How to take revenge on a lover who used you - Psychology. Ways to take revenge on your ex How to take revenge on your ex-boyfriend so that you bite your elbows

Men are sometimes cynical, capable of vile, selfish acts. Is it possible to leave such a person unpunished? How to take revenge on your lover for an insult?

Situations are different. But it is important to remember: impunity, the lack of an adequate response to dishonest actions gives rise to the desire to continue in the same spirit.

Prepare an action plan in advance. Calculate several options for possible developments and your reaction to them in order to avoid force majeure.

The penalty depends on the severity of the damage caused. When the first emotions pass, what yesterday seemed meanness, a betrayal of a beloved woman, today can be seen more as a misunderstanding, male stupidity, a petty dirty trick, than a crime against love.

If the situation described above concerns you, consider the TOP 5 interesting ways to punish your lover without causing much harm.

  1. During an erotic massage, “mistakenly” use self-tanner instead of oil. After such a procedure, the guy will be forced to spend hot summer days in clothes in order to avoid the surprised looks of passers-by and unpleasant jokes thrown after him;
  2. Ruin your favorite clothes. Write a message with a permanent marker, cut out a couple of hearts in a visible place, or simply give it to the homeless. Let him feel the extent of your offense;
  3. Release an army of cockroaches, large spiders purchased from a pet store, into his apartment. Not the most humane way for insects. Another option: turn the house into a garbage dump, so that the guy wants to urgently make repairs or spend time on thorough cleaning and ventilation of the room;
  4. Change the lock in his apartment;
  5. Post advertisements around the city with the phone number and home address of the offender, print it in a newspaper, or place an offer on an online flea market in your city. The content of the message can be different, from an innocent joke to harsh criticism. For example: “A virgin, 32 years old, is looking for an experienced mature lady under 60 for lovemaking.” It is possible that there is a hint of non-traditional sexual orientation, small size, sexual weakness, or inability to please a woman. Surely, a rich imagination will come up with many interesting ideas.

How to take revenge on your ex beautifully?

What should I do if I want to take revenge on my ex-lover? Do you need ways to hit his pride harder, how to put a person in his place?

The best option is to completely ignore its existence. It’s a sophisticated torture to see your ex-beloved as successful, beautiful, independent and completely indifferent to your person. Male psychology is such that a male needs to feel important, needed, and valuable. Awareness of one's own importance fuels vitality and inspires. If the need for a lady's presence in a woman's life is questioned, this will certainly throw the unlucky lover off balance.

The best revenge is oblivion, which will bury the offender in the ashes of his insignificance.- Gracian y Morales

Continue to lead an active life, do not answer calls or attempts to renew contact. Book a beautiful photo session and go on a trip around the world with your new lover. Periodically post a photo report with a beautiful sea view and a tanned young handsome man to your page on social networks, write positive posts. Change your style, experiment, love yourself and enjoy life. It is important not to pretend, to imitate happiness, but to breathe it in deeply.

Not a single person in the world is worthy of your tears, and a worthy person will never make you cry. — Quote from the Internet

One day, accidentally meeting your lover on the street, you will be surprised how you could start a relationship with such a loser. The man will understand who he lost, but it will be too late.

Interesting ideas on how to teach an offender a lesson

Sometimes the degree of a man's guilt requires harsher punishment. How to teach your lover a lesson if he used you like a thing and abandoned you without a doubt?

A married lover probably won't like too much publicity. Take advantage of this, but without fanaticism, be careful, do not expose yourself. Play on the weaknesses of your ex-partner, because during the time spent together, you managed to thoroughly study your chosen one.

A man who values ​​his property very much can spoil his favorite car a little with the help of bread crumbs and hungry birds. It is also possible to find a way to make the guy spend huge amounts. But remember to be careful, do not resort to blackmail or extortion. A wise woman always knows how to trick her partner into spending money without risking herself, right?

For example, if a guy is overly keen on virtual games, proud of an expensive computer or rare pieces of fishing gear, try to ruin plans for an interesting vacation.

Sell ​​valuable equipment that a man has long and diligently collected, spend virtual game savings, or inject a dangerous virus into your favorite computer and erase files with important data, because they are so difficult to recover. Suddenly the partner forgot to prepare a copy or save the information in the cloud. Oh, what a nuisance!

