What to give to my 12 year old son for Christmas. A gift for a twelve year old - sporty and stylish. Original approach: especially for friends

Twelve years is sometimes a rather difficult age, since this is the very beginning of the transition period. This is no longer a child, but not yet an adult man. And teenagers can be quite vulnerable, stubborn and impressionable at times. What to give a boy for 12 years? The problem has an asterisk, but it can be solved.

Despite the fact that it is quite difficult to please a teenager at this age, everyone has their own opinion and preferences. You can build on this. Some people dream of a gadget “like everyone else,” while others will like, on the contrary, a unique book, game or souvenir that no one else has.

Is it possible to give toys at this age? Not only is it possible, but it is also necessary. And given how technologically advanced modern games are, adults also enjoy playing them. Despite the obvious competitiveness of the market for modern games and entertainment programs, it is worth considering that this is the simplest solution. But how much will a child like such a gift? After all, on their birthday, children expect a miracle and the fulfillment of their cherished desires, especially from their parents.

What to give a boy for 12 years: ideas on the surface

Don't know what to give your son for his 12th birthday? To begin with, ask the child directly what he would like to receive. And if you want to surprise, then ask your friends: children often discuss “wish lists.”

But what to do if the child himself does not know what he wants? Then all you have to do is rely on your imagination. For parents, of course, it’s easier - they know what the child is interested in, what worries him and what he dreams about. But if you need to buy a gift, for example, from your godfather, you will have to make an effort by studying thematic forums and looking for information about the hobbies of modern youth.

Clothes and accessories

Modern boys love to dress stylishly and beautifully. You can make a 12-year-old boy happy with a good quality new thing.

  • Items with prints.
  • T-shirts, patches or sweatshirts with images of your favorite TV series or cartoon characters. Perhaps the child loves some kind of musical group, then its image on clothes for a fan is one of the best gifts. Guys at this age will not refuse military-style clothes.
  • Sneakers. This is the kind of thing that will always come in handy. And branded orthopedic sneakers are not only beautiful, but also beneficial for the child’s health.
  • Perfume.
  • No, not too early! It’s just the right time to introduce a little man to a good aroma and teach him that a person should smell delicious. Always.

Watch. Mechanical, waterproof, command or electronic, personalized or made in the form of an animal. A watch as a gift for a 12 year old boy is worthy.

Present option - backpack. It will be useful for your child not only for school, but also for trips out of town. Choose a bright branded item - it will last a long time, will not spoil your posture and will make the guy stand out in the crowd.


  • At 12 years old, a child is passionate about gadgets, so absolutely all options on this list are a win-win. True, there is also a minus - the cost. Depending on the manufacturer and functionality, the price can be tens of thousands. Below are the most popular options.
  • Telephone. Today, probably every 12-year-old child has a mobile phone. But few people will refuse to update it, because new items appear almost every week.
  • Tablet. A gadget that is never superfluous. It is small in size and, unlike a computer, a child can take it with him everywhere.
  • Laptop. A lightweight and portable version of a desktop computer that will allow a child to be mobile in learning and entertainment without being tied to a workplace.
  • Smart watch. The computer built into them will help your child feel like a superhero or a spy. Imagine, with the help of such a gadget you can talk, take photos and videos, count steps and pulse - the number of functions is impressive! The more expensive the model, the greater the potential. EBook.

A good thing that will help your child prepare for lessons and just spend a pleasant evening reading. If a child loves to read, this gift will come in handy.

Consider this option as a prefix. Both boys and grown men are fans of computer games. A new console is a pleasant and memorable gift for a child, which will also make his dad happy.


  • Moderate exercise has never harmed anyone. Rather, on the contrary, physical exercise helps you stay toned and maintain health. Even if the boy is not involved in the sports section, the following gift options will be quite appropriate. A wall bar with all the necessary accessories will definitely delight and inspire an active child. There are options for both home and outdoor use.
  • Rollers. This also includes skateboards and roller surfs - choose a “movable” gift based on what your child will like.
  • Bike. Every boy's dream - no comments here.
  • Boxing set. It’s far from certain that a set of bags and gloves will make a new Muhammad Ali out of a child, but it will definitely add confidence.
  • Rackets.

For table tennis, tennis, badminton. An excellent reason to spend time in the fresh air not only for the child, but also for the parents, playing and competing in skills.

The hoverboard is a fashionable thing. From the same series: Segway, hoverboard, hoverboard, unicycle. Just the perfect gift for a 12 year old boy. The only negative is that not everyone can afford the expensive pleasure. But, if money does not play a special role, such a gift will not go unnoticed.

