How to propose marriage to a girl? How to propose marriage to a girl Why propose marriage

How to propose to a girl? It is believed that while still in infancy, every self-respecting girl already dreams of hearing the cherished cliché phrase: “marry me” or the magic three words “become my wife.” However, today, due to the growing progressiveness of society and the availability of super technologies that satisfy any requirements of beautiful women, even the most demanding men, when deciding to take such a responsible step, can no longer get away with just words. This is actually why the World Wide Web is replete with posters, posts and announcements on the topic: how to propose marriage to a girl. In addition, any densely populated area is rich in agencies, companies and tiny “firms” that specialize in organizing all kinds of celebrations, banquets, celebrations, anniversaries, anniversaries and other memorable dates. For example, those who specialize in developing scenarios and creating the necessary surroundings for the accomplishment of such a fateful event in the life of a couple, such as an offer to walk together along life’s paths and snowdrifts, sharing joys and sorrows in half.

How to propose marriage to a girl

When a guy scours the Internet in search of recommendations and tips on the subject: “how to propose to a girl at home” or “where to propose to a girl,” he is already subconsciously ready to accomplish almost the most important male act - creating a new unit of society. Therefore, he simply has to worry about the uniqueness and unusualness of such a serious step as matchmaking. It is necessary that the chosen one remembers this action. After all, every girl dreams of bright emotions, a beautiful declaration of feelings, an unforgettably magical offer to become the wife and mother of “his” children. Little girls dream about it at the age of five, dream about it at the age of ten, imagine the process of matchmaking at the age of 15, and then they meet the one and somehow quietly move to live with him, then they also receive the offer in an ordinary and dry way: “let’s get married.” And where is the notorious romance that has been fanned over the years, glorified in novels?! Many sons of Adam simply do not understand or do not want to understand what a big role romance plays in a girl’s life, as a result of which they neglect it. Girls need romance. By devoting a little more attention and time to the proposal as a romantic action than is needed to utter the three cherished words, a man will make his chosen one happy, will pleasantly surprise her, and will help her to be convinced of the sincerity of her feelings, the thoroughness and seriousness of her partner’s intentions.

Therefore, if a man has the thought: “I want to propose to a girl,” then he needs to carefully approach the implementation of this intention. And first of all, you need to learn what not to do:

- offer your own hand and, in addition, your heart, as if “on the go”, “by the way”, on the phone, in bed after making love (after all, a man offers “separate parts of his body” for lifelong use to his chosen one, and does not offer to use a cheap ballpoint pen for a while);

— alcohol intoxication is also not the best assistant in matters of the heart (being drunk in this process is a manifestation of disrespect for one’s own girlfriend);

- many people believe that sometimes it is better to chew than to speak, but matchmaking is not the best time to demonstrate this skill, so you should not chew, look at long-legged blondes passing by, listen to music or be otherwise distracted by extraneous matters during matchmaking;

- it is also not recommended to make a bright show with many onlookers out of an ordinary romantic proposal, since most beautiful women do not like excessive fuss and close attention of strangers to their own person at important life moments;

- there is no need to hide the ring in food, because dental services are very expensive today, and besides, this way of telling a girl about your intentions is quite outdated and hackneyed.

So, in addition to the above tips, all guys who have the thought: “I want to propose to a girl” are advised to approach the process creatively, taking into account the character traits and preferences of the chosen one, but first of all, you yourself need to be confident in the correctness and firmness of the decision made.

If the decision has been made and it is inviolable, if the man is one hundred and twenty percent confident in his own choice, then he needs to take several productive steps in this direction before directly committing the act of matchmaking.

Before asking for your beloved’s hand in marriage, it is recommended to first discuss the possibility of living together with your chosen one.

Partners entering into marriage must both be confident in the decision made and their own choice. Treating marriage as an endless series of divorces and marriages is irresponsible, to say the least, and, by and large, simply stupid. After all, such an attitude can ruin the life of the chosen one, the groom himself, and even future children. It is better to marry with the confidence that it will last a lifetime. In this case, both partners will strive to smooth out corners, not notice some shortcomings, and not allow coldness and alienation to grow.

If the theoretical consent of the chosen one is received, then you can move on to the next stage - choosing a ring (preferably without the participation of the future bride).

The third stage will be drawing up a plan for the action itself. If you don’t have enough imagination for an original idea, you can use the World Wide Web. After all, as they say: “Google to the rescue.” Well, where Google is powerless, professional agencies will help, whose main activity is aimed at organizing all kinds of celebrations.

If the future spouse decides to independently find the answer to the problematic question: “how to propose to a girl beautifully,” then below is a couple of simple tips.

First of all, it should be borne in mind that for the female sex, originality is inextricably linked with romance. So, if the almost newly minted groom wants to make an original confession and proposal, then he needs to remember all the romantic actions that made his girlfriend delighted. You can watch several sentimental melodramas with her and, as if by chance, find out what your beloved remembers most.

So, the first rule of effective matchmaking says: the more romance in the process of performing the action, the more effective it will be considered. This leads to the following rule: effectiveness depends proportionally on surprise.

A classic of the genre is the hidden wedding ring. However, as stated above, it is not recommended to hide it in drinks or food. You can send your friend to look for treasures, the prize in this game will be an engagement ring along with a proposal, or you can organize a kind of quest for her, sending your beloved to memorable and romantic places for the couple, where at the end of the journey she will receive the last riddle from her beloved, the answer to which is hidden in itself proposal to enter into a marriage union.