Another way to teach a lover a lesson is to ruin your business reputation. There are many options. Send intimate photos and videos to colleagues and subordinates. The ridicule of others is guaranteed to make a guy's life unbearable. A harder blow is a call or letter to your place of work from a “venereology clinic” addressed to your lover. Fake tests will make your partner not shake hands and leave a feeling of mistrust for a long time.

You can also look for information about your new passion and become your best friend. Just imagine what details about her chosen one you can tell a naive girl. Sprinkling salt on the wound of the offender from time to time sometimes feels so good, doesn’t it?

Have an affair with your scoundrel's best friend. Use feminine charm generously. The ex-boyfriend probably won’t like this course of events, but that’s his problem.

Does the wife of a cheater need the truth?

If the deceiver is married, consider whether it is worth revealing the truth about the adventures of your beloved wife. Sometimes the information received will hurt her first, even if the woman guessed or suspected everything. If the couple has children, they will also suffer.

It doesn’t matter to you, do the consequences pale before the desire to take revenge on the offender? Then go ahead! Throw some underwear into your bag and leave traces of your presence in their apartment. The smell of perfume, traces of lipstick, or even a note with intimate details, for example, a map of birthmarks, scars hidden under clothes and other features of the chosen one. Photos attached to the envelope will not hurt.

The note should be left where your spouse will definitely see it first. A closet shelf with women's underwear is perfect for this purpose. It is unlikely that a careless husband will find your message there before his wife.

Perhaps you should openly provide your lawful chosen one with irrefutable evidence of your connection and expect the desired reaction.

However, we should not forget that such actions can have negative consequences not only for the offender, but also for you, dear ladies. Proceed with caution, do not lose face in an attempt to annoy your ex-lover. Revenge must be either sophisticated and beautiful, or subtle and invisible at first glance, but with great prospects.

Have you decided not to cry to your friends because your boyfriend left you, but to take revenge on him? Whether this is true or not is not for us to judge. But we can help implement your plan. In our article you can find tips on how to behave in order to make a guy pay for everything and suffer. You will learn how to make your ex regret the breakup. You will get acquainted with the main mistakes of girls who want to hurt the guy who left them.

If you are determined to take revenge on your ex-boyfriend, the first thing you need to do is calm down so as not to make mistakes in the heat of the moment. Yes, it happens that men leave their girls. And if you want to take revenge beautifully, you need to weigh everything. There are several great ways to remind yourself:

  • Damage the guy's car. Men adore their cars and literally blow dust off them. They get very upset if there is a scratch or dent on the car. So why don't you take revenge on your ex by ruining his car? You just need to know when to stop, otherwise you can end up under the article.
  • Cut up your ex's clothes. Take the most expensive and best shirts that the guy liked the most.
  • Throw some rotten eggs under your ex-boyfriend's car seat.. It will take him a long time to find the source of the disgusting smell.

He will definitely remember parting with you!

How to make him regret breaking up

It’s quite easy to make a guy regret a breakup; you just need to work on your shortcomings and change for the better. Change your hairstyle, change your wardrobe, take a makeup course, buy a membership to the fitness center. Do everything for yourself, the one you love. This is not easy and requires effort, because longing and resentment towards your lover kills all enthusiasm. But it's worth the effort.

The second way to make him feel sorry is to be positive all the time. Don't say anything bad about your ex-boyfriend to your mutual friends; speak well of him and his new girlfriend (if he has one). Thus, your loved one will want to call you and improve the relationship.

Instead of taking revenge, you can try. Here we have given answers to the questions: how to behave in the presence of a competitor, children, if a lot of time has passed since the breakup. You will learn what not to do and what to write.

So that next time your new boyfriend doesn’t kick you too, you need to know. Here you will find 8 important rules, ways to convince him that he needs a relationship and a list of what may prevent him from achieving his goal.

Maybe it’s not worth taking revenge after all, because guys often come back. This is why men break into their ex's lives again. It is written here about how to understand whether he has such a desire and how to behave as a woman.

How to hurt a man

One of the surest ways to hurt a man is to embarrass him in front of his friends. Everyone cares about their sexy image. Give one of his friends the potency medicine, tell him not to have time to give it to him personally. Other people will definitely know about this.