Time to play

  • 12 years is an age that ideally combines a love for toys and more adult hobbies. This opens up almost unlimited possibilities for adults when choosing a gift for a child: there are options “for every budget.” Business entertainment.
  • Games related to business development help a child navigate modern life. “Monopoly”, “Management”, “Economist”, “Business”, “Strategy” - choose any one.
  • Constructor. Magnetic, electric, metal, plastic options are available for every taste and color. Popular Lego construction sets and their analogues produce “12+” and even “16+” models - very difficult to assemble, but interesting and unusual. Radio controlled model.
  • A car, a plane, a boat, a tank - a good radio-controlled toy model is not cheap, but it is durable and can show a real master class, outperforming even a real car.
  • Quadcopter.

A drone that not only flies, but also takes pictures of everything around from a bird's eye view - not only the child, but the whole family will be delighted with such a toy. It is also radio controlled, but is considered a more “advanced” option. It is recommended to run under adult supervision.

Children are passionate natures, and at the age of 12, many already have a hobby to which they devote all their free time. Some people play music or take photographs, while others collect calendars or stamps. Treat any hobby with respect.

  • Exhibit. Such a gift can be inexpensive. For example, a new stamp, disk, badge or book from a series will definitely please a young collector.
  • Tool. For a child musician, the most important thing is that his instrument is in order. Perhaps your son needs new guitar strings or drumsticks.
  • Master Class. For a creative child, any opportunity to learn something new that you can do with your own hands is much more important than material wealth. Maybe the son had long dreamed of trying something, but was afraid that it wouldn’t work out? Let the professionals show your child how it’s done.
  • Camera. Does your child love taking photographs? So, it’s time for him to buy his own camera - let him take good shots and participate in competitions. For the first option, budget DSLRs with additional cases and impact-resistant surfaces are suitable.
  • Animal. 12 years is the age when a child is no longer afraid to entrust the care of our little brothers. Depending on preferences and capabilities, you can give a fish or a parrot, a cat, a dog or even an iguana.

A telescope would be a good gift. What could be more interesting than looking at the starry sky? As children, many of us dreamed of becoming astronauts and conquering galaxies. Have the boys' dreams changed since then?

Impressions are a gift “forever”

You can lose a gadget or break a toy. This does not mean that you should not give them, but there is a gift that is “forever” - new impressions and bright emotions.

  • Tickets.
  • Take your child to a concert of your favorite band, to the theater or to football. Real presence at such events is remembered for a long time.
  • Walk. And not just a walk, but on horseback, ponies. Be sure that while sitting on a horse, the child will see everything completely differently, in a different color. Another undeniable plus is the benefits for the musculoskeletal system in particular, and general tone in general.
  • Drive. What could be more interesting than going to unknown destinations - to a new city or even country? 12 years is the age when a child can appreciate a change of scenery.
  • Aquapark. Who doesn't love to have fun splashing in the water and sliding down the slides into the pool? And if this is a New Year’s gift for a 12-year-old boy, then the mood for summer fun in the middle of winter will not leave any of the participants in the process for a long time.
  • Entertainment center. Play centers have long ceased to be the abode of preschool children. Today they are equally designed for adults. Especially for 12-year-olds there are quest rooms, mazes, slot machines and much more. Having gathered in a friendly company, you can choose the appropriate option or take part in all presented.

Cool options

Today it is difficult to come up with something that cannot be bought in a store or online. If you want to surprise a child by making an unusual and memorable gift, then everything is limited only by imagination and the availability of time to search.

  • Apparatus.
  • Kids have a soft spot for cotton candy and popcorn, so why not give your child the opportunity to make their own treats? Modern devices are ergonomic and easy to use, and the prices for small models are quite affordable.
  • 3D pen. An amazing device that will allow you to create three-dimensional objects right in the air. The pen is easy to use and writes using molten plastic.
  • Piggy bank ATM.
  • Well, who among us hasn’t dreamed of having our own ATM at home? The dream is not at all difficult to realize, but you will have to charge the ATM yourself - saving on pocket money or receiving bonuses from the older generation.

Alarm. Modern models know how to run away and fly away from their owner, make them shoot and throw basketballs at them - in general, when the child wakes up, he will definitely not be able to sleep again, which means he will not sleep through school.

It is difficult, but possible, to please the younger generation. If a gift for a 12-year-old boy is made with soul, it will not go unnoticed. Don’t forget to please your child with a sweet tooth with a delicious and beautiful cake, and invite your friends to a sociable and sociable guy for the holiday. For many, this will already be the best gift.


