The true story of the Annabelle doll from The Conjuring. Annabelle: a true story about a doll possessed by a demon Annabelle doll real story museum

In 2014, a new horror film was released on cinema screens - a film directed by John Leonetti "Annabelle"(Annabelle). His script was based on real events, which date back to the early 1970s.

This story, although different from the one presented in the film, is no less terrifying. A rag doll that ended up as decoration in the home of two young girls gradually began to turn their lives into horror.

The next film directed by John R. Leonetti, who participated as a cinematographer in the creation of such films as Insidious and The Conjuring, tells the story of the Gordon family, whose life turned into a nightmare thanks to a doll possessed by the spirit of a young Satanist. A nasty toy given to the main character, Mia Gordon, found itself in the grip of a demonic force whose only desire was to take possession of the soul of this woman’s child.

The horror film begins with a scene that refers the viewer to Annabelle's future victims - two nurses who rent a house together. They talk about the misfortune that befell them. Few people know that this plot is related to real events that occurred in 1970. An inconspicuous decorative toy, given to one of the heroines of this story, became a real curse.

The doll independently changed its position, traces of blood appeared on it, and women discovered strange inscriptions near it. Psychologically broken friends turned for help to demonologists - Ed (1926-2006) and Lorraine Warren (b. 1927).

Ed and Lorraine Warren

At first glance, an ordinary doll...

Annabelle from the film is not at all like the real one. In 1970, Donna, a nursing student completing a nursing course and already working in this specialty, received a large rag doll from her mother as a birthday gift, purchased in a store with hand-made goods. It was supposed to decorate the apartment that Donna rented with her friend Angie, also a nurse.

There was nothing demonic about the doll: about a meter high, big eyes, a smiling mouth, red hair and a triangular piece of red fabric sewn on as a nose. Her place was Donna's bed, who after a few days began to notice something strange.

“Every morning I would sit her on the made bed, arms at her sides, legs extended,” Donna reported. “When we returned home in the evening, we discovered that her limbs were in a different position. For example, her legs were crossed and her arms were folded.” on the knees.

After about a week, suspicions began to arise. I decided to deliberately leave the doll with its arms and legs crossed and see what would happen in the evening. Upon returning home, we found the doll with its arms outstretched. We found her in all sorts of positions every time."

All this seemed strange, but the girls did not panic. Then the doll (at that time still nameless) began to “travel” through the rooms. Angie described it this way:

“One evening we returned and found the doll on a chair by the front door. She was kneeling. The interesting thing is that when we tried to put her in this position ourselves, she immediately turned over. Another time she appeared on the sofa, even before We left it in Donna's room behind a closed door."

Another manifestation of supernatural activity was notes appearing from nowhere in the room with strange content (for example, “Call me”), written in crooked handwriting. It looked like a child had left them. Donna and Angie quickly discovered that they did not have the kind of paper and pencil they used to write the notes. They came to the conclusion that someone was breaking in and rummaging through their things while they were away.

To prove this, they used several tricks borrowed from spy films: the windows were sealed, and rugs and small objects were placed in such a way that a person moving through the rooms would certainly move them. But it did not help. It seemed that the force that moved the doll was still inside...

Spirit Invitation

Donna and Angie, when they saw a heavy figurine rise into the air and crash onto the floor, were convinced that their case was clearly “unusual.” When one day they discovered blood on the doll, they began to look for outside help. From the testimony of one of the girls: “Upon our return, we noticed traces of blood on the doll’s hand and several drops on its body. This scared us.”

This had been going on for about a month and a half since the doll appeared in the apartment. Not knowing who could help them, the nurses invited a woman into the house who had mediumistic abilities. From her they learned some surprising details.

“It turned out that a girl died here,” Donna reports. “She was 7 years old, and her name was Annabelle Higgins. The medium reported that her spirit was “playing” in these meadows long before the buildings were built here. [... ] Since now everyone is only concerned with the pursuit of work, the spirit could not attract anyone’s attention. And he showed up with us with the hope that we would understand him. That’s why he moved the rag doll. Annabelle wanted to stay with us and “possess” us. doll. What could we do? We allowed her to do this."

From that time on, the doll was given the name of the deceased girl. Donna and Angie, however, did not realize that inviting a spirit during a séance would have serious consequences. They were physical attacks from an invisible force aimed at their friend named Lu.