For those who want to go beyond the banal “be my wife”, but at the same time do not want to bother themselves with inventing riddles, the following options are suitable:

- a path of lit candles to a romantically set table for dinner, where a gold ring will lie;

— the phrase: “be my wife,” made using various magnets on the refrigerator;

- an inscription of cherished words on the asphalt road in front of the beloved’s windows, made either with ordinary crayons or burning candles, if the weather permits.

An original matchmaking, which does not require special material costs, would be a video clip of the proposal shot with one’s own hand and posted on YouTube. You can send a link to the video to your loved one, inviting her to watch a cool video. The best option would be to watch a video clip together.

Where to propose to a girl

Almost any place, except perhaps a cemetery, is suitable for matchmaking. Therefore, the choice of venue for a happy event depends on the financial capabilities of the young man, his imagination and the preferences of the future bride herself. Girls are different. Therefore, what is good for some representatives of the fair sex will be a disorder for others. So, for example, for lovers of extreme sports, an unforgettable event will be a proposal at an altitude of a thousand meters under a flapping parachute sail. But the young lady, looking warily from the ninth floor balcony, is unlikely to be delighted by such an action.

It is generally accepted that the more enchanting, spectacular and large-scale the proposal is furnished, the more it will please and surprise the chosen one. To surprise, it will surprise, even rather stun, but it is unlikely to cause joy from what is happening in the beloved.

Contrary to popular belief, many girls not only do not like publicity, but are even afraid of it and try with all their might to avoid the close attention of the crowd. So, before planning any event with the participation of your beloved, it is advisable to find out in advance her attitude towards public events.

Many young ladies do not like to be participants in public events, preferring to keep everything personal behind the locked doors of their home. Therefore, in such cases, it would be better to propose in a familiar and cozy environment at home.

How to propose to a girl in an original way at home

There comes a time in the life of every male representative when he comes to a balanced decision to start a family. This desire will be the stronger the more confidence matures in him that he has finally met the one and only one. If a man’s intentions are serious enough, and he wants future family ties to be strong and unbreakable, and love to last forever in the hearts of his partners, he definitely needs to carefully consider how to propose to a girl in an original way. Because the more romantic and unusual the event is organized, the more convincingly it will demonstrate the love of the newly-made groom and the thoroughness of his intentions, which will increase his chances of a positive response. The proposal can be considered the foundation of the marriage union, on which family relationships are subsequently based. Therefore, it is better to lay the foundation thoroughly.

How to propose marriage to a girl? Many guys are concerned about this issue. After all, few people know where to start the process. The basis of any matchmaking is the choice of a ring for your future betrothed. Therefore, as soon as the decision to start a family has matured, you need to try to find out the size of your friend’s finger through which the vein passes directly to the heart, as well as what metals she prefers in jewelry.

The next step after choosing an engagement ring will be preparing or thinking about the matchmaking scenario. Here you need to take into account the character of your beloved, her preferences, hobbies and dreams. In addition, it is recommended to think through in advance your speech, phrases and phrases that will help you declare your love, talk about your aspirations, ideas about marriage, plans, smoothly transitioning to the main words: “darling, marry me.”

When the main actions have been outlined and a rough plan for the event has formed in your head, you can proceed to choosing the location for this event.

How to propose to a girl at home?

The strategy for organizing an event at home, first of all, depends on whether the future spouses live together or separately. Living together gives a number of advantages to a man, as it simplifies the process of creating a surprise. A guy living with his beloved does not need to seek support from the girl’s close relatives or her friends. Although often their advice is not superfluous.

Home offer can be arranged as follows:

- decorate your home with rose petals, line the path with them to the room where you plan to propose. You can light a lot of candles in the room and prepare a light buffet with a bottle of her favorite champagne;

- meet your beloved at the front door with a huge bouquet of flowers in the shape of a heart, kneel down and hold out the case with the ring while she recovers from the slight shock caused by what is happening;

- order a cake with a beautiful or original inscription with the following content: “become my wife”, “I entrust you with my reliable hand and faithful heart for eternal use”;

- lay out a phrase with a sentence from multi-colored candies;

- hide a note with a treasured phrase in a Chinese fortune cookie;

- put on the ceiling with the help of neon glowing stars the phrase: “you will marry the person lying to your right (left)”;

- take a large box, place a smaller box in it, then an even smaller one (using the principle of nesting dolls), each box should be wrapped beautifully, and a ring should be placed in the last box. You can put a small souvenir in each box, so that when the girl unwraps it, she receives a small gift and the next box;

- get up early, prepare your beloved breakfast, and don’t forget about flowers and champagne. Upon completion of all preparations, it is necessary to wake up the future bride with a gentle kiss and ask an exciting question;

- decorate the bedroom with all kinds of flowers (flora gifts must be alive) and bright balloons, place a large teddy bear with a box in its paws in the middle of the sleeping bed, or meet your beloved with a rose in your teeth and an exquisite case in your hand;

- a sentence in verse or prose can be placed on a banner, which is perfectly visible from the windows of your beloved;

- gather friends on the platform under the windows of the chosen one’s bedroom and hand them sheets of whatman paper with words or individual letters that, when combined, make up a sentence;

- get up a little earlier than your chosen one, put on your pillow an elegant envelope with a letter containing a beautiful declaration of love, a ring and an offer to move on in life together.

