Sand therapy in the work of a speech therapist. Educational portal Presentation of the sand therapy method in speech therapy

Sand therapy in speech therapist classes.

teacher-speech therapist MBOU "Secondary School No. 1" G. Pikalevo Abraeva Evgenia Sergeevna

Sand games


Aimed at carrying out psychological diagnostics, correction and development of the child.


Games to get to know the world around you


Games for the development of phonemic awareness, correction of sound pronunciation, teaching reading and writing.

  • develop tactile-kinetic sensitivity and fine motor skills of the hands;
  • relieve muscle tension;
  • develop activity, expand life experience conveyed by the teacher in a form that is close to the child (the principle of information accessibility)
  • stabilize emotional states by absorbing negative energy;
  • contribute to the expansion of vocabulary;
  • help to master the skills of sound-syllable analysis and synthesis;
  • allow you to develop phonemic hearing and perception;
  • promote the development of coherent speech, lexical and grammatical concepts;
  • help in learning letters, mastering reading and writing skills;
  • improve visual-spatial orientation, speech abilities

Sand therapy techniques help the traditional method of correcting sound pronunciation become more interesting, exciting, more productive.

Subject : “Sound Sh Automation of pronunciation in words of all types"


  • Strengthen the ability to hear and isolate the sound Ш in a stream of other sounds;
  • Strengthen articulation and isolated pronunciation of the sound Sh.
  • Continue to learn how to correctly pronounce the sound Ш in syllables and words.
  • Develop the skill of syllabic analysis of words.
  • Develop word reading skills.
  • Develop tactile-kinesthetic sensitivity and fine motor skills of the hands;
  • Develop spatial imagination;
  • Develop attention and memory.

sandbox with dry sand

size 100 x 140 x 8 cm.


  • Smesharikov figurines
  • Buttons in the form of various objects
  • Pears, cherries, daisies made of wood
  • Images of Smeshariki houses
  • Pictures for syllable analysis
  • Glass pebbles
  • Letters.

Introduction to the rules of conduct

in the sandbox.

1.You cannot intentionally throw sand out of the sandbox.

2. You cannot throw sand at each other or put it in your mouth.

3.After playing with sand, you need to put all the toys back in their places.

4. After playing with sand, you need to wash your hands with soap.

Phonemic development

hearing and perception

Speech therapist:

Today we are going to visit Smeshariki. Smeshariki will help you learn to pronounce the sound Ш correctly.

Assignment from Kar-Karycha: If you hear the sound Ш, hide your palms in the sand. For other sounds, hold your hands over the sandbox.

(the speech therapist pronounces consonant sounds, the child performs the corresponding movements).

Automation sound in a syllable. Syllable track

A path was built from pebbles on the sand.

Speech therapist :

Walk along the path index fingers fingers and repeat “sha-sha-sha”

The child “steps” the syllables with his fingers.

Blue trail of syllables

Speech therapist :

We walk along the path with our middle fingers and repeat “sho-sho-sho.” We are going to visit Nyusha.

Formation of spatial representations

Speech therapist :

Nyusha has harvested the harvest and is now decorating the garden. Place a pear in the upper right corner. In the lower left corner - a cherry. Place a chamomile under the pear, and another pear above the cherry. Name all the objects.

Green path of syllables

Speech therapist:

Now we are walking along the green path. “Step” on the pebbles with your ring fingers and repeat the syllables: “shu-shu-shu.”

Development of the skill of syllabic analysis of words

Speech therapist :

Sovunya, Barash, Pin came up with a task. Using a brush, find pictures in the sand and divide them into groups according to the number of syllables. Pin will take pictures whose names have 1 syllable, Barash - 2 syllables, Sovunya - 3 syllables. Name all the pictures.

Purple trail of syllables

Speech therapist:

We walk along the purple path to Losyash. “Walk” over the pebbles with your little fingers: “shu-shu-shu.”