The latter admitted that from the very beginning he subconsciously felt that there was something wrong with this doll: it disgusted him, and he advised the girls to get rid of it. The man also claimed that once, while spending the night with them, he had a real nightmare starring Annabelle, which later came true...

Lou was with Angie, studying a map of the hiking trail he planned to take the next day. Suddenly, a noise came from Donna's room. Lou reacted instantly and, assuming it was a robber, approached the door. The noise stopped. They turned on the light and saw Annabelle lying on the floor. Angie described what happened next as follows:

"Lou looked around, and it turned out that no one was there, but suddenly he began to scream and clutched his chest. When I ran up to him, he fell over and began to bleed. There was blood visible in many places on his shirt. He was shaking, he was scared. We went into the living room, and when I unbuttoned his shirt, there were scratches on his chest that looked like claw marks [...] There were seven of them: three transverse and four longitudinal.”

Last resort

For help, the nurses turned to their friend priest Khegan, who, after listening to their story, directed them to a certain Father Cook. He reported this case to specialists in complex paranormal cases - Ed and Lorraine Warren - a former police officer, an expert in demonology and his wife, who has the gift of mediumship.

After investigating the case, Ed gave his verdict:

"The doll is not possessed. Spirits do not possess objects, only people. It was the spirit that moved the doll so that it seemed as if it were alive. And since you believed that it was the spirit of little Annabelle, this force adjusted to this image. In other words, you opened , and you were used by an evil spirit, of course, with your consent."

At the same time, he emphasized that this thing that settled with Donna and Angie was evil, and it revealed its true nature by attacking Lou.

The real doll looked different than in the movies

At Donna and Angie's apartment, in the presence of the Warrens, Fr. Cook performed an exorcism. At the end, he blessed those gathered and all the premises. No paranormal incidents occurred. To appease the women, the Warrens decided to take Annabelle with them. But, as the exorcist later confirmed, no Annabelle ever existed. Through a seance, the girls attracted a dangerous otherworldly entity to themselves.

“Annabelle was not here,” said Father Cook. “We encountered a spirit. [...] Everything that happened here played out according to a certain scenario, which means there was some intelligence behind it. In addition, spirits cannot provoke phenomena such tension, they don’t have enough strength for this. Something inhuman, demonic took place here.”

The Warrens did not reveal the secret where exactly this incident took place. This was one of the first high-profile cases in which they took part. A year later, they assisted in the complex case of the Perrons' "troubled house" in Harrisville, the story of which was depicted in the film "The Conjuring" (2013). But the Warrens are best known for their investigation of the Amityville case in the second half of the 1970s.

In 2013, the horror film “The Conjuring” was released, and a year later another thriller “The Curse of Annabelle” was released. Both scenarios are based on the story of a doll that happened in the early 70s of the 20th century.

And today, 50 years later, researchers are arguing about whether the toy actually exists, is it a myth or reality? After all, the events associated with it are so mystical that it is difficult for an ordinary person to believe in them.

Cinematic and real

There is always a place for fiction in films. The television doll appears on the screen as a painted porcelain toy. What does Anabelle look like in real life?

In reality, her appearance has little in common with her Hollywood counterpart. An ordinary rag toy, discreet and inconspicuous. The photos show that Anabel has round eyes, a triangular nose, and either red or brown hair.

It was invented by children's writer Gruel. He lost his little daughter - the girl died after vaccination. In memory of her, Gruel created a fairy-tale character and patented it. According to the writer's sketches, the first Annie appeared in 1915 - Ragdoll.

At this point the story stops until 1970, when Annie ended up on the shelf of an antique store. There she was seen by a woman who was looking for unusual gift for daughter Donna's 28th birthday.

The visitor bought a toy. From that moment it began real story Annabelle, full of strangeness and mysticism.

Through locked doors

Donna lived separately from her mother - in a modest apartment, which she rented with her colleague Angie. A friend noticed the strange behavior of the gift.

The girls left, leaving the toy in one position, and when returning, they found it in a different position and in other places. Sometimes she stood leaning on the back of a chair, sat cross-legged, and once found herself in Donna's room, although the door was locked.

What happens next is even worse. Friends saw traces of blood on the doll and strange inscriptions next to it. The girls claimed that Anabel wrote them messages. The notes were written in pencil on parchment in real life - the friends saw the text and read it. The main oddity was that there was never parchment in their apartment. And there were notes on it, and the author cried out in them for help.