The task of matchmaking is slightly complicated by the future wife living separately from the guy. But in this case, without a twinge of conscience, you can use the talents of her relatives and friends. It’s better to start preparing for the event by talking with your beloved’s parents. For this purpose, it is recommended to put on your only formal dress, buy a nice little bouquet, stock up on a bottle of good wine, gather all your courage together and go for your parent’s blessing. A ring for your beloved should also be with you. The success of the event depends on compliance with the following rules:

— punctuality is the key to the success of any undertaking; under no circumstances should you be late, this is bad form and a sign of disrespect;

— persuasiveness is a guarantee of receiving a positive response from the parents and all kinds of support, so words of gratitude to the parents for their beautiful daughter need to be thought out in advance;

— sincerity is evidence of spiritual directness and truthfulness; it is quite difficult to refuse an open and inviting person.

If all the above rules are followed, then you can move directly to the purpose of your visit - the desire to legitimize the relationship with your beloved. By spending a little more time preparing the matchmaking, you can make the event more vivid and memorable. To this end, to voice your own intentions and feelings, you can use excerpts from the immortal works of well-known classics, praising the elegance of a beloved and depicting feelings.

If a man himself is endowed with poetic talent, then he can use poems of his own composition. In addition, you can order proposals in verses from the pens of modern poets on various websites.

In addition, anyone who is wondering: “how to propose to a girl in an original way” can be advised to time the matchmaking to coincide with her favorite holiday, for example, the New Year. This holiday is a good one to offer because it has a unique attribute - a spruce or pine tree, which can be used as a kind of prop that plays the role of a “parliamentarian”. You don’t have to worry too much and just hang a case with a ring or toys-symbols of married life on the festive tree. However, it would be more romantic to decorate the Christmas tree together with toys. It is necessary to attach a wedding ring to one of the balls in advance. When the girl pulls out the toy with the ring, the man kneels, uttering cherished words and promises.

Ways to propose to a girl

The classic version of the proposal is matchmaking in a quiet cafe or cozy restaurant. It is recommended to agree in advance with the administrator of the establishment about the upcoming event. The administrator will help you plan the event down to the last detail and also give valuable advice. You need to think through everything, starting from the moment when your beloved crosses the threshold of the establishment and ending with the proposal itself. You also need to discuss the menu, expected alcoholic drinks, the number of candles on the table and their location, music, the need to dim the lights, etc. It is recommended to think through the words that will be spoken to your significant other in advance.

The option of matchmaking in a dolphinarium is considered quite original if the girl loves this type of mammal. You can swim in a pool with dolphins, and after your beloved gets out of the pool, ask her to close her eyes for a second, giving time for the dolphin with a box on her nose to swim to the side of the pool. Opening her eyes, the chosen one will see this miracle and freeze with delight. At this moment, it is recommended that the guy propose. It’s better not to wait for the girl to figure it out on her own.

To make an unusual proposal, guys are recommended to pay attention to the epic genre of folklore - fairy tales telling about beautiful knights-errant on white horses, about whom young maidens dream at night. Since your chosen one already has a knight, the only thing left to do is the white horse. The girl’s surprise at the sight of her beloved riding a snow-white stallion cannot be described in words. And if you add a little bit of naturalness to the image, for example, a sword or any other piece of knightly uniform, then the success of the event is guaranteed a thousand percent.

If your beloved is interested in skating, then you can propose to her at the skating rink, for example, using a speakerphone.

A proposal made on the roof of a nine-story building will provide an unforgettable experience. For this purpose, any roof of a high-rise building is suitable, if it is possible to organize a small buffet on it with champagne, fruit, light snacks and romantic music. However, you need to take into account the girl’s relationship with height. If she suffers, then the event may have a completely unplanned effect.

If your chosen one regularly reads a magazine, then you can place a beautiful confession and proposal in verse on one of the pages. The main thing is to be there when your beloved reads it.

A holiday with your sweetheart at sea is also a great opportunity to propose to a girl to become your wife. You can write the cherished words on special paper, which then needs to be placed in a bottle with a well-closing lid. In the evening, greeting the beginning of the amber sunset on the seashore, the guy needs to pretend that he found a bottle in the water. It is better if the chosen one opens the container herself and takes out the piece of paper.

A concert of a young lady's favorite performers is also considered an excellent place to take an important step. You can ask the presenter from the stage to propose to his beloved on behalf of the man, or negotiate directly with the performer to say the magic words or give the guy the opportunity to confess his love.

Being near any body of water with your significant other in itself is conducive to romance. And if you also rent a yacht, boat or speedboat and sail with your beloved beyond the horizon, then you simply cannot find a better opportunity to propose!

For men who can sing, making a romantically original proposal is as easy as shelling pears. After all, a song is the music of the soul! You can use a well-known hit or write poetry yourself. The main thing is that the song expresses the feelings and intentions of the man. You can perform the composition:

- with a guitar in nature or at home;

- use the services of a recording studio or record a music video and post it on YouTube;

— in any restaurant, having discussed all the conditions with the administrator in advance.

You can give a lot of advice on the topic: how to beautifully propose to a girl. The main thing is that the desire to create a new unit of society is based on love, respect and mutual understanding.

Girls are prepared for marriage from an early age by telling fairy tales about handsome princes who take the beauty to their castle to live in peace and harmony until old age. Girls become smart young women and connect their lives with real men, but deep in their souls they never stop waiting for a miracle. A marriage proposal is one of the best moments to give your loved one magic, so everything must be perfect.