Making words from letters

Speech therapist:

Losyash has fun colorful letters for you. From the letters, make words starting with the sound Ш and read them.

Make up a sentence about Losyash with the words SCARF and HAT.

Summing up the lesson

Speech therapist: So our journey through the country of Smeshariki has come to an end. Today in class you learned to correctly pronounce the sound Ш and showed Smeshariki how well you are already doing it.

  • In addition to classes on correcting sound pronunciation, I use sand therapy as a means of work and in group classes on lexical and grammatical topics (“Autumn Park”).

  • With the help of sayings and proverbs, vocabulary is enriched and developed. Children find it themselves, write it down themselves, remember it themselves and apply the knowledge themselves.

Gunenko Irina Alexandrovna
Job title: teacher speech therapist
Educational institution: MADOU d/s No. 369 "Kaleidoscope"
Locality: city ​​Novosibirsk
Name of material: methodological development
Subject: Options for working on a sand table to automate sounds
Publication date: 14.02.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Options for working on a sand table to automate sounds

The most important

sound pronunciation


automation of the sound delivered by the speech therapist, which in turn includes

two points: direct automation of sound and differentiation of this

sound with the one that was replaced.

Modern life is filled with various technologies, computers,

gadgets, smart tables, smart boards, etc. And in the work of a speech therapist it is also ripe




growing up






improve the work of the speech therapist on the automation of sounds. Great advantage

working with sand is a psychological moment when tactile

sensations, fine motor skills, a moment of psychological relaxation, it’s not without reason

Playing with sand begins at a very early age. In addition, the sand table is not



materials or use a baking sheet with high sides.

Types of work when automating sounds

Isolated sound pronunciation.

One of the rules for working on a sand table is “don’t be silent,” which means

that any movement is accompanied by the utterance of an automated sound.

We ask the child to draw circles with the fingers of one hand,

with both hands

simultaneously, changing directions: clockwise, counterclockwise,

towards each other from the top half, towards each other from the bottom



You can use one hand or two. Children really like the “Spiders” exercise -

burying your palms in the sand. Then “peeping out” from under the sand of individual

fingers. With this exercise we can simultaneously consolidate where the right













sandbox, or maybe in another palm with a change of hands.




which represents this sound. Draw it with your finger or trace the template

this letter. Or you can “rain” the inside of the letter template.

On the sand table in the process of sound automation we can resolve the issue

orientation in space - graphic dictation on the sand. You can ask

child draw circles with his finger in the upper left corner, in the upper

right, in the lower corners. And if you put a letter in the center of the table, then the task

is complicated by the use of prepositions: “Draw a circle or build a hill ABOVE

letter, UNDER the letter, LEFT of the letter, RIGHT of the letter, make it so that

the letter was BETWEEN the circles.





For example,



the child digs one up, the speech therapist names it, the child says whether there is





accompanied by the pronunciation of this sound.

Automation of sound in syllables.





speech therapist the necessary syllables in each type of work.

We “jump” with our fingers on the sand from one edge of the sandbox to the other in


"Let's jump"


We “jump” with one finger, two, four, five fingers. Is it possible

do it with both hands at the same time, alternately.

"We leave


fists, knuckles, backs of hands.



bury themselves

spreads his fingers and closes them again. Another option: the child collects

fingers into a fist - unclenches them. You can use both hands at the same time, you can

one by one. And then one finger at a time peeks out from under the sand.

“Let’s go visit.” This exercise works very effectively on open

syllables. A letter indicating an automated sound is placed in the center. By

Vowels are buried in the four corners of the sandbox. The child is first offered

dig up


digging up


by pronouncing an automated sound, name it. And then from the center to this

to the vowel, draw a “winding path”: S-S-S-A. And so we do with

all vowels.

"Let's go down





closed syllables. The vowels are placed near the side of the sandbox farthest from the child, and

the consonant is placed on the near side. Fingers from vowels go down to

consonant: A-A-A-S.