Help from a medium

How and with what could the girls help? The friends decided to act through a medium, and from him they learned who Annabelle was in reality. According to the medium, there used to be a private estate on the site of a multi-storey building. There lived a girl, Annabelle Higgins, who was found dead at the age of 7.

The child's body was buried, but the spirit never found peace. He was tied to this place, and when a doll appeared in the apartment, he possessed it. The guide said that the spirit wants to stay with his friends because he considers them reliable and will not harm the girls.

Kind and sympathetic nurses agreed, which they later regretted more than once.

The weirdness continues

The toy’s travels around the apartment and its messages alarmed their friends, but did not instill panic. The girls got seriously nervous when Anabelle actually tried to strangle the man.

This story happened when Angie's boyfriend, Lou, moved into the apartment. One night he woke up to the sound of someone climbing over his body. I tried to move, but I couldn’t. The doll approached the man's chest, intending to strangle him.

That time there was no tragic ending, but a few days later she attacked Lou again. The guy was discussing the details of the upcoming trip with the girls when he heard a suspicious noise in Donna's room.

Lou followed the sounds, sharply opened the door - there was no one in the room, except for a toy sitting in the corner. The guy went to move it to a permanent place, when he suddenly felt a burning sensation and pain in his chest. A second later he was writhing on the floor, blood oozing from deep scratches on his chest.

The wounds resembled the claw marks of a predator - after a couple of days they disappeared. That's when Donna and Angie really panicked. There were moments when they doubted that the events described were real, from real life. And all of them are directly related to the doll.

Frightened and broken friends turned to the priest for help, and he already contacted the Warrens, who specialized in demonology.

Demon Manipulator

Ed and Lorraine Warren listened to Donna, Angie and Lou, examined the toy and explained that there was no spirit of the deceased girl in it. An inhuman demon found a temporary refuge there, but it will not stay long, because it can only live inside a person.

According to demonologists, the spirit will try to take possession of the soul of one of the residents. The girls asked the Warrens to take the creepy doll with them. They agreed: after the exorcism session held in the apartment, the guests packed it in a bag and left.

Has the story continued and where is the real Anabelle now?

Do not open the protective case

Ed and Lorraine were well aware of the danger of the evil spirit and did not rule out the possibility that he would try to take possession of the car along the road. Warren decided to take country roads, away from busy roads.

Along the way, something incomprehensible happened to the car: the engine itself slowed down, the brakes periodically failed, and the power steering did not work. Then Warren sprinkled the possessed toy with holy water - the rest of the road was covered without incident.

In the Warren house, the new inhabitant was given a place next to the work desk - less than two weeks later, she was up to her old tricks. The priest invited to exorcise demons performed the ritual, but did not believe in the threat posed by the doll and its demonic abilities. In vain, because on the same day his car had an accident - the brake system failed. The priest, fortunately, survived.

The new owners no longer wanted to take risks. They built a glass case and placed a scary toy inside it under lock and key. There is a warning on the outside of the case: “Do not open.”

In 2014, a new horror film was released on cinema screens - the film Annabelle, directed by John Leonetti. His script was based on real events that date back to the early 1970s. This story, although different from the one presented in the film, is no less terrifying. A rag doll that ended up as decoration in the home of two young girls gradually began to turn their lives into horror.

The next film directed by John R. Leonetti, who participated as a cinematographer in the creation of such films as Insidious and The Conjuring, tells the story of the Gordon family, whose life turned into a nightmare thanks to a doll possessed by the spirit of a young Satanist. A nasty toy given to the main character, Mia Gordon, found itself in the grip of a demonic force whose only desire was to take possession of the soul of this woman’s child.

The horror film begins with a scene that refers the viewer to Annabelle's future victims - two nurses who rent a house together. They talk about the misfortune that befell them. Few people know that this plot is related to real events that occurred in 1970. An inconspicuous decorative toy, given to one of the heroines of this story, became a real curse. The doll independently changed its position, traces of blood appeared on it, and women discovered strange inscriptions near it. Psychologically broken friends turned for help to demonologists - Ed (1926-2006) and Lorraine Warren (b. 1927).

At first glance, an ordinary doll...

