How to properly do makeup at home. Step-by-step makeup for beginners: rules. Sculpting with dry textures and applying blush

Every representative of the fair sex wants to look beautiful and attractive. And one of the main points of this attractiveness is perfect makeup. Therefore, I propose to discuss how to do makeup correctly in order to always look your best.

How to properly apply makeup on your face

So, let's figure out what you need to do in order to get the perfect makeup that no one can resist.

  • One of the main and very important stages is thorough cleansing of the facial skin. Before applying makeup, be sure to thoroughly cleanse the skin of your face with tonic, milk or lotion.
  • Another important point is high-quality cosmetics. There is no need to save on yourself and buy cheap cosmetic products.
  • Next you need to apply the base. This is done in order to even out the tone of the face and remove shine.
  • Also, ideally, you need to apply a special makeup base that will suit your skin type.
  • Buy only expensive foundation. Apply it with soft and smooth movements so as not to stretch the skin. Use special makeup sponges for this.

  • Next, decide what kind of makeup you want to recreate - daytime or evening.
  • To highlight your eyes and put emphasis on them, use eyeliner and a cosmetic pencil.
  • Use mascara to not only lengthen and add volume to your eyelashes, but also to harmoniously complete your eye makeup.
  • You can also use shadows. But, in this case, you need to follow some rules so as not to spoil the whole picture. Apply the lightest shades in the corners of the eyes, the middle ones in the center of the eyelids, and the darkest ones in the outer corners of the eyes. This way you can open your eyes as much as possible and make them more expressive.
  • When we are done with the eyes, we move on to lip makeup. Here, first of all, a contour pencil will come to your aid.
  • Use a lip liner half a shade lighter than your lipstick. This way you will give your lips naturalness and volume.

Remember a little secret. Before applying lipstick, go over your lips with a powder brush. Thanks to this, the lipstick will stay on your lips longer.

How to Make Your Eyes Bigger with Makeup

In order to make your eyes visually larger, you need not only to paint your eyelashes or eyebrows. Also, ideally, you need to have several eyeshadow palettes with bright and nude shades in your makeup bag. Next, let's look at the basic rules for applying eye makeup to make them look bigger.

  • Never line the entire lower eyelid with eyeliner. This way you will narrow your eyes. It’s better to use a white pencil and line your eyes along the lower eyelid along the entire length of the mucous membrane.
  • If you want to make your eye more rounded, then apply eyeliner along the entire length of the upper eyelid, and widen the line towards the middle. If you widen the arrow and draw it beyond the end of the eyelid, you will elongate the shape of the eye and make it more fox-like.
  • An important point in eye makeup is eyelashes. It's no secret that mascara comes in different colors, but they also give different effects. Brown and black colors can make your eyes appear larger, but light shades will make them appear smaller.
  • A good option for enlarging the eyes is to apply light gray eyeshadow to the upper eyelid. But it is important to know that such a solution may not suit girls who have brown eyes. It is better for them to turn to brown tones of shadows.

To achieve an ideal result, it is better to follow all recommendations comprehensively. I also offer you step-by-step photo instructions for eye makeup.

Also, to make your eyes appear bigger, you need to know and be able to shape your eyebrows correctly. Especially in our time, when eyebrows play a very important role and are like a frame for the eyes.

There is no need to increase the width of your eyebrows beyond what you already have. This will give your face a rough look. Also, do not try to pluck thick natural eyebrows - this is now a trend. Since it is precisely the thickness and width of the eyebrows that is given to us by nature that is the most correct and beneficial for our appearance. To make the correct eyebrow correction, you will need a pencil of the desired shade and eyebrow shadow. Next we proceed through the following steps:

  • Using a pencil, we draw the lower part of the eyebrows;
  • carefully draw the end of the eyebrows and continue the line from above so that it does not reach the head of the eyebrow;
  • Next, paint over the inner edge area using shadows;
  • As a final step, blend the edges using an angled brush.

Now we are convinced that correct and beautiful eyebrow design is a completely simple process; you just need to choose the right shades of pencil and eye shadow.

There are some common mistakes that can make your eyes look smaller.

And now I suggest you figure out how to properly do makeup to look younger.

Even at home, you can do unsurpassed makeup that will conquer many men's hearts.