Basic moments

A man should carefully hide his plans: tell about his plans only to those friends who know how to keep other people’s secrets, not leave a receipt from a jewelry store in his pocket, hide the ring in secluded places where the girl will definitely not look. Before buying jewelry, it is advisable to ask your chosen one about her views on marriage and family life. Perhaps the girl is not ready for serious changes, so instead of the coveted “yes” the man will hear “no”. The conversation should not be too serious or intrusive; it is better to ask your beloved in a humorous manner so that she does not suspect anything. If the chosen one is mentally ready, you can begin to implement the idea.

A mandatory attribute of such an event is a ring. You don’t have to spend your entire salary on jewelry by choosing an expensive option with ten diamonds. A cheap, neat ring, decorated with unusual patterns, will look more original and cute than something massive and tasteless. If your financial situation allows, you can order engraving on the inside of the accessory.

How can you guess the ring size so that you don’t have to go back to the jewelry store the next day and change your purchase? Invite the girl to go together and choose a ring for her ring finger, and during fitting, remember the necessary data. You don’t have to buy gold jewelry; you can get by with silver or nice jewelry.

We must not forget about flowers and champagne. When choosing a bouquet, you should take into account the girl’s tastes, or choose classic red or white roses. Champagne should not be cheap, and if your chosen one does not drink alcoholic beverages on principle, you can buy a children's version, but change the wrapper with elephants to something more adult.

A man cannot do without speech. It should be sensual and written from the heart. No pretentious phrases will touch your beloved as much as sincere words and confessions. Shy or emotional guys are advised to write a speech on a piece of paper so as not to forget it at a crucial moment, or make a video. You can give your chosen one a beautifully designed letter, because it is easier to express your thoughts and feelings on paper.

Without leaving home

Proposal at home is an option for girls who do not like noisy companies or the attention of strangers. It is also suitable for young men who have not yet saved up for an expensive restaurant or a helicopter.

You should choose the moment when your beloved goes shopping with her friends, goes to visit her parents, or is at work. Leave a few hours in reserve so that you have enough time to buy light snacks, flowers and other accessories, as well as decorate the apartment.

Line the path from the front door to the bedroom or kitchen with rose petals. You can replace flowers with candles or paper arrows with beautiful words written on them. When the girl enters the room, kneel down and make a speech. When you hear “yes,” open the champagne and invite them to the table.

You can also propose in the bedroom using neon stars that glow in the dark. Post the cherished phrase on the ceiling, and when the lights go out in the room, your beloved will be pleasantly surprised. An alternative is a poster. Make a collage of photos together, and in the center, in large letters, ask her to become your wife. Attach the poster to the ceiling and wait for your chosen one to notice it. Be sure to keep the ring on hand so that you can present the girl with a velvet box at the right time.

An offer instead of dessert

Serious and discreet men who love the classics can invite their beloved to a restaurant. Order wine and light dishes, give a luxurious bouquet and have a nice time with your girl. Agree with the waiter so that at the end of the dinner he places a tray in front of the chosen one, on which there will be a box with a ring and a plate with the inscription: “Be my wife.” If the restaurant has live music, you can ask for a romantic melody to play at this moment.

An alternative is to invite the lady to the karaoke bar where you first met. A man with good hearing and a beautiful voice can sing a girl’s favorite song, and then kneel in front of her and give her an engagement ring. The second option is to ask a local singer or one of your friends to perform a composition associated with the first kiss or declaration of love.

Tip: Do not hide the ring in food or drink. If you're lucky, it will end up in the girl's stomach, and in the worst case, you'll have to take your chosen one to a surgeon or dentist.

Man's best friend

Has a girl dreamed of having a pet for a long time? It's time to please her with a cute kitten or puppy, on whose neck you should hang a collar with a wedding ring. Present the baby in a basket or box with a bow, give a bouquet, and when she holds the new pet and notices an unusual decoration, propose. You can say with a smile that a puppy needs a full-fledged family, so the chosen one has no right to refuse the ring.

Some girls are more attracted to feathered rather than fluffy pets. In this case, you should find a talking parrot and teach him the phrase “Marry me” or “Become a wife (insert the desired name).” Cover the cage with the bird before handing it over so that the parrot doesn’t spill all the secrets from the threshold, and when the chosen one pulls off the cape and hears those very words, secure the proposal of the feathered accomplice with a ring and flowers.

Public recognition

Are you going to a football match or a concert of your favorite band? Why not take advantage of such a luxurious opportunity? Agree with the organizers or musicians to allow you to go on stage or in the middle of the field and confess your love to the girl. Usually performers and athletes are sympathetic to such requests and help for free, although the money spent is worth her surprise and tears of happiness.

You can ask your favorite band to invite your chosen one on stage in the middle or at the very end of the concert and say that the guy loves her very much and wants to legitimize the relationship. The guy’s task is to arm himself with a bouquet and a ring and kneel in front of his beloved in time.

A man who has many creative and sympathetic friends can organize a small flash mob in the middle of the street or shopping center. Put on a short dance to your favorite song, bring the girl to the agreed place and pleasantly surprise her. She definitely won’t be able to forget such a recognition and will be happy to tell her children about her father’s feat.

If a couple is interested in historical reconstructions and often attends various festivals, they should arrange a battle for the beautiful lady. A man can transform into a knight, general or other character who must save the girl. And as a reward, ask her to marry your hero.