Annabelle from the film is not at all like the real one. In 1970, Donna, a nursing student completing a nursing course and already working in this specialty, received a large rag doll from her mother as a birthday gift, purchased in a store with hand-made goods. It was supposed to decorate the apartment that Donna rented with her friend Angie, also a nurse. There was nothing demonic about the doll: about a meter tall, big eyes, a smiling mouth, red hair and a triangular piece of red fabric sewn on as a nose. Her place was Donna's bed, who after a few days began to notice something strange.

“Every morning I would sit her on the made bed, arms at her sides, legs extended,” Donna reported. “When we returned home in the evening, we discovered that her limbs were in a different position. For example, her legs were crossed and her arms were folded.” "On my knees. After about a week, suspicions began to arise. I decided to deliberately leave the doll with its arms and legs crossed and see what would happen in the evening. When we returned home, we found the doll with its arms spread out."

All this seemed strange, but the girls did not panic. Then the doll (at that time still nameless) began to “travel” through the rooms. Angie described it this way: “One evening we returned and found the doll on a chair by the front door. She was kneeling. The interesting thing is that when we tried to put her in this position ourselves, she immediately turned over. Another time she appeared on sofa, even though before that we left her in Donna’s room behind a closed door.”

Another manifestation of supernatural activity was notes appearing from nowhere in the room with strange content (for example, “Call me”), written in crooked handwriting. It looked like a child had left them. Donna and Angie quickly discovered that they did not have the kind of paper and pencil they used to write the notes. They came to the conclusion that someone was breaking in and rummaging through their things while they were away. To prove this, they used several tricks borrowed from spy films: the windows were sealed, and rugs and small objects were placed in such a way that a person moving through the rooms would certainly move them. But it did not help. It seemed that the force that moved the doll was still inside...

Spirit Invitation

Donna and Angie, when they saw a heavy figurine rise into the air and crash onto the floor, were convinced that their case was clearly “unusual.” When one day they discovered blood on the doll, they began to look for outside help. From the testimony of one of the girls: “Upon our return, we noticed traces of blood on the doll’s hand and several drops on its body. This scared us.” This had been going on for about a month and a half since the doll appeared in the apartment. Not knowing who could help them, the nurses invited a woman into the house who had mediumistic abilities. From her they learned some surprising details.

“It turned out that a girl died here,” Donna reports. “She was 7 years old, and her name was Annabelle Higgins. The medium reported that her spirit was “playing” in these meadows long before the buildings were built here. [... ] Since now everyone is only concerned with the pursuit of work, the spirit could not attract anyone’s attention. And he showed up with us with the hope that we would understand him. That’s why he moved the rag doll. Annabelle wanted to stay with us and “possess” us. doll. What could we do? We allowed her to do this."

From that time on, the doll was given the name of the deceased girl. Donna and Angie, however, did not realize that inviting a spirit during a séance would have serious consequences. They were physical attacks from an invisible force aimed at their friend named Lu. The latter admitted that from the very beginning he subconsciously felt that there was something wrong with this doll: it disgusted him, and he advised the girls to get rid of it. The man also claimed that once, while spending the night with them, he had a real nightmare starring Annabelle, which later came true...

Lou was with Angie, studying a map of the hiking trail he planned to take the next day. Suddenly, a noise came from Donna's room. Lou reacted instantly and, assuming it was a robber, approached the door. The noise stopped. They turned on the light and saw Annabelle lying on the floor. Angie described what happened next as follows:

"Lou looked around, and it turned out that no one was there, but suddenly he began to scream and clutched his chest. When I ran up to him, he fell over and began to bleed. There was blood visible in many places on his shirt. He was shaking, he was scared. We went into the living room, and when I unbuttoned his shirt, there were scratches on his chest that looked like claw marks [...] There were seven of them: three transverse and four longitudinal.”

Last resort

For help, the nurses turned to their friend priest Khegan, who, after listening to their story, directed them to a certain Father Cook. He reported this case to specialists in complex paranormal cases - Ed and Lorraine Warren - a former police officer, an expert in demonology and his wife, who has the gift of mediumship.

After investigating the case, Ed gave his verdict: “The doll was not possessed. Spirits do not possess objects, only people. It was the spirit that moved the doll so that it seemed as if it were alive. And since you believed that it was the spirit of little Annabelle, this force adjusted to this image. In other words, you opened up and were used by an evil spirit, of course, with your consent." At the same time, he emphasized that this thing that settled with Donna and Angie was evil, and it revealed its true nature by attacking Lou.