Twelve-year-old boys want to receive memorable gifts on their birthdays, chosen according to their age. Gifts from parents can be desired gadgets, interesting new things, useful souvenirs. To get the desired effect, you should ask what your son dreams of, so as not to disappoint him.

How to choose a gift for a 12 year old boy

Parents of a teenager do not always know what to give their boy on his birthday. It is worth turning to professional websites for help and buying gifts in online stores in Moscow at a competitive price. There is an option to order gifts from the gift department catalog at attractive prices with home delivery. In any case, you should compare ideas and give the most original one.

What to give your son for his birthday

There can be a variety of ideas for what to give a boy for his birthday. These are intellectual gifts that develop brain function, sports gifts for those who are interested. Cool souvenirs, useful gadgets, and long-planned purchases will be good gifts. You should be responsible when choosing what to give, so as not to disappoint your son with a gift that is not appropriate for his age.

Intellectual gift

You will definitely like a gift for a 12 year old boy, which will be aimed at developing logic and intelligence:

  • A flash drive with recorded games or books in electronic format will appeal to keen boys who will learn to concentrate, gain experience and develop themselves comprehensively;
  • the game Monopoly is a classic version that will appeal to a son who has many friends; it is useful for knowledge about economics;
  • a book is a good gift if you give the version in a beautiful colorful cover with rich content, high-quality illustrations, the topic can be anything: from interests, hobbies to educational material.

Sports present

If a boy develops physically and is interested in sports, then here’s what to give his 12-year-old son:

  • a bicycle is an excellent choice for a teenager, he will ride it to school and back, improve his driving skills;
  • a model of a racing car or boat - useful for boys who are interested in modeling; they will appreciate an expensive model with a remote control and many additional functions;
  • a soccer ball or any other - you need to choose depending on your son’s hobby; you can even give him not just a game ball, but an option with the autograph of his idol and wishes, even better if the boy himself receives this autograph live;
  • roller skates - it is worth choosing for flexible boys who are not afraid of getting injured, because this sport is dangerous, it is worth choosing the appropriate equipment for protection;
  • skateboard – your son should choose the coolest model, which will be the envy of everyone around him and will be useful for honing his techniques and skills;
  • sneakers - a good quality model from a sports store will be useful not only for an athlete, but also for an ordinary boy who will wear it to physical education lessons or for walks with friends;
  • backpack - a stylish, fashionable item with stripes made of durable material will survive all trips in transport, heavy textbooks and even fights;
  • T-shirt - useful for my son to wear to school, for walks or to attend extracurricular activities;
  • a scarf - with the emblem and logo of your favorite sports club will become the envy of others and will teach you to express your son’s opinion regarding the choice of idols.

Cool souvenir

Among the options for what to give a cool son for his 12th birthday, it is worth noting small accessories that will accompany the main gift - these are cute, neat souvenirs with funny wishes and congratulations:

  • a keychain for a backpack or pencil case - you can put anything there: from a photo of an idol to an image of the whole family with their son;
  • an unusual toy - just let it be a non-soft option, boys will like repeat hamsters, racing car models;
  • a poster with your favorite actor, singer, athlete will decorate your son’s room, creating the right mood and atmosphere;
  • desktop photo calendar - will be a reminder of fun moments spent with your family;
  • photo mug – will cheer you up in the morning and create the right emotions after waking up;
  • sweets - in jars, sets or in the form of cards - are popular ideas that bring a lot of joy;
  • lunch box - a cool copy in bright colors will be the subject of attention at lunch, when visiting clubs and sections;
  • A personalized card is a good sign of attention that will express your attitude towards your son, show love and care.

Necessary and useful

Long-awaited gifts from parents will be necessary and useful items that embody dreams:

  • a wristwatch for a 12-year-old boy is the first serious male accessory that will emphasize his son’s masculinity;
  • device - you can choose an alarm clock, a new smartphone or a computer - the most memorable ideas that you can give to a child at any conscious age;
  • a case for a donated gadget - will protect the new thing from falls, dust and scratches, and will be a manifestation of individuality;
  • perfume - like a watch, will evoke a feeling of seriousness and imitation of dad;
  • tickets for football, hockey, basketball - you can give them for any sport, depending on your interests.