Laying out




plastic lids, beans, large buttons, large beads, small

pebbles. And with counting sticks we lay out a ladder. Then with one finger




speech therapist syllables.

Working with plastic bottle caps can be very

It’s good to diversify the work of automating sounds in syllables. These covers

can be red, green, blue, yellow. The exercise is called

"Musical Keys" The child is given the task to pronounce a certain syllable

for a certain color. A child can dig out lids from the sand,

remove from the opaque bag. I dug out the lid - named the syllable - laid it out

to the track. Then the child is asked to sing a song by pressing his finger on

“key”: SHA-SHO-SHO-SHA... You can start with two colors (two syllables),

gradually complicating it to three and four colors (syllables): SHA-SHO-SHU-SHI...

Automation of sound in words.





speech therapist of words in each type of work.

Exercises at this stage can repeat the exercises of the second point,

only instead of syllables the child pronounces words.

Plastic lids can be used as follows: red

cap - sound at the beginning of a word, green - sound in the middle of a word, blue - sound in

end of the word. The child digs up the lid and comes up with a word. If the child

finds it difficult


speech therapist

bury themselves



digs up, names and determines the place of this sound in a word.

Pictures with a certain sound, one or two syllables, are buried in the sand.

The child digs up a picture, names the word, and lays it out in letters in the sand.



speech therapist:


number of syllables, say kindly, one - several, count to five, post

cover the sound pattern of the word, name the stressed syllable.

bury themselves



digs up a picture, accompanying the action with words. For example:

“R” - I dig in the sand and found... a rocket, a shell, a sail, etc.

“Sch” - I’m looking, I’m looking... for a puppy, a raincoat, a brush, etc.

“Sh” - I found, I found... a hat and I’ll throw it in the car, etc.

“S” - Hidden in the sand... a sock, cabbage, bridge, etc.

“L” - The butterfly flew and landed on... a doll, a shovel... etc.

Differentiation of sounds in words.






Differentiation of sounds mixed in a child’s speech.

Differentiation of hard and soft sounds.

Differentiation of voiceless and voiced sounds.

Differentiation of vowels and consonants.

I use the following exercises in my work.

Pictures with sounds that need to be differentiated are buried in the sand.

The corresponding letters are either placed in different sides of the sandbox, or

objects are placed: a bag and a hat (if we differentiate S - W), a boat and

box (if L - R), etc. The child digs up the picture, names the word and

assigns a picture to a specific letter or object.


voiced, vowels and consonants, the speech therapist discusses with the child that attention

we turn


bury themselves

Pictures. The child digs them up and names them. If, for example, in this word the first

the sound is solid, he places a blue bead (or button, pebble,

cover, chip), if soft - green.

The pictures are buried in the sand. On opposite sides of the sandbox are placed





digs up



bell or headphones.

To determine the vowel and consonant sounds, you can use red and

gray (any color) beads, buttons, cards, chips, caps.

Using a sand table gives the speech therapist the opportunity to improvise,

look for more effective ways to automate sounds. This is still

and a good assistant in establishing the necessary contact with the child. Getting distracted

on sand and manipulations with it, the child automates sound faster and easier

of your speech. In addition, from a psychological point of view, it is easy to remove

bad option - buried the picture - and start all over again, wrong

I wrote a letter and quickly erased it. The main thing is that many children simply love

play with sand.

Irina Gunenko

teacher speech therapist

MADOU d/s No. 369 “Kaleidoscope”

Mikhailova Yulia Alexandrovna
Job title: teacher speech therapist
Educational institution: MKDOU "Kindergarten No. 20 "Rosinka" combined type"
Locality: Berezovsky city, Kemerovo region
Name of material: article
Subject: The use of sand therapy in the work of a speech therapist teacher
Publication date: 21.06.2018
Chapter: preschool education


One of the most flexible natural materials is sand. His

use in speech therapy practice can have beneficial

impact on emotional, developmental and tactile perception in

child. By creating gaming motivation, attention increases, which

contributes to a beneficial effect on the development of motivation to

educational and cognitive processes. Using the method

Working with sand is possible from the youngest age of the child.