At Donna and Angie's apartment, in the presence of the Warrens, Fr. Cook performed an exorcism. At the end, he blessed those gathered and all the premises. No paranormal incidents occurred. To appease the women, the Warrens decided to take Annabelle with them. But, as the exorcist later confirmed, no Annabelle ever existed. Through a seance, the girls attracted a dangerous otherworldly entity to themselves.

“Annabelle was not here,” said Father Cook. “We encountered a spirit. [...] Everything that happened here played out according to a certain scenario, which means there was some intelligence behind it. In addition, spirits cannot provoke phenomena such tension, they don’t have enough strength for this. Something inhuman, demonic took place here.”

The Warrens did not reveal the secret where exactly this incident took place. This was one of the first high-profile cases in which they took part. A year later, they assisted in the complex case of the Perrons' "troubled house" in Harrisville, the story of which was depicted in the film "The Conjuring" (2013). But the Warrens are best known for their investigation of the Amityville case in the second half of the 1970s.

Their activities and effectiveness in the fight against demonic entities have caused and will continue to cause controversy, since this area belongs to an area that can only be taken “on faith.” As for rag Annabelle, her story is not over yet. She ended up in a special room in the Warrens' house, where they stored various magical and cursed items. They say that the doll still poses a danger, which is why it was placed in a glass display case with a “do not open” sign...

Quotes are from the book: Brittle G. The Demonologist. The Extraordinary Carreer of Ed and Lorraine Warren. iUniverse, 2002.

Greetings, lovers of mystical and mysterious stories! Dolls often become the main characters in urban legends and horror stories. They are called demonic cursed creatures that can seriously harm a person. The Anabelle doll, whose history began at the end of the 20th century, gained some popularity.

Of course, increased interest in the mentioned character arose due to a series of horror films where Anabel is the main negative character. It is noteworthy that the horror films included in the expanded universe of James Wan's The Conjuring are largely based on real events. They are not solely a figment of the writers' imagination.

Trailer for the film "The Conjuring"

Skeptics who question various stories about paranormal phenomena have a sharply negative attitude towards Anabel.

They insist that no demonic spirit is in possession of the toy; it does not represent potential danger. And the terrible details from the legend about her are just fiction. However, critics are unable to give a rational explanation for all the events that happened in the 1970s.


At the beginning of the 20th century, soft rag dolls began to appear on the shelves of Western stores. Bright, smiling toys instantly became popular. They did not have unique names; they were all produced under a single brand - “Raggedy Ann (Annie).”

The creator of the rag doll image was Johnny Gruelle, a writer. He composed several children's fairy tales in which rag dolls were the main characters. Initially, Gruel did not expect that the heroes of his stories would “gain life” outside the pages of books.

The first toy was made after a tragic event that happened in the writer’s family. Gruel's little daughter died suddenly due to complications after vaccination. Rag Anne was sewn in memory of the baby. This happened in 1915.

After children's toy manufacturers became interested in both Johnny Gruelle's fairy tales and his doll, the writer patented the character. However, he agreed to the mass production of rag toys in the image and likeness of the heroes of the stories.

The Anabelle doll is not a rare, not exclusive or antique item. It is unknown exactly how many copies of rag toys were actually made and sold. Therefore, it is not the doll itself – the “physical shell” – that is of interest, but the evil that has taken possession of it.

The story of the real Annabelle doll

In the early 1970s, a woman whose name does not appear in documents related to Anabelle discovered a funny toy in a junk shop. At that moment, she was just looking for a gift for her adult daughter, Donna, for her birthday.

Even though Donna was turning twenty-eight years old, her mother, fascinated by the soft doll, decided to purchase the toy.
There were no labels or stripes on the doll that could indicate the year of production.

A consultant in a store that sold not only old things, but also hand-made items, said that Raggedy Ann was clearly old. Although it was preserved in excellent condition: there was no dirt on the clothes, the doll did not smell of antiquity, and the hair had not faded.

Donna, who was studying at medical school at the time and working as a nurse at the hospital, was sincerely surprised by the gift from her mother. But she accepted the doll. Having examined it carefully, the girl left the toy in her room among other things.

Angie, Donna's flatmate, was skeptical about the gift. For some reason she didn’t immediately like the rag toy.
A few days later, the girls realized that the doll was not as simple as it seemed.