Hobby gift ideas for 12 year old birthday boy

Young researchers with a hobby need a special present. Here's what to give your 12-year-old son based on his interests:

  • Lego constructor - a boy of any age will like it, because it develops fine motor skills, creativity and imagination;
  • helicopter - a toy with a radio-controlled remote control will cause a lot of delight and joy, a feeling of admiration;
  • quadcopter with a video camera - modern children, already at the age of 12, become bloggers, shoot videos and post them online; with the help of a quadcopter you can get original footage that will increase channel traffic;
  • punching bag – if a child is involved in boxing, then this accessory will come in handy more than once;
  • gloves or other equipment for sports - well-made things that the boy needs will do;
  • dumbbells – can be used as an element of morning exercises or weekend exercises;
  • high-quality headphones and speakers - as a gift to music lovers who will appreciate them;
  • a musical instrument - as a gift to those who are interested in creative people, you can buy a guitar, a harmonica - whatever the child likes;
  • computer mouse - suitable for any modern child, because everyone has a computer, and a mouse is simply necessary to assemble the kit;
  • A graphics tablet is a gift for budding artists or those dreaming of becoming designers; it will be useful for honing their skills.
Vika Di October 19, 2018, 21:48

A birthday at 12 years old is perceived in a special way. At this time, boys want to receive valuable and useful gifts from their parents. Choosing the right gift is a responsible task, because please my 12 year old son not so easy. An interesting birthday present for a 12-year-old son will certainly improve the boy’s mood.

Prepare a gift for my son's birthday

Universal gifts: clothes, shoes, accessories

Many teenage boys are interested in creating stylish look. For this reason, the following gifts are often chosen:

  1. Branded clothes or shoes. It is advisable to choose stylish items from well-known brands. It is recommended to take into account the boy’s personal preferences, since the item should match his style.
  2. Backpack or city ​​bag. Such an accessory will be stylish and practical. You can carry school textbooks and roller blades for a walk in your backpack. For this reason, it is important to choose a high quality backpack or bag with optimal durability. It is desirable that the accessory is suitable not only for going to school, but also for walking.
  3. Leather bracelets. These accessories have an elegant design and complement the look. Genuine leather bracelets usually have a discreet design. Many boys choose such accessories.
  4. Wrist watch. The present will be practical and stylish. It is advisable to choose modern wrist watch with an original shaped LED display.

Successfully choosing clothes, shoes or accessories for a boy is a responsible task

However, such a gift will please you if it complements the image being created and will help show a sense of style.

Modern gadgets

When choosing a gift for your 12-year-old son, you can buy modern gadget. Prices for equipment depend on the brand, level of functionality, technical characteristics and reliability.

Give your son a modern gadget for his birthday

It is advisable not to skimp on a gift, because it should last a long time. Gadget options for gifts:

  1. Mobile phone. It is recommended to choose a modern one smartphone, characterized by optimal technical characteristics and functionality. New phones are offered regularly, and it is advisable to choose a model among the new ones.
  2. Tablet. This gadget is small in size and light in weight. Tablet You can take it with you, being confident in its benefits.
  3. Laptop. It is advisable to take into account the main purpose when choosing such equipment. Laptop may be suitable for working in office programs and the Internet or for active entertainment in computer games.
  4. Smart watch. Modern models are distinguished by a high level of functionality. The gadget is useful for conversations, creating photos and videos, counting steps and heart rate. The functionality of smartwatches is sometimes impressive. Expensive models have more features.
  5. EBook. This technique will be useful for those who love to read and actively prepare for lessons. EBook will allow you to download a variety of literature for reading.

Sometimes gadgets are expensive, so it is recommended to carefully study the various options and decide on the most suitable one for yourself.

E-book as a birthday gift for my son

Original gifts for son

Original gifts also often chosen by parents who want to please their birthday sons:

  • thermal mug with the emblem of your favorite club or movie;
  • unusual lamp;
  • board game For the company;
  • t-shirt with an original inscription that a teenage boy will appreciate;
  • home machine for making cotton candy or popcorn;
  • karaoke set if the boy is engaged in singing;
  • original piggy bank to save money for the purchase of a dream (the gift is suitable if parents do not have the financial capacity for an expensive gift).

Piggy bank as a birthday gift for my son

Original gifts deserve attention, because they also give vivid impressions and become a manifestation of the attention of parents.

Gifts associated with bright emotions

The boy will be pleased if his parents help him spend the upcoming holiday in a special way. holiday, as the day will be remembered for a long time:

  • hike to sport's event taking into account the interests of the baby;
  • visiting karting with holding races;
  • trip to paintball or laser shooting range;
  • participation in interesting and useful master class.

This gift is associated with emotions, but it will also be valuable to a teenager.

What gifts should you refuse?

From the following gifts preferably refuse, since they are not suitable for a teenage boy:

  • cosmetics and perfumes(the only exception can be a high-quality perfume with an elegant scent for a man);
  • home textiles(bed linen, towels);
  • gift, not in line with interests and boy's hobbies;
  • souvenir or toy not according to age(at 12 years old, a boy is actively growing up, and his worldview is changing).