Achievements of the 21st century

An option for shy young people is to create a romantic video. Make a presentation of joint photographs, and while they appear on the screen, tell the girl about your feelings and desires, and at the very end propose marriage. Upload the video to YouTube and send the link to your chosen one.

Recording a song or filming a video dedicated to a specific girl is a more creative approach. Or read poems written for your chosen one in front of the camera.

Place a note in a magazine or newspaper that your beloved reads daily with her photo and touching text. You should bring her the press yourself along with a light breakfast and wait until she gets to the right place, or make a bookmark.

Post your proposal on a social network in the form of a survey. Under the text there must be a photograph of the future bride. The answer is “yes” or “of course yes.” Don’t forget to send the link to the girl, otherwise she will pass by or not go to the right page.

In searching of love

Does your beloved love quests and riddles? Why not turn a marriage proposal into a fun game? Prepare notes with riddles and the main prize before the weekend, and on Saturday or Sunday morning make your chosen one run around the apartment. The reward will be an album with photographs or a diary with memories, inside of which a ring is hidden.

Does the girl love to be photographed? You should please her with professional photography, during which you should propose. The photographs will forever preserve the touching moment when the lovers decided to become not just a couple, but a strong and friendly family.

Does your chosen one like to spend her free time in the arms of Morpheus and does not notice anything during sleep? A man should wake up before his beloved, carefully place a ring on her ring finger, and wake her up with strawberries and cream or another delicious holiday breakfast. Enjoy the bride's reaction when she notices the decoration. The main thing is not to give yourself away ahead of time.

There are many ways to turn a marriage proposal into a fairy tale. Some people like extreme options, others prefer classic and calm ones. Some girls want the whole world to know about their happiness, others prefer to keep their joy a secret. It will be easy to choose the optimal and original option if you know the preferences of your beloved and take into account the characteristics of her character.

Video: the most unusual marriage proposal

A marriage proposal is an important step for which you need to properly prepare. How to propose marriage and where - read in this article.

An offer of marriage- one of the most striking moments in a woman’s life, which she will remember for the rest of her life and will tell her friends and colleagues with rapture and tenderness.

It is important that this moment be truly intriguing filled with your feelings for your chosen one and showed that you are exactly the one a man who is worthy of her hand and heart. We’ll talk about how to make an offer correctly in this article.

How to make an original marriage proposal to your girlfriend: useful tips

Modern women, although they have become completely independent iron ladies who build careers, drive cars and carry iron in the gym, are still the same remain romantic natures, expecting something touching from you, a man. And if you proposed to your beloved, turning on all your imagination and originality, and heard modest agreement without tears of joy in the eyes— Your proposal failed miserably.

If your beloved is not moved to tears by your revelation, then the confession was unsuccessful

First of all, you need to find out is your significant other ready for such a decisive step? or there are no thoughts about marriage in her immediate plans.

Perhaps she is one of those who wants to build a career or complete her studies first, and only then create a family home. By carefully probing the waters, you will understand whether now is a good time to make an offer or whether it is necessary to reschedule it For undefined period.

If the relationship has reached such a climax as a marriage proposal, then you probably know about the preferences of your chosen one and she at least once, at least in passing, mentioned what this moment should be like. If your beloved shared her dreams and desires, then you must make them come true.

How to properly prepare for a marriage proposal?

Long gone are the days when it was possible just offer to become a wife and solemnly present the treasured ring. Today's young ladies consider it a fetish to be extraordinary in everything and to be different from others - give it to your beloved magical moment in a fairy tale, which she will never forget.

It is necessary to propose in such a way that a woman will remember it forever

In order for the marriage proposal to be original and touch your beloved you'll have to work hard:

  1. Choose a good date- it must be a significant day, for example, her birthday, Valentine's Day, some date that is important for the two of you
  2. Prepare required attributes- ring, champagne, flowers
  3. Make an action plan- plan where, when and under what circumstances you will make an offer
  4. Get support— your beloved’s mother or best friend can help you with preparation and organization

Don't forget that the place will be incredibly important where you say the words cherished for your woman. If you don’t have iconic places that have a meaning that is clear only to you and your beloved, then you can choose just a beautiful place that will be conducive to a romantic mood.

It is very important to choose the right place for a marriage proposal.

If your plan has an unlimited budget, you can make an offer by the sea, but even in a cozy home atmosphere, a marriage proposal can be made unforgettable.

What not to do when proposing marriage?

As has already been said, a marriage proposal an incredibly important event for a woman and if you make a fatal mistake at this moment, it may even cause a refusal. When you ask for your hand in marriage, you cannot:

  • by the way say: "Marry me"
  • during such important words get distracted, chew, talk to someone at the same time- only you two exist in the entire Universe and there is nothing more important than the words you are going to say
  • With make an offer over the phone, via SMS - only with an evil eye, looking lovingly into her eyes and reverently squeezing her hands in his
  • be drunk- although this is an exciting moment, throwing a couple of drinks for courage is absolutely unacceptable. This is how you show your disrespect for your loved one.
  • propose in bed- a marriage proposal happens once in a lifetime (at least with you), so let your beloved be beautiful at this moment, and not disheveled and sleepy
  • hide the ring in food- it may look beautiful and extremely romantic in movies, but in real life, a ring hidden in dessert can cause a visit to the dentist. Besides, it's trivial and not at all impressive

Don't hide your ring in food

Men often make the mistake of proposing in the wrong place. For example, it is completely wrong to propose at my beloved's house, while accompanied by her family. You can put her in an awkward position, so it is better to say such important words in private.