When Donna went to school or work, she always left a toy, to which she did not give any name, on the bed in her bedroom. Gradually, she began to notice that she was magically changing her position: crossing or spreading her arms and legs, bending over, lying down or sitting down on her own.

Angie, having learned such details from a friend, said that she felt uncomfortable when the rag doll was nearby. In addition, the girl assured that at night she now hears footsteps, strange rustling sounds and what seems like someone’s whispering.

Time passed, and the doll’s activity only increased. She began to move quietly around the house and learned to get out of locked rooms.

One evening, the friends returned home and found a nameless doll in the living room. She stood without any support and looked attentively at them, frozen in the doorway. Another time, Angie and Donna found a toy on a chair in the hallway. She knelt and looked at them again.

The surprising thing was that no matter how hard the girls tried to get Raggedy Annie to her feet or knees, they couldn't. The toy fell over on its side and did not hold any poses.

One day, when the friends were having dinner in the living room, the doll was sitting there on the sofa. At one moment, a heavy metal figurine that was standing on a shelf suddenly rose into the air. She rolled over, spun around, and fell onto the carpet with a loud thud. And the very next day something happened that really scared Angie and Donna.

Returning from a walk in the evening, the girls found strange notes in the house with the texts: “Help us,” “Play with me,” “Don’t hurt me,” “Don’t drive us away.” The messages were written in red pencil on stiff papyrus paper. The handwriting looked very childish. Trying to rationally explain the whole situation, Donna suggested that some joker had sneaked into her and Angie’s apartment and scattered notes around the house.

In the following weeks, the girls tried unsuccessfully to “catch” the bully, as notes on scraps of darkened paper continued to appear. At this time, Raggedy Ann began to become even more active.

Real panic covered Donna and Angie when one day they found a doll on the floor in Donna's bedroom. The toy sat steadily with its back to the door. When Donna picked it up from the floor, the girl screamed and threw the toy onto the bed. Small drops of blood were visible on the rag doll's hands and clothes.

The next morning, the girls told their friend Lowe about everything. The young man, having examined the doll, said that some very unpleasant energy was emanating from it. Lowe had no doubt that the rag toy was cursed. He advised Angie and Donna to get rid of the thing.

Despite all the inexplicable and frightening events associated with the gift from her mother, Donna did not want to throw away the doll. Instead, the girl found the phone number of a woman who called herself a medium. After contacting her, Donna invited the medium to her and Angie’s apartment.

After the seance, the woman, whose name is unknown, stated that there was nothing scary about the doll itself. She is “controlled” by a ghost. She said that many years ago there was a field where Donna and Angie lived.

The body of a seven-year-old girl, Anabelle Higgins, was found in this field. Doctors were unable to establish the cause of death, and the child’s soul was “stuck” in this world.

The medium suggested that little Annabelle was actually just trying to attract the attention of her friends and seemed to be asking if she could stay with them in the apartment. After consulting, Donna and Angie decided that the girl’s ghost was not capable of harming them. Therefore, they allowed Anabel to stay with them and inhabit the doll’s body.

Lowe, when his friends told him everything, did not approve of their decision. He was hostile to the doll, and it reciprocated. At first, Annabel - that was the name of the rag toy now - haunted the young man in his nightmares. Then she tried to strangle him, and then inexplicably scratched him until he bled, leaving seven deep claw marks on the guy’s chest.

Frightened by all the events, friends turned to the local church for help. The priest, after listening to them, suggested that it was not good spirit a child, but an insidious and cruel demon.

It was necessary to perform an exorcism and cleanse Donna and Angie's apartment. Ed and Lorraine Warren, specialists in paranormal phenomena, were invited to assess the situation and help carry out the ritual.

Contrary to expectations, the entire ritual went without problems, the doll behaved calmly. After the ceremony, Ed insisted that the girls give him and his wife the cursed toy. He had no doubt: that dark and terrible thing that took possession of the doll still lives inside it.

Ed and Lorraine later said that the Anabelle doll gave them a lot of trouble. On the way home, an evil demon tried to make the Warrens' car crash. Afterwards, the doll continued to show signs of paranormal activity, and once even tried to strangle Ed.

The Warrens decided to lock the “fiend of hell” forever in a special glass box. Even though the box was small, the rag toy barely fit in it, Anabel managed to move, change her position, and knock on the walls.