You can say that your ex is bad in bed or complain about the small size of his manhood. This is very humiliating for a man, especially since he is unlikely to be able to refute this information. The option is pretty sneaky.

Another way is to say that he is a homosexual and cheated on you with other men, went to specialized nightclubs, took your cosmetics and underwear. These rumors will spread very quickly and your ex's reputation will be destroyed. It must be admitted that in the CIS, the attitude towards such persons is still, for the most part, dismissive.

The best medicine after a breakup is a new relationship with another man who will make you truly happy. We recommend watching new free video course Alexey Chernozem "12 laws of seduction for women." From the course you will learn how to attract his attention, encourage him to get to know him, interest him and captivate him.

To watch, click on this link, leave your e-mail and you will receive an email with a link to the video.

The main mistakes of girls who want to take revenge on a guy

The main mistake of girls who want to take revenge on their departed boyfriend is to have an affair with his best friend or close relative. Such actions mean that the girl is trying with all her might to attract attention and. These attempts look very pathetic and do not characterize the lady in the best way. If you still want to do this, use our advice. This article will help you find out. It describes the behavior of a jealous man.

In this video, girls have fun trying to get revenge on a guy. They involved his car, his alarm clock, his cats. See how all this can be used:

Another mistake is trying to spoil his new girlfriend. Calls, threats, meanness - all this cannot be done. This will only make you look offended, jealous and abandoned. The best revenge is to become happy, successful and cheerful.

Every woman at least once in her life has experienced a feeling of resentment and anger towards her man, especially if the relationship with him was destroyed. When the accumulated negativity reaches a critical level, only one desire remains - to take revenge on the offender and make him suffer as much as possible. There are several proven ways to ruin your ex-boyfriend’s mood without overstepping the bounds of the law and without later suffering from remorse due to an unseemly act.

Before trying to take revenge on your ex-lover, you need to weigh all the positive and negative consequences of such an act several times.

There are not many positive consequences of revenge:

  1. 1. Perhaps the avenged party will have a feeling of moral satisfaction if the planned retribution takes place.
  2. 2. The Avenger will prove to her ex-boyfriend that she is not as weak and defenseless as he probably thought.

But even just revenge has many more negative sides:

  1. 1. Relationships can be irrevocably damaged - instead of a former lover, there is a high probability of acquiring an open enemy.
  2. 2. On the part of the man, retaliatory actions may follow, which can cause much greater damage to the avenger.
  3. 3. Any revenge requires time and effort, including emotional ones.
  4. 4. An ex-man may think that the girl is still not indifferent to him. Some guys can be flattered by any display of attention, even if expressed in the form of aggression.
  5. 5. Many methods of revenge are classified by the laws of the Russian Federation as criminal actions - there is a danger of acquiring an unpleasant acquaintance with law enforcement agencies.

How to take revenge on your ex?

If, nevertheless, it was decided that revenge should take place, then you can use one of the methods described below:

  1. 1. Become successful and happy. This method is most recommended by psychologists, so it comes first on the list. Such revenge has a huge number of advantages for a woman. Firstly, by engaging in self-development and achieving success, a girl will take her mind off the problems in her personal life. Secondly, if you don’t revel in your grief, but get carried away with a new hobby, your chances of meeting a new lover will increase many times over. Finally, the most important thing is that when the ex-man sees that the girl he left does not suffer at all, but lives a happy and interesting life, he will experience genuine disappointment. But, most likely, by this time his feelings will no longer have any meaning for the girl - he will become a passed stage for her. Many women dream of such revenge - to fly out of an expensive car in front of their ex-boyfriend, having a dazzling appearance, so that he finally realizes that he missed the most beautiful girl in his life.
  2. 2. Make friends with his new passion. A girl may not want to be friends with her boyfriend’s ex-lover, but she will definitely agree to one meeting or conversation. During this conversation, you can talk in detail about all the shortcomings, bad habits and “skeletons in the closet” of her chosen one. If their relationship has just begun, then such a story will force the new mistress to take a closer look at the chosen one or even scare her away completely. A simpler option for revenge: send the new girl love letters or messages from her boyfriend to his ex-lover. Even if it turns out that this correspondence is many years old, it will significantly spoil their relationship.
  3. 3. Have a virtual romance with your ex-boyfriend. This method is most suitable for those who want to take revenge for betrayal. If a guy is prone to infidelity, he most likely will not resist the attention of a beauty whose profile will be developed in advance by the avenger. To carry out revenge using this method, you will have to work hard: select photos of a girl that will suit the taste of your ex-boyfriend, create a realistic page with a certain number of friends and subscribers, so that the guy does not immediately suspect something is wrong. After several months of a virtual affair, you can carry out several options for revenge: either leave him by correspondence, properly humiliating him; or send correspondence to his current girlfriend (if he is in a relationship); or call him on a real date, where he will discover that all this time he was communicating with his former lover.