If your woman doesn't like everyone's attention, then you shouldn't propose. in a crowded place, where all eyes will be focused on her, for example, on stage during a concert or play.

When proposing in a public place, evaluate what the chosen one’s reaction will be.

In the event that a girl didn't respond quickly, but said that she would think about the proposal, there is no need to get upset and make claims, create a scandal and break dishes. This the decision is very important and the fact that a woman wants to think it over does not mean that she doubts you.

How to propose beautifully in spring: words, phrases

Spring- the time of love, the time when pheromones are in the air, and hearts are filled with romance. It is very successful to propose in a favorable spring time. If your beloved loves animals, then she You will be impressed by the offer at the dolphinarium.

Propose marriage at a dolphinarium

Agree in advance with the dolphinarium staff that are you going to propose beloved woman. Don’t tell her anything about what’s coming, you can just mention that We have prepared a surprise. Arriving at the dolphinarium, the girl will think that this is a surprise and will happily indulge in entertainment with smart mammals.

At a convenient moment, when the girl comes out of the water, and you stand nearby, the dolphin will bring box with a ring. When she takes it in bewilderment, they will present you with a bouquet of flowers (this should be agreed upon in advance). Propose to your loved one with flowers in your hands:

"Sunny, today special day and I have prepared for you something more than a trip to the dolphinarium. Today I I want to offer you my heart, which will love you selflessly, and a hand that will become a support in life, through which we let's walk together, hand in hand. If you agree to become my wife, then accept this ring."

Speak words that come from the soul - your beloved will appreciate them

« Life is impossible without love, but only mutual feelings give strength to move forward. Meeting you was not accidental - you are exactly the woman with whom I want to share everything. I love you and I ask you to become my wife."

How to beautifully propose marriage in the summer: words, phrases

Summer- it’s time for vacations and a fabulous vacation, and it would be stupid not to take advantage of such a good opportunity to propose to your beloved. If you have planned a joint trip to the sea, then it is there, on the shore during sunset, that you can perform the most memorable and romantic act.

Offer by the sea

Invite your loved one to swim in the sea at sunset. Wherein Prepare everything you need in advance:

  • ring
  • champagne
  • glasses
  • flowers

In advance prepare the place where everything will happen: spread a blanket on the sand, scatter it everywhere rose petals(even if the weather is a little windy this will only enhance the effect). When you and your significant other arrive at the scene of events, you must immediately fill glasses and only after that say the words prepared in advance:

“This sea is limitless - you cannot see its shores, it extends into the distance beyond the horizon. My love for you is also limitless. You illuminated my life like sunlight and made me happy. I realized that without you I'm nothing To be myself, I need you next to me, forever. Darling, will you become my wife?

“Life before you was a gray fragment in which there was nothing. With your appearance I'm born again, felt all the joy of life, found happiness. You are my half a part of me without which I am incomplete. This is to the ring is endless, just like my love. You will accept this symbol of boundless feelings that will bind us into one until the end of life?"

Cover the beach with rose petals to create a romantic mood

How to propose beautifully in winter: words, phrases

Eat something fabulous in winter it would be a sin not to take advantage of it. In winter, you can make an original marriage proposal that your soul mate won't be able to forget.

Every girl believes in fairy tales, even if somewhere deep, deep in the soul. A great idea to propose would be to come to your beloved’s window... on horseback. You can make an offer in this form in a public place, but then without help from outsiders, which will lead her to the right place at the right time, cannot be avoided.

Fairytale marriage proposal

Order live music. An ensemble of violinists and a choir are not necessary, but romantic accompaniment must be present. Let the violinist plays a gentle melody, and at that moment you will ride up to your beloved’s window on a beautiful noble horse with a huge bouquet of red roses.

When your beloved comes closer, you can leave the horse alone - he played his role- Next, it is very important to say the main words. Here are some examples:

“Darling, with your appearance my life has changed dramatically. It makes sense, every morning I wake up with the thought that I'm the happiest man in the world, because you are with me. Today I want to give you a fairy tale that we will compose and build together throughout life. The life we ​​will spend together. Expensive, Do you agree to be my wife?"

Don't forget to get down on one knee

"Today is the most exciting day in my life. Whether I will become the happiest or the unhappiest in the world depends on your decision, because life without you is impossible. You are my air, without which I simply cannot exist. Ask, be my wife."

"When I met you, I thought that it is simply impossible to love with such strength. Every day I fall in love with you more and more and if you decide to leave me, like crazy I won’t be able to find peace for the rest of my days. You are my treasure, the most valuable thing that can be is more valuable than life itself. You will you become my wife?

Of course, such words must be said, kneeling in front of my beloved, and holding a ring in his hands.

How to propose beautifully in the fall: words, phrases

In the fall, you can propose using fallen leaves. In advance decorate the clearing and put words out of leaves"Marry me". After this, invite the girl for a walk and take her to the decorated clearing. When a girl notices the words necessary say what's on your heart:

"I want to make you the happiest girl in the world and make your dreams come true. To do this, you must be there in sorrow and joy, sickness and health. I promise that I will love you just as much as today and I will carry my feelings through the years. You agree become my wife?