What does the Anabelle doll look like?

The real Anabelle doll is approximately one meter tall. It is a rag soft toy with red hair. The doll’s face has large, open, dark eyes, an open, good-natured smile, freckles and a triangular nose made from a piece of red material.

Anabel is dressed in light trousers with ruffles, White dress with inserts of colored fabric with floral print. On her feet are striped red and white stockings and soft shoes. Clothes and shoes are not removed.

Where is the Annabelle doll?

The scary toy is now kept in the Warren Occult Museum. She is locked in a glass box, next to which there is a sign: “ATTENTION! DO NOT OPEN!". It is forbidden to touch the box, you cannot address Anabel, especially by name, and it is not recommended to photograph her. Any mockery or ridicule of a toy can lead to frightening consequences.

There is a story about how a locked toy managed to seriously harm two museum visitors.

The girl and the boy, despite all Ed’s warnings, did not take Anabelle’s story seriously. They laughed at her, knocked on the glass of the box and demanded that the demon locked in a rag body show himself.

Ed Warren, angry at this attitude towards the exhibit, kicked the guy and the girl away. He saw how the young people, continuing to have fun and discuss Anabelle, left on a new expensive motorcycle.

That evening, the phone rang at the Warrens' house. They were informed that a serious accident had occurred not far from their house-museum. The motorcycle crashed into a tree on the side of the road at breakneck speed.

However, no malfunctions were identified in the operation of the vehicle. The young man driving the bike died on the spot. The female passenger was taken to intensive care in serious condition.

The Warren Museum also contains various other cursed things, artifacts, documents and photographs. The house museum is located in the town of Monroe, located near New York. The Warrens built it in 1960. The first floor is completely dedicated to the museum.

Films based on history

The scary doll first appeared in the horror film “The Conjuring,” which was released in 2013. However, she did not play a big role in the plot of the story. The character was just introduced to the public.

In 2014, the first full-length film (a spin-off of “The Conjuring”) about the devil’s toy, “Annabelle,” was released. In 2017, the second part of the horror film, Annabelle: Curse, was released. The birth of evil." The plot of the film is a prequel to the first film. In 2019, the premiere of the third part of the horror film, “Annabelle 3 (Annabelle Comes Home),” took place.

It is interesting that in 2014 the black comedy “House with Paranormal Activity 2” was released, in which Anabelle appeared. Outwardly, it is almost one hundred percent identical to the toy presented in the “Conjuring” universe.

How to call an Anabelle doll

The ritual of summoning a demonic entity that has settled in a rag body is very similar to the rituals associated with the Queen of Spades or Bloody Mary.

You will need:

  1. new spark plug; it is desirable that it be waxy and red;
  2. Red pencil;
  3. a piece of craft paper;
  4. mirror;
  5. saucer;
  6. a dark room.

A candle is lit in a darkened room and placed in front of a mirror. The capital letter “A” is written on a piece of paper with a red pencil. Then the edges of the letter are connected with smooth, continuous lines so that the end result is a pentagram star.

Taking the piece of paper with the drawing in your hands, look in the mirror and call the creature by name three times. Afterwards all that remains is to wait. You need to be prepared for the fact that the emerging image of Anabelle will not be static.

Some practitioners say that during the ritual something strange happens to the demonic doll’s facial expressions. The grimacing creature in the looking glass really looks scary, evil, and dangerous.

In order to drive away the demon and complete the ritual, the paper must be quickly torn. Its pieces are set on fire from a candle flame and placed in a saucer.

At the same time, you should say loudly three times:

Go away, Anabel, leave me alone!

As soon as the paper burns out, the candle is quickly extinguished with your fingers, and the light comes on in the room.

Why do you dream about a doll?

If a scary evil doll came in a dream, then such a dream can have several interpretations. However, they all report that something bad awaits the dreamer in life.

Some options for deciphering a dream with a scary doll:

  • serious illness of a loved one;
  • deceit, betrayal, betrayal;
  • severe stress, negative emotional experiences;
  • painful disappointment in oneself, friends, loved one, work;
  • loneliness, depression;
  • exacerbation of infantility;
  • problems with money, real estate;
  • the Annabelle doll that came in a dream may be a sign indicating that a person has been cursed, jinxed, or given a dead person, some entity from the Astral.