Beautiful revenge

Some women try to be creative in implementing their plans. In this case, several ideas on how to take revenge in a beautiful and non-trivial way may seem interesting:

  1. 1. Use incriminating evidence against your spouse. Over the years of a relationship, any woman may have some incriminating photographs, documents or videos in her stash. If the ex-husband has managed to build a career and holds a serious position, then it will be an unpleasant surprise for him to discover that all his subordinates have a video recording where he appears in a stupid or unsightly manner. If the wife knows about some financial fraud of her ex-husband, then this information can be sent to his management anonymously by e-mail. But you need to remember that if a couple has children together, it is completely unprofitable for the ex-husband to lose his job - the amount of alimony will be sharply reduced if the spouse resigns from a management position and his salary drops several times.
  2. 2. Ruin your vacation. This method of revenge requires good preparation and large financial costs. The basic idea is this: make sure that your ex-boyfriend and his new girlfriend suddenly receive a trip to an expensive exotic resort. When they arrive at the place of their intended vacation, numerous problems should arise (not without your help) - there will be no hotel rooms for them, the food is terrible, return tickets will suddenly turn out to be unpaid, and the ex-boyfriend with his new girlfriend will have to solve the problem of returning home for a long time and painfully sitting at the airport. For such revenge to go according to plan, you need to have an agreement with the travel agent, paying him not only for the trips, but also for the fact that he is risking his reputation. After all, an angry ex will leave a negative review about such a vacation, blaming the travel agent who provided the trip for all the troubles.
  3. 3. Make him suffer from constant calls. You can place several advertisements on various topics on the Internet on his behalf. To keep your ex's phone calls day and night, advertisements should be placed in regions with different time zones. The content depends on the fantasy and the degree of resentment towards the ex. If you want to take revenge in a funny way, then you can place funny advertisements indicating his phone number, for example, “I’ll buy an elephant”, “I’m looking for sex, don’t offer a job.” But if you really want to cause trouble for a former lover who used and abandoned a girl, then his phone number can be posted, for example, on sites where people with non-traditional sexual orientation arrange to meet. Now there are even special groups on social networks where you can provide the phone number of the offender, and complete strangers will constantly call him to annoy him.

What not to do?

In an effort to take revenge on their ex, women are often ready to sacrifice basic moral principles and go beyond what is permitted. It also happens that revenge far exceeds the insults inflicted and is completely incommensurate with them.

There are a number of options for revenge that are categorically not recommended to do so as not to incur unnecessary troubles:

  1. 1. Commit minor household mischief. For example, fill his mailbox with advertisements (he will swear while pulling out a bunch of waste paper), use a syringe to pour an egg yolk under the outer trim of his door (he will be surprised at the terrible smell that came from out of nowhere), scratch his car while passing by (because of one scratch you will have to repaint the entire car, which is very expensive). But it must be taken into account that such actions are regarded by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation as hooliganism. If it is discovered who is behind these dirty tricks, you will have to compensate for the damage, pay a serious fine and, possibly, even lose your freedom. Therefore, it is worth abandoning such revenge.
  2. 2. Play on his fatherly feelings. If a separated couple has common children to whom the ex-husband is attached, then women often begin to manipulate the children, carrying out revenge through them. This method is not ethical and is not recommended. Of course, if children begin to be afraid of their dad, having heard a lot of scary stories about him from their mother, this will hurt the ex-husband. It will upset him even more if he is not allowed to see the children and participate in their upbringing. But such revenge is too selfish, because children need both parents, and the child who was made into an instrument of revenge will have many psychological problems in the future.
  3. 3. Try to spoil your ex-husband or perform other magical rituals. Many women cannot forgive their husband for betrayal and leaving the family and are ready to do everything possible to take even more painful revenge on him. They often turn to witches, fortune tellers or black magicians to make their ex-husband and his new passion suffer severely. The Internet is replete with numerous tips on how to make a voodoo doll, cause damage, or otherwise take revenge on a man who betrayed you. For example, they offer to light candles in church for the repose of their husband and rival in order to hasten their imminent death. But following such advice, there is a danger of causing much greater harm to yourself and your children. People who are interested in esotericism claim that any negative will certainly return to the one who emits it, and sooner or later you will have to pay dearly for any evil.