Knowing what you can give your son for his 12th birthday, it’s possible decide on a gift and please the birthday boy.

New Year is a time of miracles, when your most cherished dreams come true. On the eve of the holiday, children dream of receiving the desired gifts, and, of course, parents do not want to disappoint them.

At the same time, the demands of modern children and adolescents are quite high, and it is not so easy to satisfy them.

Have you not yet decided what you will give your 10-12 year old son for New Year 2020? Children of this age are no longer given ordinary toys. Let's consider the options for the most acceptable and at the same time original gifts.

What New Year's gift should I choose for my 10-12 year old son?

If you want your 10-12 year old son to like his New Year’s gift, it should be a fairly original and technically complex product, for example, a remote-controlled toy with a remote control: a car, an all-terrain vehicle, a quadcopter, an airplane, a tank.

Boys also like tracks with racing cars, prototypes of which can reach speeds of up to 100 kilometers per hour or more. You can play with such toys alone, in the company of friends or with your father.

Or you can opt for a transforming robot or a construction set, for example, a large Lego set or an electronic, magnetic construction set. If you choose an interesting model, you can be sure that you will please the boy.

What else can you give your 10-12 year old son for the New Year? Another option is a fascinating 3D puzzle that allows you to create working models of mechanisms.

Such games develop children's memory, attention, thinking, as well as reaction speed, motor skills, etc. Keep in mind that the older the child, the more complex the toy should be.

Many boys will be happy to receive a homemade kit with models of ships, tanks and other equipment, a kit for a young physicist or chemist, a kit for experiments with magnets, kits for burning or carving out of wood, etc.

This gift set usually contains different attachments and even sample pictures. You can also immediately give your child varnish to cover finished products.

Working with metal or wood and creating unique crafts will appeal to many boys. Who knows, perhaps such a New Year's gift will arouse your son's interest in a certain type of creativity, which will subsequently even determine his choice of profession.

Other gift ideas for a 10-12 year old son for the New Year

Let's tell you what else you can give your son for the New Year: it could be a board game of hockey or football, which you will play with him in the evenings, table chess, checkers, sea battle, various puzzle games.

Modern boys also love games based on popular TV series: “Empire”, “Treasure Island”, “Game of Thrones”, “Carcassonne”, etc. Together with friends, your child can play games such as Alias, Evolution, Story Cubes, Scrabble, etc.

But perhaps the most desirable gift for children of this age is a modern gadget, for example, a gaming tablet or smartphone. Now your child will be able to download even more interesting games, useful programs and simply take wonderful photographs. In addition, he will always be in touch with you, which is especially important for moms and dads.
You can also choose a wristwatch with a pedometer, voice recorder and other additional functions as a gift for your 10-12 year old son for the New Year 2020, depending on the child’s preferences.

To please with a gift, go with your son to an electronic equipment store and pay attention to what he is interested in. Or ask him to write a letter to Santa Claus with you and express his wish for what he wants to receive for the holiday.

When deciding what is best to give your son for the New Year, don’t forget about books. At this age, children are usually interested in adventure literature, books about pirates, famous commanders, travelers, publications devoted to various types of equipment and weapons, and animals.

If a boy loves music, buy him a good player with headphones. Or you can buy a small instrument, for example, a metallophone or a synthesizer with several keys. Such a New Year's gift for a 10-12 year old son will help develop his ear for music and his first playing skills.

Many children at this age participate in sports clubs. When choosing what to give your son for the New Year holidays, you can opt for sporting goods.

Perhaps your son dreams of getting a football or volleyball, skates, rollers, skis, a skateboard, a bicycle, a table tennis set, a suit for sambo or judo, a home exercise machine, compact prefabricated dumbbells, a mat for gymnastics?

In winter, such a gift as tubing - a soft inflatable cheesecake for skiing from the mountains - will come in handy.

Or you can buy your son a snow scooter as a New Year’s 2020 gift - a steerable sled for riding down the snowy mountains. There are many different versions of this technology available, including models with wheels that can even be driven on asphalt.

Another idea is to purchase a snow blaster or snow blaster so that the boy can have fun battles with his friends in the yard. Such hobbies will not only bring him new experiences, but will also help him maintain good physical shape. Your son will enjoy spending time outdoors and have a wonderful holiday season.

A good present for him would be your joint trip for the New Year holidays to a holiday home or camp site, where the boy can find new friends and have an interesting holiday. You can also give your son a ticket to a water park, to an interesting movie at the cinema, to participate in a quest, to a New Year's performance at the circus, to a sporting event with the participation of your favorite team, etc.