“Sand therapy in working with children diagnosed with Alalia.”

The use of sand-related games has a positive effect

developmental impact. Sand is a common natural










cognitive development of children at any age.

What is the “power” of sand? It has special properties.

Sand is a very flexible tool for creativity. Images from it

can be changed at any time. Anyone can work with sand, even

who has no artistic ability. The smallest grains of sand




fingers and nerve endings in the palms. Drawings or construction of figures on







overcome negative emotions.

The sand therapy method was created in 1929, its authors are





Lowenfeld, Swiss children's therapist D. Kalf. This is based on

The method lies in the formation of active imagination in children.

Celebrate the variety of sand games. Educational games promote

mastering the process of reading, writing, literacy and numeracy. Cognitive

Games give children the opportunity to learn about the diversity of the world around them.

Project games open up a child’s potential,

develop his creativity and imagination. Using sand therapy on

speech therapy classes help expand vocabulary,

correction of sound pronunciation, help mastering sound-syllable analysis

and synthesis of words, the development of phonemic hearing, contribute

formation of coherent speech, lexical and grammatical concepts,

help in learning letters, mastering reading and writing skills, developing

tactile sensitivity and fine motor skills of the hands, relieve muscle

tension, improve visual-spatial

orientation. In a sand game, a child and an adult easily exchange

ideas, feelings, which allows you to build trusting, partnership

relationships with each other. This is the relationship between an adult and a child

helps to overcome communication difficulties, develop thinking and

speech abilities in children.

sand therapy. A waterproof sandbox is used as a sandbox.

a box whose dimensions are 50 cm. – 70 cm. – 8 cm. Where 50 cm.-70 cm. –

this is the size of the field, and 8 cm is the depth of the sandbox. This size

sandbox corresponds to the volume of the field of visual perception. For

size 100 cm - 140 cm - 8 cm. Material for making a sandbox

use plastic boxes, but sand does not “breathe” in them. Bottom and sides

boxes (except for the upper plane of the side boards) are painted in

blue. Thus, the bottom symbolizes water, and the sides of the box symbolize

sky. Blue color has a calming effect, but you can

paint the surface of the boxes in one or more colors. Box or

the container is filled half or one third in volume with sand. He

must be prepared and cleaned in advance. The sand is washed and

sifted, then calcined in the oven. Sand cleaning

produced at least once a month. Sand must be poured from

sandboxes, sift, wash and heat again.

For activities and games you can use miniature





differing in age, profession, culture; 2) animals and birds

(domestic, wild). 3) inhabitants of the aquatic world (fish, shellfish, crabs). 4)

people's homes with furniture (houses, palaces, castles, other buildings, furniture







rainbow, clouds). 7) vehicles (land, air, water







a habitat


road signs). 9) landscape objects (mountains, volcanoes). 10) decorations and








metal, water polished or rounded stones, decorative




cartoons, fairy tales, good and bad figures).

There are five rules for organizing sand therapy gameplay:





collections of figurines (no more than three during one lesson period). 3. Getting to know

rules of games on the sand, the implementation of which must be observed on




games, the main content of the lesson. 5. Completion of the lesson, exit ritual

from the sandbox.

The main goal of sand therapy

- “not to remake” the child, but to give

the opportunity to be yourself, to learn to respect yourself for who you are.