Before implementing one of the described options for revenge, you need to think several times whether this person is worth spending time and effort on. Moreover, any separation may be based on a reason that is still beyond our understanding.

Did your girlfriend dump you, cuckold you, or leave you without explanation? Now we will teach you how to deal with an insidious girl in the appropriate way in order to punish her right away. Common methods of getting revenge on your ex and terribly immoral.

Did your girl dump you? Now we will tell you how to take revenge on the one who unfairly hurt you too much. How to take a little revenge on your ex or how to seriously mock a vicious girl?

1. Simple and positive methods of getting revenge on your ex

Improve yourself

Surely you have flaws in your appearance. Join the gym, get rid of your belly fat, pump up your biceps and become more athletic. Buy yourself some fashionable things and dress up. When you meet by chance on the street, your changes will make your ex gnash her teeth.

Find more girls

Chat with as many girls as possible. Stop being shy and limiting yourself in communicating with the fair sex. Fight fire with fire. Don't sit at home, take part in different activities and hit on different chicks. Photos on social networks hugging different beauties? Certainly! Girls take everything personally, especially if the new girls are prettier than her. Let your ex be jealous.

Achieve More

How to take revenge on your ex? Become successful, because you do this not so much to spite your ex, but for yourself. Get a good job, make your dreams come true and achieve more. Seeing your ex in a cool car will be unbearably painful and sad for a girl.

Let your ex know

Revenge is sweet when a girl finds out how cool you have become. Let the girl notice the changes. Let it be mutual friends or, best of all, social networks. 99% of girls stalk their exes on the Internet.

2. Immoral methods of revenge on an ex (for information only)

Sleep with your ex's girlfriend

How to take revenge on your ex, especially if she cheated on you with someone else? It's immoral and wrong, but sleeping with your best friend, just girlfriends, neighbor, colleague or ex's sister will be fun. You will definitely experience a feeling of moral and physical satisfaction.

Damage your ex's self-esteem

Get revenge on your ex using the Internet. There are no perfect girls. Think about what your ex had an Achilles heel, or better yet, TOP 5 shortcomings of your ex. Your ex may have a long nose, a funny chin, ugly teeth, poor breasts, flabby skin, excess weight, bow legs. If you can’t figure it out yourself, then ask a girl you know to name her shortcomings in appearance. Get a couple of email addresses or social media accounts. Now, on behalf of beauty clinics, offer to reduce the former nose, tighten sagging breasts, correct yellow and crooked teeth, remove cellulite, and so on. Even the most beautiful ex, after a couple of weeks of such “spam”, will begin to worry about her naked appearance. She will become nervous and less confident by 50%.

Damage your ex's reputation

How to take revenge on your ex? Let everyone know that your ex is far from an angel, but a fallen wench. Write to the girl from the left accounts of Caucasian, Turkish, Arab and foreign men. Thank the girl for a good time, especially if you know that she was vacationing abroad at a certain time. Invite her to visit again and tell her that you also liked the trip to her. Promise to come again in a couple of months. The girl will not understand anything, and her boyfriend may suspect something is wrong.

Kill your ex's relationship with your new guy

Create a left account for any girl and meet your ex's new boyfriend. Send out a couple of “hot” photos and ask them to send similar ones in return. Men fall for this easily. Later, send the correspondence and photos with her boyfriend to your ex. Tell her to leave your boyfriend. You can write to the guy that this was a test for his girlfriend and he didn’t pass it.