What else should I give my 10-12 year old son for the New Year?

If you are looking for a funny and at the same time budget gift, pay attention to a T-shirt with a cool design, a mug with a funny inscription, a keychain in the form of a symbol of the coming year - a cute rat or mouse.

A useful thing for guys who have difficulty waking up in the morning would be an alarm clock with a target and a pistol or a flying alarm clock.

When choosing a New Year's gift for your son, try to take into account his tastes and preferences. After all, it is known that the greatest joy is caused by the things that children dream about. And although at this age they no longer believe in Santa Claus and know that their parents bought them gifts, they still look forward to the presents.

All we have to add is that the selected item must be packaged in an original way. To do this, you can use multi-colored boxes and bags with New Year's symbols, and put small gifts in beautiful red socks.

Many will agree that choosing gifts for representatives of the stronger half of humanity is not easy. And trying to find a souvenir for a teenage boy can seem like an ordeal. But if you set yourself a goal, you will succeed in choosing a suitable present for the birthday boy in honor of his 12th birthday. You just need to approach the issue with all care and attention.

Some features of age

From the age of 12, a child begins to change rapidly. This is expressed in active physical growth, changes in moods and hobbies. The boy is looking for himself, his own style, so that he himself is not yet fully aware of his desires. But, if he is interested in something, then any thing related to the hobby will bring a lot of pleasure (be it an addition to the collection, a gift edition of a book by a favorite author, or the latest licensed version of a popular computer strategy).

Another difficulty in choosing a souvenir is that boys become closed to their loved ones, so you may not be able to find out about his dreams. But there is one subtlety: whatever it is, it must be modern, new and definitely trendy. The only exception is for collectible items, for example, if they are stamps from the Second World War.

In general, in order to make an appropriate present, you need to talk with the boy, consult with his parents, but first, clarify for yourself what groups possible gifts are divided into, and also familiarize yourself with the most popular and in demand in each of them.

At the age of 12, the boy still loves toys, but may already be ashamed of his childhood hobbies, hiding some of them

Video: birthday gift ideas for teenagers

Does it matter who the gift is from?

There is only one law here: the closer the relationship with the birthday person, the more intimate the souvenir can be. That is, if a guy begins to suffer from rashes on his face, then from his godfather, with whom he goes fishing, to the country, or on vacation abroad, it will not be insulting to receive products for the care of problem skin or an appointment with a cosmetologist for cleaning. But this same gift from a young aunt, whose last meeting was a year ago and then on Skype, will seem, if not offensive, then definitely strange.

What not to give

In this matter, everything is very individual, as it depends on the character of the hero of the occasion, as well as on the culture of gifts accepted in the family. In other words, some parents reject money as a gift, but there are also those who, on the contrary, welcome only such gifts. Still, a number of controversial options can be identified:

The best ideas for a present

If you want not only to hear words of gratitude, but also to see approval in the eyes of the birthday boy for meeting his expectations regarding a birthday souvenir, then it’s time to start studying examples from each category of gift products.


It is no coincidence that they are put in first place. In fact, handing over cash is a subtle psychological move. At 12 years old, teenagers do everything to feel like adults. But getting credit from mom and dad, who know all your weaknesses, is not so easy. And bills in a new wallet or a funny piggy bank are not only an opportunity to buy something very desirable, but also an open demonstration of recognition of the boy’s maturity, because this gesture seems to say: “I trust you, so you can go and choose something for yourself.” at your own discretion." Please note that once you have decided on such a gift, there is no need to criticize the child’s choice.

Parents can make a gift deposit in the boy's name or give him a bank card to which pocket money will be transferred monthly. This will make the boy feel like a real adult.

A cash gift is a controversial option, although many prefer to give and receive it

For a collection

Boys in their early teens usually enjoy collecting things, and they take this hobby to the point of fanaticism. So a new exhibit for the collection will not only be appropriate, but an ideal gift.

You can also look for something from a category that is not directly related to collecting, only applied.

Book as a gift

Printed products, despite all the controversy regarding its relevance, are still in demand. The best way to please with such a gift is to ask the birthday person what book he would like to receive. But there are several nuances here. Firstly, the guy may not yet have any stable literary tastes, secondly, you may not be able to find what you need, and thirdly, the effect of surprise with such a detailed preparatory process will disappear. So just choose something that suits the boy’s interests, for example:

As for examples of fiction, the following are especially popular among authors at this age:

  • Arthur Conan Doyle;
  • Agatha Christie;
  • J. Rowling;
  • Tolkien and others.