  • First of all, you need to thoroughly cleanse your facial skin. To do this, you can use special tonics or use regular mild soap.
  • After the skin is clean, apply moisturizer to it and wait until it is completely absorbed.
  • Take a foundation of a suitable shade and apply it to your face with smooth and soft movements. Do not stretch or press the foundation into the skin.
  • If you have problem areas on your face, you can disguise them using concealers and correctors that match the shade.
  • Next, set the tone with powder. It is thanks to powder and foundation that you can perfectly correct the shape of your face and disguise imperfections even at home.
  • Next, apply blush to the cheekbones. Do not use bright and flashy shades. Peach and nude tones will be just right.

Let's remember one small but very important secret. Before starting eye and lip makeup, apply a small layer of powder to the eyelids, eyelashes and lips. This way, mascara, shadows and lipsticks will lie in perfect layers and will last much longer, and the eyelashes will not stick together.

If you used pencil or eyeliner on your eyes, then paint your lips with the most natural shades possible. Matte nude lipsticks are ideal for this.


And now I suggest you watch a video on how to do beautiful makeup at home. You'll see how to properly apply eye shadow, lipstick, and eyebrow shaping to achieve the perfect makeup look for all occasions.

This has come to the end of our discussion of this topic. We hope that our article will be useful and interesting for you. Dear ladies, what kind of makeup do you prefer? Or perhaps you still have questions about this topic? Write about it in the comments - and we will definitely discuss it!

  1. The base is applied in thin layers with your fingers or a sponge.
  2. You need to move from the forehead to the chin.
  3. It is best not to rub the foundation, but to apply it with patting movements, especially if the skin has enlarged pores.
  4. When using a sponge to apply foundation, wet it slightly.
  5. Carefully monitor the amount of base applied. The first sign that there is too much foundation is the appearance of wrinkles or lines. In this case, the excess layer is removed with a sponge.
  6. You should not apply foundation under your eyes; we recommend using a brightening cream.
  7. You cannot mix regular cream with the foundation, otherwise the skin will begin to shine after some time.

Secrets of choosing and using powder

  1. The tone is selected depending on skin color. Transparent is considered a universal product, but it does not mask skin defects.
  2. Light shades are suitable for narrow faces. And to correct a wide face, you need to apply dark powder on the sides.
  3. The powder is applied in small portions with a brush. You can remove excess with a clean brush.
  4. Apply using movements from top to bottom.
  5. The powder can be applied not only to the face, but also to the eyes, including eyelashes and lips. Thus, the makeup will last much longer, the eyelashes will become longer, and the lips will become fuller. Apply loose powder with a brush or puff.
  6. Compact powder can be applied either with a brush or a sponge. If you moisten the sponge a little, the product will have the same effect as foundation.
  7. Girls with sensitive and inflamed skin are recommended to use antiseptic powder, which should be applied with a cotton swab. Cosmetics in balls are applied exclusively with a thick brush.

To create an evening look and maximum camouflage of skin defects, shiny powder with particles of pearls or mother-of-pearl is suitable.

A few words about blush

  1. Blush is applied with a special flat brush.
  2. If the face is wide, then blush is applied vertically.
  3. Blush applied horizontally will expand your face shape.
  4. To create a lifting effect, blush is applied to the cheeks and then shaded upward.
  5. You can soften harsh facial features with blush applied to the center of the cheek in a circular motion.
  6. For a triangular face, blush is applied to the chin and the prominent part of the cheekbones.
  7. Apply blush with short strokes, not long ones.
  8. Oily, liquid and gel blush are applied with your fingertips.
  9. The blush tone is selected based on skin tone and overall color scheme.

Rules for using shadows

  1. Eyelids should be powdered before application.
  2. Shadows should always be shaded, even if one color is used.
  3. Light shades are used closer to the bridge of the nose, the brightest in the middle of the eye, and the corner of the eyelid is covered with the darkest colors.
  4. To visually raise your eyebrows, you need to apply a little light shadow under the eyebrow.
  5. A thin layer of loose powder will help set the shadows.
  6. Girls who wear contact lenses should give up dry products in favor of liquid ones.
  7. Liquid shadows are applied only with your fingers, and after application you need to sit for several minutes with your eyes closed until they are completely absorbed.
  8. If there are wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, then you should abandon pearlescent shadows.

An applicator soaked in water will make the color of the shadows brighter and more saturated.

How to line your eyes?