Before you start playing with sand, you need to talk to your children about the rules.

sandbox games. A poem by the author T.M. will help with this. Grabenko:

“There are no harmful children in the country - After all, they have no place in the sand! It's not allowed here




Don't shout loudly either. You can build and do wonders. You can create a lot:

Mountains, rivers and seas. So that there is life around. Children, do you understand me? Or should I

repeat, To remember and be friends?! Sand is a peaceful country. Did you remember



sand. "Sensitive

- Place your palms on

sand, close your eyes, feel what it is like. Open your eyes, tell me,




most, turning your palms the other way. Tell us about your feelings.

Place your palms on the sand and slide along the surface of the sand like a snake

or a car. Try, children, to walk with your palms like a big one


baby elephant,



palms, fists, ribs of the palms. Draw patterns and drawings on the sand -







the child “walk” or touch each finger of the right and left

hands alternately. Then sift the sand through your fingers or from folded

sift your fingers into a pinch of sand, which can be colored differently

color or be contrasting in texture. Lay out different items with your child

according to the size and structure of pebbles or natural material, build from them

different figures or geometric shapes. You can post it using

chips are geometric shapes that can differ from each other in




paths or labyrinths previously built on sand. Together you can

can “play” with his fingers on the surface of the sand like a piano or

computer keyboard.

Try to do tasks with your child that develop imagination.

Initially, sift the sand through a sieve, draw a pattern with a brush or

with a stick.




toys, try to make up a story about the world that has arisen, let the child

voices toy characters and answers questions or composes a story from

their name.

There are a variety of sand games and exercises that develop





"Paths from sand". Show your child how to scoop up a handful of dry sand and

slowly pour it out, while creating various shapes, for example,

paths to the house of a bunny or a bear cub. Sandbox can be used

in order to find figures hidden in it at a shallow depth

toys or animals. A similar game is "Magic Bag". In the second

In this version of the game, the child can be asked to find letters buried in

sandbox, name them and come up with words that contain these letters.

You can “sculpt”

letters made of sand, raking it with the edges of the palms. In Game

a child can turn the letters “L” into “A”, “H” into “T”, “O” into “I”, etc.


make up

pronounce them. This exercise makes it easier for the child to master



printed, then written letters. Do this with the finger of one hand,

then with a stick, holding it like a pen. Sand allows you to preserve it longer

the child’s performance; a mistake on sand is easier to correct than on paper

– this allows the child to feel successful and confident when

working with malleable sand material. A game "Name the Sound"(author N.V.

Durova): An adult invites children to dig small holes in the sand for

tennis ball. Then he pushes the ball into the child's hole and calls

long any consonant sound. The child listens to the teacher or parent and

repeats the sound and at the same time rolls the ball back into the hole with his finger

teacher Then, from sounds you can move on to repeating syllables and words.

Example: Ssss; su-su-su; SS-susu-mka. D-d-d; do-do-do; dd-dodo-m. R-r-r-, ro-







pronunciation skills. Tasks for distinguishing the sounds S-SH in syllables.

The child repeats the syllables after the adult: as-ash, ash-as, sa-sha, sha-sa; then: os-

osh, osh-os, so-sho, sho-so.; us-ush, ush-us, su-shu, shu-su.

“Discrimination of sounds S-Sh” using words as an example. You can hide it in the sand

pictures or figures depicting the following objects: catfish,

sled, hat, bag, fur coat, shorts or others. The child says for a long time




pick up



correct pronunciation in logs and words. Distinguishing the sounds S-Sh in words

using sand therapy: an adult invites the child to “find

treasure." The child takes out one of the figures or pictures from the box and names

their images. For example: airplane, wardrobe, table, car, dog, horse,

owl, bag, etc. The area of ​​the box with sand is divided into two parts. To kid

suggest putting figures with the sound “C” on one half of the box,


The adult lays out pictures in front of the child that depict

animals, the child must name them and arrange them in two columns (cat

“k” is a hard consonant; kit "k" - soft consonant sound; mouse "m" -

"m" - soft;

"b" - soft).