Present option - backpack. It will be useful for your child not only for school, but also for trips out of town. Choose a bright branded item - it will last a long time, will not spoil your posture and will make the guy stand out in the crowd.

Electronic devices have firmly occupied the second step of the pedestal of appropriate gifts after monetary gifts. And even though the guy got a new phone literally 2-3 months ago, a super-sophisticated mobile phone almost straight off the assembly line will be an excellent present. In addition, such a device will replace many others: an e-reader, a TV, a navigator and a player. Although these gadgets are also valuable individually. By the way, an e-book or tablet can become a repository for all educational literature that will need to be studied in a year. True, before starting such a practice, it is worth asking whether teachers allow such an approach.

No teenager will refuse a new mobile phone model

Funny presents

Teenagers' sense of humor may seem peculiar, but its very presence opens up a lot of possibilities for choosing a gift. First of all, this group will be of interest to the boy’s friends, since the options presented in it are quite affordable.

  1. Luminous shoelace. With such an accessory in sneakers or trainers, there is no shame in dancing at a disco or walking down the street at dusk.
  2. Tabletop finger drum set. With the help of this toy, the guy will play his favorite tunes to get himself in the mood for doing his homework.

    There are models of desktop drum sets that are connected to a computer and allow you to listen to your own musical compositions in recordings.

  3. Running alarm clock. It is especially useful for a young man who is constantly late. With such a “friend” it is almost impossible to sleep after switching off: in order to press end, you need to catch up with the clock.
  4. Fingerboard. The finger skate not only soothes, but also activates the thought process through massage.

    Fingerboard perfectly calms you down and puts you in a working mood

  5. Transformable flash drives that turn into a robot or space alien just by turning the elements.
  6. Handgam. Children love this hand chewing gum so much that they even figured out how to make it themselves.

How to make handgam with your own hands: 3 recipes - video

What to give to a computer game lover

No matter how much psychologists and parents struggle with gaming among teenagers, children still love to spend time playing virtual strategies or war games. And if your birthday boy has this craving quite moderately, then why not please him with something that fits the theme.

Virtual reality glasses at home - video

Sports gifts

Sports play an important role in the life of a teenager. Moreover, for some it is significant as an accompanying element, inextricably linked with important matters, while for others it is a heavy duty that must be served at school during lessons or in a section at the insistence of mom or dad. Oddly enough, a themed gift can be found for both.

  1. Rollers. They will play into the hands of a boy who has decided to find a part-time job for the summer: many summer cafes and car washes are looking for dynamic and nimble assistants who travel in such vehicles.
  2. A good ball for a football, basketball or volleyball player. There are never too many such sports accessories for true fans of team games.
  3. Skate. The kids happily race around the park, learning new tricks. When choosing, pay attention to the fact that you can already buy a board from the Decks category, selecting it to match your shoe size (at least 38).

    For many teenagers, skateboarding is a subculture

  4. Bike. For a guy with a height of 125 to 155 cm, a model with 24-inch wheels is suitable.
  5. Hoverboard. Even an opponent of physical education will be interested in such newfangled fun.
  6. Jumper. On such jumping stilts you can not only get a charge of positive emotions and joy, but also at the same time strengthen the muscles of your legs and back.

    Jumper is a rather dangerous form of transportation, so it can only be used away from the road

  7. Pogostick. A more complicated version of the jumper, since the support for the legs is supposed to be joint rather than separate.
  8. Sports equipment for hockey, boxing, tourism, etc.
  9. Exercise bike, dumbbells for exercising at home.

Gifts for creative people

By the age of 12, a teenager already begins to develop a certain range of hobbies. He may want to learn to play the guitar, try his hand at writing poetry, prose, creating oil paintings, or sculpting original netsuke. Find out what exactly the birthday boy is passionate about, and you will have in your pocket a 100% way to guess with a souvenir.

Clothing, shoes and accessories

At the age of 12, many boys already begin to look more closely at their wardrobe. Of course, they have not yet grown up to a tuxedo, but they are quite ready to wear stylish sneakers, sweaters and snoods.

Toys and games

Don’t be surprised, at the age of 12, kids are still playing, but especially with fashionable and original things that are so popular today.

  1. Spinner. Bestseller of recent months. This anti-stress pinwheel comes in different weights depending on the material from which it is made. It’s better to start with a simpler model, gradually acquiring something more intricate and heavy.
  2. Grabber. Another fun game originally developed to combat stress: a ball with handles that the player must grab onto based on a sound and light signal.
  3. Radio-controlled equipment. This gift will be a real find for a guy who has like-minded people who also have a weakness for racing cars, helicopters or boats powered by a remote control. Perhaps they only needed one participant to hold a rally or regatta.