But your ex's best option is to forget her and never look back. Like real action heroes never turn around when there's an explosion. Just become better than you were, find yourself a cool girl and be happy. My ex won't stand this...

Anything can happen in life, unfortunately, it is not always like a fairy tale with a good ending. The same can be said about romantic relationships. When you meet a person who has been able to win your heart, you imagine how he will propose to you, you will give birth to a chubby, rosy-cheeked baby and live together until a ripe old age.

However, dreams do not always come true. Often relationships end not in a Mendelssohn waltz, but in lies, betrayal, betrayal or painful separation.

Many women who have had a sad experience in relationships with men fall into deep depression and for a long time cannot start a new full life, lose faith in the stronger sex and acquire inferiority complexes.

But there are also those ladies who are not ready to give in to despondency and also do not want to forgive their exes. They experience a feeling of burning anger and resentment and choose the path of revenge. How can you take revenge on your ex-lover and is revenge worth it?

For some time after a breakup, a woman lives in self-pity. It's hard for her to come to terms with the fact that her beloved man, with whom she planned to live together all her life, left her. She constantly remembers the most pleasant moments spent together and looks at photos together. It is difficult for an abandoned woman to come to terms with the fact that her beloved has left; she is filled with resentment and anger. At some point, the concentration of feelings is so great that she begins to experience love and hatred at the same time. It was then that thoughts of revenge on the insidious offender appeared.

Women faced with betrayal feel that only revenge will help them cope with mental pain, gain moral satisfaction and overcome depression. She hopes that by taking revenge, she will stop feeling humiliated and insulted.

If you decide to take revenge, then remember that revenge should not cause irreparable harm, and even more so you should not break the law.

How to beautifully take revenge on your ex-boyfriend for betrayal?

Women for the most part are vulnerable and impressionable creatures. There are, of course, strong personalities among them, even to some extent impenetrable, but anyone can be confident when there is a man nearby who reliably protects her from all life’s adversities.

However, when faced with disappointment from the betrayal of a loved one, even the strongest representative of the fair sex can break down and become disillusioned with such a wonderful feeling as love.

If a woman is filled with anger and a thirst for revenge, then there is no need to rush and commit rash acts. Having decided to take revenge, think through all the details of the future, so as not to disgrace yourself in front of your ex. “Revenge is a dish best served cold” is a truth that should not be ignored.

Often, revenge committed under the influence of emotions threatens not to fulfill its purpose, but only to make the offender laugh and put you in a less than favorable light.

Have you decided to take revenge? Then be patient and think through even the smallest detail of your insidious plan, because you will not have a second chance to punish the traitor.

So, what actions will calm your heart, so thirsty for revenge?

Become perfection yourself

The most common and harmless way of revenge is self-improvement. Any woman who has experienced a breakup with her loved one wants to become ideal in order to prove not only to herself, but also to her ex that she is the best thing he had in his life.

Revenge does not always involve inflicting real, physical pain. Sometimes the pain caused by doubt and disappointment from something perfect is much more painful.

Have you been abandoned? Cheated with your best friend? Exchanged for a more successful woman? Well, you can sit and suffer in the darkest corner of your apartment, or you can benefit from it for yourself. Do you have any doubts? In vain.

The fact that this relationship did not end with the throwing of a wedding bouquet and the shine of a wedding ring on your finger does not mean that life is over and you no longer have the prospect of becoming a wife and mother.

Try to perceive this negative experience as a temporary setback, as a kind of lesson from fate, telling you that you should be stronger and more confident in yourself. You feel bad, of course, there is no point in disputing this. But, gather yourself together, scrape yourself off the floor and look in the mirror. Are you worse than his new passion? No, you are still just as beautiful. So what is the point in suffering about the past? It's time to go on the warpath and prove to everyone that you are perfection itself. Change your usual style, get a new hairstyle, play sports to maintain your figure.

What's the point of revenge? It's simple. Men are mostly selfish and proud. They can love and care, but deep down they will still consider themselves better than women. The former chosen one firmly believes that his ex-lover sits at home and suffers from a broken heart and dreams that he will return. Isn't that selfish?

Don’t follow other people’s expectations, prove that you are above this. When your ex sees your transformation, he will immediately understand that you did not sit in sadness and did not grieve for him. This thought alone will noticeably affect his pride.