"Dividing words into syllables": children are asked to draw houses with




pictures, distribute by number of syllables. 1. House, cat, catfish, mouth. 2. Summer,

sea-re, lo-to, li-sa. 3. Ku-bi-ki, be-ge-mot, ra-ke-ta, bu-ma-ga. 4. Che-re-pa-ha,

TV. Children can first clap the words and count the number

syllables in them. A game "City of Sounds": the adult invites the child to choose

figures or pictures whose names contain a pre-named sound (in

next game it may be different). The child arranges the figures

names them, then the adult asks them to make sentences or talk about

them. The child can compose an oral story about this city and its inhabitants.

A game “Whose trace is this?”: you can leave it on wet sand with your child

traces from the wheels of a toy car, animals, buttons of different sizes,

pea seeds and other plants. The child must guess whose print it is.

and write a story about it. Make a sand applique with your child: with



multi-colored and pre-dried. Picture: house forest, sky and sun and

etc., then shake off the sheet and dry the painting.

We wish you pleasant activities and games with sand!

Speech is one of the most important mental functions of a person and a complex functional system, which is based on the use of the sign system of language in the process of communication. Speech communication creates the necessary conditions for the development of various forms of activity. A child’s mastery of speech contributes to awareness, planning and regulation of his behavior.

We all know very well that well-developed speech of a preschool child is an important condition for successful learning at school. It is necessary to help the child overcome speech disorders, as they negatively affect all mental functions and affect the child’s activities and behavior. Severe speech disorders can affect mental development, especially the formation of higher levels of cognitive activity, which is due to the close relationship between speech and thinking and the limited social and speech contacts, during which the child learns about the surrounding reality.

Speech disorders can negatively affect the formation of a child’s personality, cause mental complications, specific features of the emotional-volitional sphere, and contribute to the development of negative character traits. This has a negative impact on literacy, academic performance in general, and choice of profession.

Today, everyone involved in the upbringing and teaching of preschool children has at their disposal extensive practical material, the use of which contributes to the effective speech development of the child.

But we are faced with difficulties in correctional work due to the increased number of speech pathologies. In special magazines, in various methodological and popular scientific publications, defectologists, speech therapists, teachers and psychologists present new non-traditional forms of work with children-speech pathologists in addition to academic methods. Such authors as M.A. Povalyaeva, M.I. Chistyakova, E.A. Pozhilenko, T.D. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva, T.M. Grabenko and others worked on these works.

According to V.M. Akimenko, any practical material can be divided into two groups: firstly, helping the child’s direct speech development and, secondly, indirect, which includes non-traditional speech therapy technologies. This

  • Speech therapy massage. It is undoubtedly necessary for a child with dysarthria.
  • Tongue massage.
  • Auriculotherapy is a therapeutic effect on the points of the auricle.
  • Su-Jok therapy is based on the mutual influence of individual parts of our body according to the principle of similarity (the similarity of the shape of the ear with a human embryo, the palm and foot with the human body). Therefore, by identifying the necessary points in the correspondence systems, it is possible to develop the child’s speech sphere.

    Japanese finger massage technique - massaging the thumb increases brain activity. If children get excited when speaking and twirl objects in their hands, you should not snatch them from your hands - this is how the child’s body relieves excitement. Japanese scientist Yoshiro Tsutsumi developed a system of exercises for self-massage. It included: rubbing the fingertips, massage of the palm surfaces with stone, metal or glass multi-colored marbles, massage with walnuts, massage with hexagonal pencils, massage with “rosary beads”.

    In correctional pedagogy, non-traditional methods of correctional influence have become widespread: phyto, aroma, chromo and other types of therapies.