If you are on vacation, then instead of leaves, sand is suitable, which you can use to write out words

“Darling, I thought for a long time about the meaning of life and realized that my meaning is you. You are the one with whom I want to go through my whole life hand in hand. Be my wife."

In fact, it is not at all necessary to memorize the proposed phrases. Speak from the heart, express your feelings and the girl will definitely appreciate it. And absolutely no matter how much money you spend to make a beautiful proposal - even at home on the couch it will be unforgettable if you put your soul into your words and actions.

the proposal can be the most ordinary - the main thing is that it is sincere

How to beautifully propose to your beloved at home: words, phrases

If this is appropriate, then the proposal can be done at home. The option of doing this in front of your parents and other relatives smacks of the Middle Ages - if you still want to solemnly ask the girl's parents for her hand in marriage, then before that they must propose to her personally and in private. Only after her consent can you go "match" the bride.

If you live with a girl together, then be sure to have a romantic dinner, in order to make a beautiful marriage proposal. To do this, decorate the room with rose petals, flowers, hearts, light candles, and turn on slow lyrical music.

Organize a romantic dinner

Dinner does not have to be prepared by yourself - you can order food or pre-purchase. In a pinch, you can get by with fruit, sweets and a bottle of champagne. It is unlikely that after the proposal is made, the girl will awaken a brutal appetite and she will most likely will not appreciate your culinary abilities.

When the girl has recovered a little from the unexpected surprise in the form of dinner, proceed to the main thing. Pour champagne into glasses and get down on one knee with the ring. Tell her about your feelings and desire to be together:

« You are a dream come true, this is exactly how I imagine the ideal girl. You know how to love, you know how to forgive, you can create comfort and take care of your loved ones. I think you will become an excellent wife and mother, loving and reliable. Will you become my life partner?

You can make a proposal during a toast - it will be original and unexpected

After the girl gives her consent, you can get a marriage license from her parents. It is not at all necessary to do this, but if you know that the girl's mother and father are disposed towards you and they will be pleased with such a gesture, then why not.

Choose the right moment and invite your loved one's parents to visit or visit them yourself (only when convenient). During dinner, raise a toast:

“Today I would like to express to you gratitude for such a daughter- she is the embodiment of kindness, beauty and tenderness. Only wise and caring parents could raise and educate such a girl. It was it's hard not to fall in love and I could not resist her charms. Moreover, I cannot imagine my life without your daughter and I want she became my wife."

How to beautifully propose in a public place, in a restaurant: words

If your companion is not afraid of everyone's attention, then you can do proposal in a public place. You should not choose places such as the metro, market, supermarket and other unpleasant concentrations of people. The effect of the proposal in them will be blurred people jostling and rushing about their business and noise.

Proposal in a public place

It is better to choose for such an important event restaurant or cafe. It would be good if this place was significant for you - for example, if you met there or like to visit often. In advance negotiate with the administrator that you want to propose to a girl and ask for help.

Don't forget to prepare well:

  • book a musician who will play the violin or accordion
  • buy a bouquet of flowers to give to your loved one and let the waiter bring it into the room at the right time
  • order the girl’s favorite dishes and champagne
  • ask for candles to be lit on the table (if appropriate)
  • take care of table decorations

Marriage proposal in a cafe

When the waiter brings a bouquet of flowers and fills glasses, and the musician plays touching quiet music you can say the main words:

“I invited you today for a reason. I want to tell you, probably the most important words in your life. I want to say how dear you are to me and how important you are in my life. I don't understand my existence without your eyes and gentle smile. Darling, you are everything to me and I want to see you next to me as my wife. Will you marry me?"

After that, get down on one knee and offer the girl an engagement ring.

A romantic mood can be created anywhere, because between people in love it exists even in everyday life

Exists lots of ways to propose beloved girl. This can be done anywhere and in any form, the main thing is to do it from the heart and be completely sure that this is the woman in front of you, which you need.

It is not at all necessary to go on a trip to Paris in order to create the right romantic atmosphere- it’s enough to put all your feelings into words. Sometimes a simple but sincere marriage proposal much more impressive than a whole theatrical action.

Video: How to propose to a girl?

So, you've made up your mind. You know for sure that it is with her that you want to be together in joy and in sorrow, in health and in illness, and further according to the text read out as usual in the registry office. She is your chosen one, she is your goal, she is your meaning in life. But you don’t know how to tell her about this, you’re afraid to hear the words of refusal, and in general you have a bad idea of ​​how to propose to a girl. This text is for you.

First, get rid of fear. If you have been dating for a more or less long period, spend a lot of time together, discuss various topics and understand each other well, then there is already a feeling between you. She is no longer indifferent to you, just as she is to you. And yet, in order not to put her in an awkward position and not to be deceived in your expectations, first find out how she, in principle, feels about the institution of marriage. Under a convenient pretext, start a conversation about family life, about children. If you don’t want to reveal your cards ahead of time, do it in a casual discussion of the life of your or her parents, some acquaintances, friends. This will help you understand whether it is worth it or better to wait.

Now about the marriage proposal itself. You know, there are a lot of tips on this matter, but don’t even hope to find “step-by-step instructions” on how to propose correctly. There is simply no such thing, because we are living people, and your beloved is not like everyone else, she is special, otherwise why do you feel so good with her. This means that she deserves special words addressed only to her, a special ritual invented exclusively for her. No, of course, your words and actions will be similar to the words and actions of thousands of similar lovers around the world, and yet they will not be a template.