  1. The eyeliner pencil should be well sharpened.
  2. If you apply liquid eyeliner over the pencil, the line will be clearer.
  3. If only a pencil is used, then shadows or loose powder are applied on top of it in a thin layer. Otherwise, the line will quickly be erased.
  4. Liquid eyeliner is applied in a continuous line from the inner corner of the eyelid to the outer corner, or first from the middle to the outer corner, and then from the inner to the middle.
  5. Liquid eyeliner applied in barely noticeable dots along the upper eyelid line will create the effect of thick eyelashes.
  6. If the eyeliner line is unsuccessful, you can erase it with a regular cotton swab dipped in makeup remover lotion. It is extremely important that the lotion does not contain oil, otherwise it will be difficult to make a new line.

What to do with mascara?

  1. If your eyelashes are already thick, then you should not use voluminous mascara, otherwise your eyes will become doll-like.
  2. It is advisable to paint your eyelashes while looking in a magnifying mirror.
  3. Before applying mascara, eyelashes should be degreased, for example, with an oil-free makeup remover.
  4. It is better to paint eyelashes from the middle of the eyelid to the outer corner, then paint over the eyelashes on the inner part of the eyelid, and finally apply a layer of mascara over all eyelashes.
  5. The second layer of mascara is applied after the first has completely dried.
  6. If you powder your eyelashes before using mascara, they will become longer and more voluminous.
  7. You should curl your eyelashes before applying mascara, and not vice versa.

Mascara is applied last, after applying eye shadow and eyeliner.

About lipstick

  1. To make the lipstick last longer, blot the first layer with a napkin, and then apply the second layer to your lips.
  2. To create voluminous lips, apply a little pearlescent lipstick or lip gloss in the very center.
  3. If your lips are large and disproportionate, you do not need to apply lipstick to the very corners of your mouth.
  4. Lipstick in combination with a pencil of the same color will allow you to enlarge your lips. The pencil is applied to the lips just above its own contour.

Makeup depending on the time of year and day


Day makeup in the hot season it should consist of the most natural range. When exposed to the sun, the skin begins to sweat. If dark colors are used, they will simply be imprinted on the upper eyelid.

For the face, you can choose powder with a tanning effect. Any palette of delicate shades is suitable for the eyelids. These colors can be beige, soft brown, light gray, light green, soft blue, pinkish colors, coral. It is better to avoid pencil and eyeliner on a hot summer day. Lips can be emphasized with colorless gloss or light-colored lipstick.

Evening look can be diluted with light ones with pearl or shadows of more saturated colors. It is best to focus on the lips. For example, highlight the corners of the eyelids with a light gray tone, and apply juicy reddish or bright coral lipstick on the lips.

Details about... What is important to know when applying shellac: nuances, choice of materials and tools for an independent procedure.

Everyday makeup for brown eyes, examples with.


Daytime winter makeup requires tinted protective agents. These should be foundation creams and powders in light shades, for example, golden, light beige, yellowish. The same range should be followed when choosing blush. You should avoid colors that are too saturated, such as hot pink. Natural or berry shades are suitable for lips. Shadows can be golden or pearly, depending on the type of appearance.

For a winter evening look A smoky range of shadows, cool brown or dark gray, purple are suitable. Cheekbones can be emphasized with pale pink or beige blush. As a lipstick, it is better to choose natural beige colors, delicate pinks, and rich berries.


Suitable range for spring day makeup: soft pink, white, light turquoise, greenish, light yellow, apricot, marsh.

When creating evening spring makeup you can use orange, rich turquoise, blue, purple, terracotta, aquamarine colors. It is better to choose blush in warm natural tones, but lipstick can be bright, for example, fuchsia, muted red, rich apricot.


Autumn daytime look must play with nature. These can be golden shades, soft blue, beige, light brownish, ivory. A little gold should be present in the blush. It is better to choose a sandy, soft peach lipstick.

Autumn evening makeup relevant with the use of dark brown, silver, marsh brown, gray. You can choose scarlet, burgundy, red, orange lipstick.

Let's sum it up

To learn how to apply makeup correctly, you need to develop a technique and reinforce it every day.

Decide on a color scheme, taking into account your color type, clothing, hair color, eye color.