    The use of these correction methods cannot be considered independent and self-sufficient; their use, most likely, serves to create a favorable emotional background, which ultimately improves the effectiveness of the corrective effect. These methods include

  • Herbal medicine is treatment using medicinal plants. It is especially recommended for various forms of dysarthria and neurosis-like stuttering.
  • Aromatherapy is treatment using phytocompositions of aromas of flowers and plants.
  • Music therapy is the influence of music on a person for therapeutic purposes.
  • Chromotherapy is the therapeutic effect of color on the human body.
  • Lithotherapy is the therapeutic effect of stones (minerals) on the human body.
  • Imagotherapy is theatricalization. Includes: doll therapy, fairy tale therapy.
  • Sand therapy (sand-play) is playing with sand as a way of child development.

    The therapeutic effect of playing with sand was first noticed by the Swiss psychologist and philosopher Carl Gustav Jung. It would seem that everything is very simple - a child builds something out of sand, without regret destroys the creations he himself has created, and builds again... But it is this simple action that keeps a unique secret - there is nothing that is irreparably destroyed - the old is always replaced something new is coming. By repeatedly living this secret, the baby reaches a state of balance, anxiety and fear go away. Another important psychotherapeutic property of sand is the ability to change the plot, events, and relationships. Since the game takes place in the context of a fairy-tale world, the child is given the opportunity to change a situation that is uncomfortable for him. He learns to overcome difficulties on his own.

    Playing with sand is a natural and accessible form of activity for every child. A child often cannot express his feelings and fears in words, and then playing with sand comes to his aid. By acting out the situations that agitated him with the help of toy figures, creating a picture of his own world from sand, the child is freed from tension. And most importantly, he gains invaluable experience in symbolically resolving many life situations, because in a real fairy tale everything ends well.

    Observations by psychologists show that it is precisely the first joint games of children in the sandbox that can clearly show parents the characteristics of the behavior and development of their children. Parents see that the child is becoming overly aggressive or timid when communicating with peers - this may be a reason to think about the education system.

    Play in the sand with your child. Place your palms on the sand and tell him how you feel: “I’m pleased. I feel the warmth (coolness) of the sand. When I move my hands, I feel small grains of sand. How do you feel? Let the child try to talk about how he feels. Make prints of your palms, fists, edges of your palms, creating patterns (sun, flower, etc.); “walk” through the sand with each finger in turn. These simple exercises are of enormous importance for the development of a child’s psyche. They stabilize the baby’s emotional state, teach him to listen to himself and articulate his feelings. And this promotes the development of speech, voluntary attention and memory, which is very important for children with speech disorders. But the main thing is that the child gets the first experience of self-analysis, learns to understand himself and others.

    Games with sand are varied: educational games provide the process of learning to read, write, count, and read and write; educational games give children the opportunity to learn about the diversity of the world around them, about the history of their city, country, etc.; Projective games will open up a child’s potential and develop his creativity and imagination.

    Sand games

  • develop tactile-kinetic sensitivity and fine motor skills of the hands;
  • relieve muscle tension;
  • help the child feel protected in a comfortable environment;
  • develop activity, expand life experience conveyed by the teacher in a form that is close to the child (the principle of information accessibility);
  • stabilize emotional states by absorbing negative energy;
  • allow the child to relate games to real life, comprehend what is happening, and find ways to solve a problem situation;
  • overcome the “bad artist” complex by creating artistic compositions from sand using ready-made figures;
  • develop creative actions, find non-standard solutions leading to successful results;
  • improve visual-spatial orientation and speech abilities;
  • contribute to the expansion of vocabulary;
  • help to master the skills of sound-syllable analysis and synthesis;
  • allow you to develop phonemic hearing and perception;
  • promote the development of coherent speech, lexical and grammatical concepts;
  • help in learning letters, mastering reading and writing skills.

    You can play in the sand not only on the street - you can set up a mini-sandbox at home, in a kindergarten, or in a speech therapy room.

    General conditions for organizing sand therapy.

    A large waterproof box is used as a sandbox. Its traditional size in centimeters is 50 x 70 x 8 cm (where 50 x 70 is the size of the field, and 8 is the depth). It is believed that this size of the sandbox corresponds to the volume of the field of visual perception. The traditional sandbox size is designed for individual work. For group work, we recommend using a sandbox measuring 100 x 140 x 8 cm.