There are only rules about how not to propose. First of all, it is categorically not recommended to confess your love while drunk, even if it is only “five drops for courage.” A confession made on the go and in a hurry will also be poorly received. The bed option, although it seems appropriate, in fact is not so at all - the proposal may sound like gratitude for sex or like a rash impulse at that moment when a person can forget about everything. And one more thing - you cannot rely on the phone, email, Skype, etc. in such an important matter; The offer is made only in person, eye to eye.

Perhaps this is the main thing that should be avoided, and now - actually, it is clear that for this there must be either a very unexpected or simply romantic atmosphere. If you are both no strangers to extreme sports, if the two of you dive into the depths of the sea or soar above the ground on a parachute, this can be used. However, if you really live such an interesting and rich life, then you yourself have an abundance of such ideas. In another case (and we will not call it nasty), there are no better proven options - a restaurant, or a romantic home dinner, or a walk along the embankment. Do you think it's beaten? Believe me, there are things that never depreciate. Yes, this version is not particularly original, but it is a classic! For centuries, young people puzzled over how to propose to a girl, and did not come up with anything new, and went to a restaurant, and they “rolled away”. And you will have a blast, no doubt about it.

The very fact of dinner in a restaurant is probably not enough, unless this is the first time you go to a restaurant together, and before that you got by with McDonald’s. It’s worth adding a little “exclusiveness”, say, agreeing in advance on candles, a musical number “with dedication”, a pre-paid “gift from the establishment”. If at the right moment the waiter brings a velvet box with a ring on a tray, that will also be very comme il faut. By the way, if you have no idea what ring to propose with, it’s better to do without it at all, because for any girl this is a very important detail - she will wear this ring all her life (as you expect). Therefore, if, in your opinion, a ring should be an indispensable attribute of a declaration of love, take care to get to know her preferences in jewelry, consult with her parents or best friend, check the size (circle any of her rings on paper along the inner contour and subtract one if she wears this ring not on her ring finger, but on her index or middle finger).

As a rule, girls know very well how difficult it is for guys to say “simple” words: “Marry me.” And if you decide on them, then it’s already worth a lot. But women still love with their ears, so the text of the confession and proposal should be at least a little longer than these four words. What exactly to say - your heart will tell you the path. It would be appropriate to mention her qualities, talk about your feelings, and outline your life together in a few strokes. Perhaps preparing and memorizing your speech in advance is not the worst idea, but you shouldn’t hesitate, much less reach into your pocket for a piece of paper if you’ve forgotten the text. Speak in your own words - she will understand!

Well, now you know how to propose to a girl. And any knowledge only becomes valuable when you use it. So, go ahead! And be happy!

"I agree!" or “Oh, this is so unexpected! I should think…". Women don't need much imagination to respond to their lover's marriage proposal. But men have to rack their brains before hearing the flirtatious “I’ll think about it...”.

A round oak table covered with a snow-white tablecloth, white mimosas in a jug. Her parents glance at you, waiting for you to ask for the hand of their beloved girl. Dinner or lunch in the company of her mom and dad (method No. 1)– the best option for a young man who values ​​traditions.

If you only want to tell the girl about your desire to make her your wife, dinner is also suitable for achieving this goal.

Method No. 2. A table hidden from the eyes of visitors in the twilight of the restaurant, illuminated only by the flames of candles, you and your chosen one. The waiter brings dessert, which is crowned with an elegant ring instead of a cherry. You don’t have to make any changes to the composition of the treat and place the ring in a case next to the dish. If you want to surprise a woman, you can even stuff a monkey under the lid of the tray that the waiter will bring you! When the lid rises over the dish, let the animal hand your lady a piece of jewelry... The main thing is that the effect of such a proposal is positive.

Continuing the theme of lunches and dinners, why not think about breakfast?

Method number 3. Wake up the girl you are going to make your wife with the aroma of coffee you prepared while she was sleeping. Place the ring next to the goodies and flowers on the tray. This morning will be the morning of a new life for both of you.

Method number 4. A good morning wish and a marriage proposal can be combined in the following way: get up before your beloved and go somewhere, for example, to the shower, leaving a ring and a letter on the pillow next to her, in which you offer her your hand and heart.

Without deviating from the gastronomic focus of the previous ways to propose, we offer one more. No. 5 - “Confectionery”. Confectionery factories will make a cake with any inscriptions and drawings. The culinary masterpiece has the inscription “Marry me!” will say everything for you.

"Be my wife!" - you can say it in the cabin of a limousine, holding a glass of sparkling wine in one hand and a ring in the other. This option number 6.

№ 7. Going shopping can help you make an offer. Place the ring with the purchase that your lady wants to unpack faster than others. This is how she will discover the gift.

Even wallpaper will help you make an offer. Yes, yes, wallpaper! Only phosphorus. From them you need to cut out the letters that will make up your confession. The letters should be placed on the ceiling so that the girl can see them in the evening when she turns off the lights. In our guide for young people, this method is at number 8.

Don't dare to present a ring in the bathroom? Take advantage 32nd council this wonderful list of ideas. Give your lady a foot massage. And put a ring on her toe.

Are all the methods too complicated for you? Or every time you fail to say the cherished words? The last one on our list is method number 33. Make an unexpected offer. In the middle of a normal day, while talking about everyday matters, just say: “Will you marry me?” Pause. Astonishment. “Yes!”...And you can start preparing for

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