  1. Buy a set of brushes. These are the tools that will help you carefully apply eye shadow, blush, and foundation.
  2. First, cover your face with foundation and then powder it.
  3. After applying the powder, we begin shaping the eyebrows. Eyebrows should have a clear shape, so we mercilessly remove all excess hairs. If necessary, you can tint your eyebrows with a pencil or shadow, and then go over them with a brush again.
  4. Having formed the eyebrows, we proceed to applying shadows. Cover the entire eyelid with light shadows to the lower edge of the eyebrows. The lightest shadows are applied to the inner corner, and the outer corner is highlighted with dark colors. The transition between light and dark shadows should be shaded with a brush. If you want to enlarge your eyes, then dark shadows are applied along the entire crease of the upper eyelid.
  5. Pencil or eyeliner should be applied as close to the eyelashes as possible. It is worth applying a little shadow over the drawn contour to soften the line and fix the makeup.
  6. We brush away the crumbled shadows from the eyelashes with a brush, and then paint them over with mascara. First you should paint the lower eyelashes, and then the upper ones. Apply mascara gradually, allowing each applied layer to dry.
  7. We brush off the remaining shadows from the face and the area under the eyelids with a large brush, after which we powder the face again.
  8. To complete the makeup, give your face a healthy glow with blush.

If you learn how to do makeup correctly, you can always look flawless, at any time of the year or day, especially since learning the art of make-up is quite simple.

Beautiful makeup at home can look no worse than makeup done by makeup artists in beauty salons. After all, most girls do their makeup every day using decorative cosmetics at home. In order for it to look professional, you need to understand all the subtleties, details and know how to skillfully hide flaws and emphasize advantages.

Warm and cool colors

Based on the most popular division of groups, warm colors include yellow, orange, red, and cold colors include blue, purple and green. However, each color has its own shades, and if, for example, the main one belongs to the “cold” group, then its tone may belong to the “warm” group. For example, let’s take the color green and its shades: marsh, emerald, pistachio, olive, etc. If we compare the natural color of green and emerald, we see that the first contains more yellow color, this makes it warm, and the second is a mixture with blue , which is why it is classified as cold.

Yellow is considered warm, but lemon yellow is already cooler. Orange belongs to the first group because it contains red. Purple, blue and their shades are considered cold.

Types of women and makeup

To perform perfect and correct makeup, you need to know what color type you are. The choice of colors in makeup does not depend on age, weight and other parameters. To determine the color type, you need to carefully examine the hair color, iris and facial skin pigmentation in daylight.

Based on external data, the characteristics of the types are as follows:

  1. Winter. The skin of such women is very soft and silky, white in color with a dull pink, blue or porcelain tint. Hair can be light (white or ashy), black or dark brown. The eyes of representatives of this type are gray, green, dark brown or black. Eyebrows are always dark. With such an appearance, you should wear subtle makeup. A pencil for eyebrows and eyelids is suitable in black, gray or dark blue. You should choose bright lilac, beige, pink, gray, bluish-blue, lilac, cherry, violet, emerald green and any dark shadows. Cherry, amethyst, dark coral or scarlet will look great in lipstick colors.
  2. Spring. The skin of these women has a yellowish or peach tint. Their hair color is usually red (blond), blond or honey. The eyes are mostly light: blue, green, amber. Very rarely - dark. For such girls, when applying decorative cosmetics, lighter, more delicate and natural colors are suitable. They go with a dark brown pencil for eyebrows and eyelids. Shadows with golden shades, coral, soft pink, lilac or aquamarine are suitable. You can apply apricot or peach blush. When making up your lips, it is recommended to use pink, lilac, brown or bronze colors.
  3. Autumn. Such women most often have dark skin. Their hair is red, chestnut, light brown or dark brown. Eyes: dark blue, brown, gray. Bright and rich colors suit this type of girl. Shadows should be chosen in brown, orange, olive, green colors. Dark red, blackberry, eggplant, copper and brown lipsticks are suitable. It is worth paying attention to an important rule: the emphasis is placed either on the eyes or on the lips. In no case should you make both bright, otherwise your face will look unnatural.
  4. Summer. Women of this type have white or pinkish skin. Most often the hair is blond, less often - black. The eyes also have light colors: gray-blue, blue, green, light gray. For women, shadows of any pastel colors, purple or violet lipstick are suitable. You can apply light blush. The emphasis also needs to be placed either on the lips or on the eyes.

Today you can change your appearance: dye your hair, insert lenses of any color, apply a different shade to your face. Therefore, you should choose makeup to match the appearance you currently have.

Stages of applying makeup

Instructions for sequential application of cosmetics will help you apply makeup at home.