What do you, friends, think? Is there really a demon inside the toy kept in the museum? Leave your thoughts and opinions in the comments. Share this article with your friends on in social networks and be sure to subscribe to updates on our site. Thank you for your interest in the publication! Goodbye!

Everything that is connected with otherworldly forces: incomprehensible phenomena, poltergeists and manifestations of aggression by inanimate objects - instills fear and horror in people. But everyone is attracted by incomprehensible and inexplicable phenomena. if you love horror stories, then be sure to read the real story of the Annabelle doll.

She became famous thanks to the film “Challenge Evil,” filmed in 2013. This greatest mystery was used in their research by demonologists Ed and Lorraine Warren, who made their living by solving supernatural mysteries. But before we get back to Annabelle's story, let's figure out who Ed and Lorraine were.

Ed and Lorraine Warren

For those who don't know, the Warrens are real people who lived in the city of Monroe, Connecticut, solving problems with the manifestation of supernatural and demonic forces. The Lorraine gift, which they possessed since childhood, allowed the sixth sense to unravel the secrets of the otherworldly life of mankind. The couple solved mysterious cases like the Annabelle doll. For life together there were many interesting and mysterious cases, so they decided to create their own Warren Occult Museum.

Although Ed died in 2006, the museum is still open to the public and offers people insight into the 10,000 cases that occurred throughout the Warrens' careers.

Annabelle's Spirit

The Annabelle doll is also in the Warren Museum. According to the story, the doll belonged to Donna, a student. She received it as a gift from her mother when she started college. The girl and her roommate began to notice that when they returned home, the doll was always in a different position or in the next room. Concerned about what was happening, the girls asked the Warrens for help. It turned out that the doll was possessed by the spirit of a girl named Annabelle, who had long since died in this apartment, and that the doll was happy in the presence of the girls. This was enough for them to leave this house.

Terrible events

Over time, strange events began to occur in the house. One day a friend came to visit them, stayed overnight on the sofa, and something strange happened to him. He, who did not believe in anything supernatural, turned incomprehensible phenomena into a joke, and was haunted by nightmares during sleep. He dreamed that Annabelle strangled him. When he woke up, he took the doll from his neck and immediately saw his scratched chest and body. Frightened, they hurried to the priest Hegan for help. He immediately realized that this was very serious, and called his boss, Priest Cook, an experienced exorcist, for help.

Exorcism by Annabelle

Even the priest, an expert in working with otherworldly phenomena, could not cope with Annabelle's power. That's when Ed and Lorraine took over the case and immediately realized that they were faced with a demon who was manipulating the doll to try to take over the human soul. Priest Cook to get rid of evil spirits in the apartment, placed Annabelle in a museum along with other relics.

Looking back, one can understand that the matter was much more difficult than they could have imagined. During the trip to the museum, they were able to avoid serious injury several times. Ed decided to stop the car, sprinkle holy water on the doll, and cross it. The ritual calmed the doll, but it could not be returned to the house; it still retained its demonic abilities. Lorraine noticed that the doll hovered in the air several times. Therefore, she was placed in a glass box, where she is still kept.

Better not to tempt fate

It is said that a couple of doubting young men visited the Museum of the Occult several years ago and asked to see Annabelle. The young man decided to go down in history and opened the glass abode of the doll, took it in his arms to prove the unreality of such fairy tales. The result of this test was a motorcycle accident. The young man fell to his death. His girlfriend survived, but spent some time in a mental hospital. After recovery, she said that she did not remember anything, she laughed and cried all the time.

Truth and fiction in the film about Annabelle

The film, as stated, is based on real events. But can you believe it? Where is truth and where is fiction? Let's figure it out now.

  • In the film, the doll belonged to the teacher. In fact, the terrible toy was given to a college student.
  • Soothsayers are sure that the doll contains the girl’s soul, but the devil himself was hiding there.
  • In the museum, the rag doll also did not sit still. That's why they locked it in a glass box.
  • Annabelle is a rag doll with big black eyes. In the film, she is porcelain and beautifully dressed.
  • The enchanted doll was named Ann Doll. However, the demon was hiding behind the spirit of the girl Annabelle.

Although other exhibits remain dormant for years, countless people visit the Warren Museum twice a week to see Annabelle. The essence of the phenomenon is unclear - Is it quackery or does people's sick imagination rule their minds?

And you or Have your friends encountered similar phenomena in their lives?

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