    Material. The traditional and preferred material is wood. In the practice of working with sand, plastic boxes are more often used, but the sand does not “breathe” in them.

    Color. The traditional sandbox combines the natural color of wood and blue. The bottom and sides (with the exception of the upper plane of the side boards) are painted blue. Thus, the bottom symbolizes water, and the sides symbolize the sky. Blue color has a calming effect on a person. In addition, the “blue” sandbox filled with sand is a miniature model of our planet in human perception. If funds and office space allow, you can experiment with multi-colored sandboxes, when the bottom and sides are painted in one or more colors.

    Now it can be filled one-third or half with clean (washed and sifted), oven-calcined sand. The sand used needs to be changed or cleaned from time to time. Cleansing is performed at least once a month. The sand must be removed from the sandbox, sifted, washed and calcined.

    To organize games with sand, you will need a large set of miniature objects and toys, which together symbolize the world. In classical sand therapy, there is the following classification of objects used in the process of creating sand paintings.

  • people, diverse in gender, age, cultural and national origin, professions, era (from primitive to modern), poses should be both dynamic and static;
  • terrestrial animals (domestic, wild, prehistoric);
  • flying animals (wild, domestic, prehistoric);
  • inhabitants of the aquatic world (various fish, mammals, shellfish, crabs);
  • dwellings with furniture (houses, palaces, castles, other buildings, furniture of various eras, cultures and purposes);
  • household utensils (dishes, household items, table decorations);
  • trees and other plants (flowers, grass, shrubs, greenery, etc.);
  • objects of celestial space (sun, moon, stars, rainbows, clouds);
  • vehicles (land, water, air transport for civil and military purposes, fantastic vehicles);
  • objects of the human environment (fences, hedges, bridges, gates, road signs);
  • objects of landscape and natural activity of the Earth (volcanoes, mountains);
  • accessories (beads, masks, fabrics, buttons, buckles, jewelry, etc.);
  • natural objects (crystals, stones, shells, pieces of wood, metal, seeds, feathers, pieces of glass polished with water, etc.);
  • fantastic objects and cartoon characters, fantasy, werewolf figures;
  • villains (evil characters from cartoons, myths, fairy tales).

    So, everything that is found in the surrounding world can take its rightful place in the collection. If there are not enough image figures for classes, they can be sculpted from plasticine, clay, dough, or cut out of paper.

    A collection of figurines is located on the shelves. If there is not enough space on the shelves to accommodate the entire collection, then transparent boxes can also be used.

    Partial transfer of speech therapy classes to the sandbox provides a greater educational and educational effect than standard forms of training. Firstly, the child’s desire to learn something new, experiment and work independently increases. Secondly, tactile sensitivity develops in the sandbox as the basis of “manual intelligence”. Thirdly, in games with sand, all cognitive functions (perception, attention, memory, thinking), and most importantly for us, speech and motor skills, develop more harmoniously and intensively. Fourthly, object-based play activities are improved, which contributes to the development of role-playing games and the child’s communication skills.

    Based on the methods of working in a pedagogical sandbox, a teacher can make the traditional methodology for expanding vocabulary, developing coherent speech, and developing phonemic hearing and perception in older preschool children more interesting, exciting, and more productive.

    Before you start playing with sand, you need to talk to your children about the rules of playing in the sandbox. A poem by T. M. Grabenko will help with this:

    There are no harmful children in the country -
    After all, they have no place in the sand!
    You can't bite or fight here
    And throw sand in your eyes!
    Don't ruin foreign countries!
    Sand is a peaceful country.
    You can build and do wonders,
    You can create a lot:
    Mountains, rivers and seas,
    So that there is life around.
    Children, do you understand me?
    Or do we need to repeat it?!
    To remember and be friends!

    Good luck!

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