not a WOMAN who chooses a MAN - but a MAN who chooses a WOMAN! But! This rule only works if you are a high-ranking worthy MALE!

A man is not dependent on women. These are women who are dependent on men. That's why, if you are very good as a man, very worthy, high-ranking, there will be a fight for you among women.

Because there are a dime a dozen low- and mid-ranking men, and you (if you are a really high-ranking man) are higher than all of them, better than all of them = accordingly, women themselves will want you more than everyone else.

In other words, women will play by your rules of the game, and not you by theirs. That's all.

A woman will (hey will have to if she wants to deal with you) obey your rules. If she doesn't play with you according to your rules, another woman will take her place who will.

That's it in a nutshell. And in general, high-ranking men are not subject to female manipulation, for example, in the “a man should” style. Just take my word for it. No one owes nothing to nobody.

Only if I want = I will come, do it, etc.. If I want = I will give flowers. If I want = I will give a gift. If I want = I will look after. Etc. and so on. But! All. Only. At. Conditions. What I want. Myself.

If I don’t want it myself = I won’t do it and no female manipulation will work.

And as for only sex, fucks, then again, you can and should seduce worthy girls/women, with yourself, on your own (completely without investing resources, such as money for all sorts of gifts, surprises, etc.). Again, not a single woman will agree with this now (and that’s right, it’s not necessary, it’s not beneficial for you), but most men won’t even understand me, because they’re used to actually buying a woman. They can’t even do it any other way. They don’t know that it’s even possible differently. Ultimately, they play according to women’s rules of the game, participate in women’s natural selection.

In general, okay... That's it. I just want to draw everyone’s attention to the fact that in order to be with a worthy man/woman you need to be a worthy man/woman yourself. The rule is that there is always a correspondence with each other. Everyone gets exactly what they are and what they deserve.

I talked about this in more detail in the main article:. Study.

And also more about the criteria for worthy men and women, in the main articles: That’s all for me. I'm done for today. See you soon.

Congratulations, administrator.

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