You need to start by cleansing and toning your facial skin. When the skin is prepared to apply makeup, you need to apply a base cream. We begin to apply the tone from the forehead and distribute it with light movements over the temples and cheeks. It is important that the color of the foundation looks natural and differs little from the pigment of the skin of the whole body. In order not to notice the contrast between the neck and chin (and this is the first thing that usually catches the eye), you need to shade the tone well between them. It is recommended to apply the product to the nose last. It's best to apply several layers to your face rather than just one thick layer for a natural look.

The second stage is correction of the oval of the face. Here are some recommendations:

  • a light corrector applied to the forehead between the eyebrows, the bridge of the nose, the middle of the chin and the upper edge of the cheekbone will make the face fresh and rested;
  • dark powder or brown blush will visually make the face thinner if applied and shaded on the cheekbone;
  • You can highlight the nasolabial sweet spots, areas under the eyes, near the outer corners of the eyes and lips, this will help you look younger.

Blush will also help to correct your face. It is important to shade them thoroughly. Here are the basic rules for their use:

  • blush is applied from bottom to top along the protruding part of the cheekbones;
  • You can use lipstick as blush;
  • to remove the richness of the blush, you can use powder;
  • pink with beige shades are suitable for any skin color.

The final stage in correcting the skin and face shape is powdering. If cream blush was applied before the powder, then it is applied on top of them. If they are dry, it is best to apply powder first and then blush.

The next stage is eyebrows and eyes. First you need to prepare your eyebrows. It is necessary to pluck them if there are unnecessary hairs. Apply with gel or secure with varnish. Color with pencil, mascara or shadows.

An important step in makeup is eye makeup. First, apply foundation to the eyelid. Apply light colored shadows. It is important to remember that dark shadows should be applied to the outer corner of the eyes, lighter ones - in the middle, and the lightest ones - to the inner corner of the eye. The boundaries between colors must be shaded so that the transition is smooth. Apply mascara to your eyelashes, first the upper ones, then the lower ones. You need to paint from the very roots to the tips of the eyelashes. If desired, you can draw arrows. Emphasize the lower eyelid with shadows or eyeliner, but only 1/3 of it needs to be lined. If you line it completely, your eyes will look smaller, rougher, while dark circles, wrinkles and puffiness under the eyes will become more expressive.

The final stage of all makeup is applying lipstick to the lips. The first is covering your lips with foundation. After this, you need to draw a neat outline with a pencil (it should be one tone darker than the lipstick). Shade the outline. Apply a thin layer of lipstick, seal it with a napkin. Apply a second layer and dry a little.

And finally, the lips...

If you follow these instructions and apply makeup step by step, then beautiful makeup at home will look like a professional one done by a makeup artist.

Today there are a large number of different techniques, options and types of makeup. Popular are smoky eyes and delicate wedding ones. With the help of decorative cosmetics you can do anything, even make-up for a stage look.

When doing makeup, every woman should have:

  • foundation;
  • corrector;
  • blush;
  • powder;
  • shadows;
  • mascara;
  • lip pencil;
  • lipstick;
  • lip gloss;
  • makeup brushes, sponges, applicators;
  • makeup remover and facial cleanser.

It is important to be able to choose the right makeup. For everyday makeup, it is recommended to choose lighter colors or shades of brown, preferably matte. For evening, you can choose brighter, darker shades. Makeup must be combined with the entire look: with clothes and hairstyle.

Simple and easy makeup for every day

Remembering how to do light makeup is very easy. To do this you will need foundation, powder, shadow or eyebrow pencil, eyeliner, mascara, gloss or lipstick. The application technique is the same. Without shadows and blush, the makeup will look very natural and almost invisible, while the eyes will be expressive. If you still want to add shadows, then you need to choose a flesh color.

To avoid being the object of everyone's attention, you should not make the following mistakes:

  • apply a thick layer of foundation or choose the wrong shade;
  • glue eyelashes;
  • powder your face too much;
  • leave cosmetics unshaded;
  • Do not make daytime makeup too intense.

In order for any makeup to last as long as possible, it is recommended to buy good quality decorative cosmetics in trusted stores. You should not save when choosing, since the face is a woman’s “calling card”, and applying cheap and low-quality cosmetics is a quick way to spoil and contaminate the skin, get irritated and age ahead of time.

Little princesses make their first attempts at makeup at the age of five or six. Mom's lipstick, bright blush and most importantly - mascara are used. Two strokes of the brush and a real beauty appeared before her surprised parents. Unfortunately, in adult life such manipulations are not enough, and the process of creating high-quality makeup takes a long time. In this article we will tell you how to learn how to do your own makeup step by step with photos.