Indifference and ignoring

After a breakup, many women call their exes for a while, write them SMS, and try to figure out a time to be together in the same company. Constantly catching the eye of her former boyfriend, the woman hopes that he will change his mind and try to return their relationship. Even if nothing connects you anymore, this does not mean that the man does not have possessive feelings towards you.

Reduce all possible contacts to a minimum. Show that you don't care about him and you are not going to waste any time or effort on him. If a man notices that you are ignoring him and are generally indifferent towards him, then this will be a significant blow to his pride.

Faced with being ignored by their ex-girlfriend, men follow one of two scenarios:

  • Second chance. Sometimes composure on the part of a woman can serve as some impetus to the awakening of former feelings. A man can understand that with his own hands he destroyed a relationship with the best woman. He may try to win you back, however, you should not rush into his arms. Think about the fact that if he already left you once, then where are the guarantees that this will not happen again?
  • Thirst for negativity. If the man who left you has even a shred of conscience left, he will understand that he hurt you and will begin to feel guilty. Shame and guilt will weigh on him, and indifference on your part will only worsen this condition. He will expect ugly scenes from you, screams, accusations of “bastardism” and betrayal, because in this situation he has every chance to justify his action in the eyes of others and silence his conscience.

If you decide to turn on the Snow Queen mode, then be prepared for the fact that you may begin to be provoked into showing emotions. Do not give in to persuasion to deal with the offender; if you have already decided to ignore, then do not abandon your plan.

The World Wide Web as a field of revenge

The Internet and social networks are an excellent platform for subtle revenge. You shouldn’t post on all information platforms what an asshole your ex is and how he can ruin the lives of poor girls. You can put him in his place and make him suffer in simpler ways:

  • Active life online. Some women, after a breakup, begin to post various sad pictures about lost love, lyrical songs about unfulfilled dreams, and other similar nonsense on their online pages. Why nonsense? Because this only once again shows your weakness. Why publicly turn your soul inside out? What do you want to achieve with this? Do you think that an unfaithful traitor, seeing snot smeared all over your page, will immediately understand that you are his ideal and will rush to you in the hope of forgiveness and a second chance? Come to your senses! It will not happen! The only thing he will experience is relief. Well, men don’t like “pink snot” and demonstrative suffering. Do you want revenge? So push the pieces of your broken heart deeper and, overcoming resentment and anger, show the whole world that you were not broken by the betrayal of your loved one. Order a professional photo session - let the page be replete with high-quality photographs in which you enjoy life. Post memories and reviews of your last party with your friends.
  • Secretly around the world. If your ex-lover treated you like a pig and you want to hit where it hurts, then you can post a detailed story about your unsuccessful love on your wall. Of course, they will feel sorry for you, they will give you a lot of advice on the topic “forget it, beauty, this freak is not worthy of you,” but in addition to sympathetic posts, be prepared for condemnation. Not everyone takes kindly to the fact that dirty laundry is washed in front of strangers. You should also not forget about your ex’s friends, who can turn your story around in such a way that you will be shown in an unfavorable light.

Ex's sexual insignificance

Faced with betrayal from your nearest and dearest person, torn by pain and despair, the only thing you want is to hurt him. Pain as severe as possible. So that he too suffers, because it is unfair that all the torment fell only on your lot. And one of the best options would be to disgrace him in front of his friends and comrades.

What is a sore subject for most representatives of the stronger sex? Right! The notorious sexual viability. A man can be a rude male or a pathetic henpecked man, a successful businessman or a loser in life - all this, by and large, does not affect anyone from his environment.

But if the topic of bed exploits, so cherished by these males, is in the crosshairs, then everyone without exception will be shaken up at once.

Hint about your ex's intimate difficulties:

  • Buy a drug to increase potency and pass it on to your friends. Say that he forgot his favorite vitamins, and you, so be it, out of the goodness of your heart, decided to return them to him.
  • In a circle of mutual friends, in a quiet whisper and unobtrusively spread the rumor that “...his penis is small and he doesn’t know how to work with it.”

But the most reasonable thing, of course, in this situation would be to forgive him and let him go, and believe me, fate will thank you and bring new amazing relationships and feelings into life.

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