    RC toys are a great gift for a guy who is passionate about modeling.

  4. Magic ball. Fans of the series “House” or “The Simpsons” will definitely appreciate the toy they saw in their favorite movie. On one side of the sphere there is a figure eight, and on the other there is a screen. In order to find out the prediction, you need to shake it and see the answer. The young wizard will find the interpretation in the instructions for the device for reading the future.
  5. Twister. A fun game in which participants must coordinate the positions of their arms and legs according to the direction of the arrow. This game will appeal to both children and adults.
  6. Monopoly. Parents certainly won’t have any problems explaining the rules of this game, because many adults are still happy to build a scheme for earning millions in the construction of their monopolies.
  7. Jenga. For a designer, a little boy, of course, is already big. But a wooden tower made of blocks is a construction option that will captivate even parents. Players must pull out one piece of the structure from below and place it on top. There is a variation of Jenga Boom, in which the tower is built on a periodically wobbly stand.

    Jenga trains attentiveness, and also develops patience and perseverance in the player

  8. Game of life. It is believed that this gift is more suitable for girls, who are forever infused with the spirit of lovers of playing mother-daughter. But some boys are also happy to choose a strategy for the development of their character, focusing either on a career, or on family, study, and living this life until retirement.
  9. Puzzles. If your teenager is still putting together the details of the paintings, then please him with a new plot. Choose a kit with at least 1000 elements, otherwise it will be uninteresting.
  10. Table football or hockey will captivate all men in the family, regardless of their age.
  11. Wooden puzzles. They will be of interest to children who were curious about the Rubik's Cube found in their father's desk drawer.

Cross puzzle: review and solution - video

Emotions and impressions as a gift

For many adults, options from this category will be a real salvation, because you don’t have to rack your brains over choosing a book, T-shirt or game. It is enough to know at least a little about the character of the birthday boy to find something suitable for him.

  1. Tickets for football (volleyball, basketball). Just keep in mind that there must be at least two invitations, since the boy is unlikely to want to go alone.
  2. Paintball battle. The desire to shoot is inherent in men at the genetic level. The guy will probably be happy to go to the training ground in the company of his peers. And if you can also include adults, for example, dad, uncle and friends, then the day will be full of unique emotions.
  3. Visiting laser tag with one or more friends. Especially for those who like to shoot in virtual games. Only in this case everything that happens will be in real time.

    Laser tag makes it possible to realize virtuality in real time

  4. Organization of the quest. Today, this entertainment has gone beyond the quest room; now you can come up with a whole scenario in which participants will look for answers to questions, solve puzzles and think through their every action while traveling around the city.
  5. Karting or a climbing wall for the restless boy who loves active games and is not afraid of speed and heights. But if the hero of the occasion is not athletic, then you should not hope that with such a gift you will turn him into a fan of active physical activity. Most likely, the gift will remain ununderstood.
  6. Going to attractions.
  7. Flight in a hot air balloon or in a wind tunnel. This entertainment is also suitable for active and curious children who are not afraid to take risks.
  8. The opportunity to visit a flight stimulator will give a lot of impressions to a boy who will be able to feel like a real pilot.

    The flight stimulator gives you the opportunity to try on the role of a pilot at the controls of an airplane.

  9. A ticket to a summer camp. For a sociable young man, this is an excellent option for organizing a vacation.

Original approach: especially for friends

As a rule, it is most difficult for peers to decide on a gift, because in addition to all the subtleties of choice there are also limited funds. But even here, by searching, you can find a way out.

First acquaintance with the ant farm - video


You can start looking for a gift at the bird market only when you have enlisted the support of parents and relatives living in the same house with the birthday boy.

In addition, not all boys during the period of teenage rebellion are able to daily fulfill their duties in relation to the little animal. In general, a very controversial option. But if we talk about specific examples, we can offer:

Hand made gifts

For the guy, the success of this group of souvenirs is determined by the use of computer technology. In other words, a quilling painting from an aunt will be significantly inferior in the rating of current gifts to a mug with a photo print from friends. Especially if it’s a collage of funny photos together. You can also think of a video from video clips from cartoons or films with funny dubbing.

Finding a gift for a 12-year-old boy won’t be difficult if you know his character, have an idea of ​​his hobbies, and keep an eye on what’s new on the market for goods for teenagers. And to be sure to hit the mark with your gift, you should definitely consult with the parents of the birthday boy.

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