Makeup for Beginners

Ideal makeup includes several stages: preparation, working with the skin, applying decorative cosmetics. Each stage is both simple and complex at the same time: despite the apparent simplicity of the manipulations, not everyone succeeds in symmetrical application. Let's look at how to do your own makeup step by step with photos.

Let's prepare

An important part of makeup is Preparation to him. All cosmetics must be applied on clean skin. Before you begin to restore your beauty, you must wash your face. Even if you think that your skin has not become dirty since the last time you washed it, this is not a reason not to rinse it. Dead particles of dermis and fine dust collect instantly, so you risk leaving them under a layer of cosmetics. In the future, this will lead to inflammation of the sebaceous ducts.


After washing off the dirt and protective fat film from your face, you need to moisturize the skin. To do this, first wipe your face with micellar or thermal water, then rub the cream with massage movements.

The wide range of concealer colors allows disguise any skin imperfections, including circles under the eyes. Before applying it to your face, use information from the Internet about the purposes of colors. This will help make the correction perfect.

We tint

After the basic steps are completed, proceed to creating perfectly smooth facial skin. Foundation will help with this. Use a cream that is as close as possible in color to the natural color of the skin, since otherwise bright tonal transitions will completely kill the feeling of naturalness of the makeup. No way do not smear foundation with your fingers– you will not get a high-quality foundation and will injure the delicate skin of your face. The ideal tool for applying tone is a brush with synthetic fibers or beauty blender.


The powder is designed to protect the foundation from damage and also remove oily shine from the face. Apply it soft fluffy brush with natural fibers. The larger the diameter of the brush, the better the application result. During the day, the powder must be applied several times, since the weightless particles of the cosmetic product crumble over time, exposing shiny areas of the skin.


Use dry concealer to model the shape of the face. With the help of this miracle remedy, it is possible to lengthen the face, emphasize the cheekbones, and visually change the shape of the nose. Apply concealer with a dry, semi-rigid brush with natural bristles.

Comb your eyebrows specially with a brush. For ease of work, comb the hairs up. Draw a brush with beige or pinkish shadow along the lower part of the eyebrows, marking a visual border. For convenience, use a small brush with an angled edge. Smooth the hairs according to their growth and apply wax, then blend the shadows of the chosen color. Don't make your eyebrows too bright if your makeup is for daytime.

This stage is the most difficult, but this is where you can give free rein to your imagination. Before applying eye shadow blend primer over eyelids: It will make the skin of the eyelids pliable. The shadows will not fall off. The color and composition of the shadows depends on the purpose of the makeup: daytime or evening. In the first case, light, natural shades predominate; in the second, darker tones are used to emphasize the expressiveness of the eyes. Smokey ice is considered a very effective evening makeup look.

Occupies a special place eyeliner. It can be present on both the upper eyelid or both. Use a special moisture-resistant pencil for eyeliner. With its help, you can create several dozen types of arrows, each of which will set an individual makeup tone. If you are lining only the upper eyelid, then use a light pencil for the lower one. It will create the border of the eye.

The final stage will be tinting eyelashes with mascara. Don't overdo it - eyelashes should not look like spider legs.

The choice of blush colors is wide. Use your favorite colors to create the perfect makeup look. The process of applying blush is simple: smile and place a blush dot at the highest point of your cheekbones. Then blend towards your temples.

Last stage - lips. Most often, this stage has to be repeated at intervals of several hours throughout the day. The exception is super long-lasting lipsticks that are not afraid of moisture. If your makeup is evening, then you should line your lips - outline them with a special pencil. Its color should be a tone darker than the color of the lipstick. If your lips are asymmetrical, then it is the pencil that can correct them and give them the desired shape. Apply lipstick to your lips and pull them inward until they touch each other. Repeat the action several times. This will help the coating take an even look, without obvious roughness.

Lips can be covered with regular or colored gloss. Keep in mind that this type of coverage is the shortest.

Setting makeup

This step is not necessary, but it is advisable if you plan to be in a room with a large number of people. Spray your face with thermal water and do not move for a few minutes: this is necessary to fix all the cosmetic layers.

When creating the perfect makeup, focus primarily on its purpose. Choose different solutions for daytime, evening, and walking makeup. Use high-quality cosmetics and do not forget to cleanse your face before going to bed. Well, you already know how to learn how to do your own makeup step by step (with photos).

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