What does a Boar's head tattoo mean? Boar Tattoo Meaning for Men

0 Pigs have always had a special meaning in human culture. They are deeply rooted in our religion, heritage and even our economy. Have you ever wondered why you put your coins in a pig-shaped piggy bank? In many cultures, pigs represent wealth, prosperity and abundance. Essentially this animal is a status symbol. The more pigs you have, the richer you are. Celtic folklore speaks of a herd of Mananan magical pigs. Manannan ( Celtic god) can easily transform, has mystical knowledge. After the Danu Tribes suffered a crushing defeat and fled to the mountains, Mannanan showed them three miracles. The first is a magic that allows them to become invisible, the second is an ale that grants immortality, and the third is a pig that is reborn after being eaten. As a result, the Celts had a belief that if you dine on pigs from the Manannan herd, you automatically become immortal.

However, before I continue, I would like to show you a couple of other publications on the topic of tattoos. For example, what does a Paw Print tattoo mean? meaning of Peacock Tattoo; What does Phoenix Tattoo mean? what is Bird Tattoo, etc.
So let's continue meaning of Pig Tattoo?

Even our everyday speech includes sayings and phraseological units in which these animals appear. For example, “God won’t give it away, the pig won’t eat it,” “If a pig had horns, it would turn the world upside down,” “He lives in a pigsty, but coughs like a lord.”.

« I was sweating like a pig the other day when I went to the bank for a car loan. The bank officer strongly advised me that I should always do a good check on a used car before purchasing it to make sure I don't get a "pig in a scoop"" (English idiom equivalent to "pig in a poke").
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Meaning of a pig tattoo

Pigs have many conflicting meanings depending on culture and tradition. Abrahamic religions such as Christianity, Judaism and Islam tend to view these creatures in a rather unflattering light, while Asians hold pigs in high esteem. Thus, when you wonder about the meaning of this or that “tattoo”, asking: “What does my tattoo mean?” As a rule, these animals represent:

  • Wealth and Prosperity
  • Abundance
  • Lust and hostility
  • Greed
  • Laziness
  • Motherhood
  • Fertility
  • Lack of cleanliness and hygiene
  • Strength and power (wild boar).

Pig tattoo design options

People very rarely wear pig tattoo designs, but those who do tend to either add elements of humor (cartoon characters, for example) or focus the design on the animal's wild nature (wild boar). Popular pig tattoo motifs include:

Pig and Rooster Tattoo

There is an old naval tradition that says that any sailor who has a tattoo of a pig on his right leg and a rooster on his left will never go down. In fact, he will even be able to walk on water. The roots of this legend go deep into maritime history, when several captains noted that while ships carrying livestock as cargo usually sank, containers carrying pigs or roosters always remained afloat. Regardless of whether you believe in this myth, but having a tattoo " Rooster" And " Pig", you are making a reference to the Navy, and the old traditions of navigation. Pay your attention to a fairly detailed publication on the topic of Rooster Tattoo.

Wild Boar Tattoo

Wild boar symbolizes Strength, Loyalty and Dominance. It is impossible to tame such a formidable animal, and people with tattoos " A wild boar", show their strong personality and rebellious character. People with a sharp and defiant character who love " drill with a drill", and do not take into account the authorities, they can choose this ambiguous design for themselves.

Flying Pig Tattoo

The term "when pigs fly" (Russian equivalent - " when the cancer on the mountain whistles") can be traced back to the 1600s, when it was first mentioned in John Walls's English-Latin Dictionary, " A short dictionary for beginners».
This usually implies the impossibility of the event. Wearing this tattoo is the essence of your ironic nature, and a fun way to connect yourself with the lucky pig.

Tribal tattoo Pig

Tribal pig tattoos are closely related to the wild boar. They represent intimacy with Nature, Strength, Power and Freedom. Because tribal patterns often have connections to spirituality and distinct indigenous cultures, wearing these patterns is also a way to acknowledge your philosophical nature. Pay attention to a rather detailed article on the topic

The ancestor of the domestic pig, namely the wild boar, is not very often seen in tattoos. This tattoo, in comparison with fashionable hieroglyphs or familiar dragons, is a very rare phenomenon in our time.

What meanings does this image hide, and what do you need to know about it before contacting a specialist?

The image of a wild boar is associated with the concept of creating tattoos not only due to the fact that its fat was used as a basis for tattoo inks.

Wild boar tattoos are one of the most ancient body decorations, and they contain great symbolic meaning.

Wild boar in fauna and myths - what is the meaning of the boar symbol?

The wild boar, as you know, is a typical representative of the artiodactyl order; it is also called a wild pig (approx. - or boar). It differs from its “collective farm” counterpart in its much higher density, long legs, head shape, presence of fangs and mane, erect ears, coarse fur and dark coloring.

The following facts are also known about him:

  • Size. It depends solely on the habitat. The largest individuals can reach 320 kg (from the north-eastern European regions to the Urals), and smaller boars - 45 kg (India, Southeast Asia). The height of a wild boar is up to 110 cm at the withers, body length is up to 2 m.
  • Where do they live? As a rule, in forests and swamps - in Russia and the African north, in certain regions of the Middle East and in Asia, Europe and India.
  • What does it eat? Its main food is fruits with nuts, roots/tubers of various plants, which, thanks to their fangs, they can easily dig out from under the ground. And also worms and fish, eggs and frogs, and even young deer.
  • Features of behavior. Wild boars live in groups with a mature female at the head. Males spend their time hunting, returning “to their own” only during the mating season. These animals are distinguished by their acute hearing and very poor eyesight, the ability to swim, and the ability to run very quickly.
  • Enemies. For a wild boar, any predator is an enemy. But predators attack adults less often - more often they attack young piglets that have not yet had time to grow fangs.
  • The boar is the most dangerous for humans. Especially if the boar is injured. Anticipating a mortal threat to itself or a threat to its offspring, the animal fearlessly rushes at its enemy. Outside the period of raising cubs and mating dances, wild boars are not aggressive.

Wild boar - myths and legends

In the tales and legends of various countries, wild boars “flicker” quite often...

  • The ancient German epic mentions a battle sign (approx. on a warrior’s helmet), which is called the “boar’s head.”
  • Homeric epic. In it you can find a story about the transformation of an old man (note - god) into a boar.
  • Indo-Iranian mythology: Here you will come across the tale of Trita, who slayed a demon who appeared to him as a boar.
  • Slavs of the Baltic. In their mythology, a giant boar emerges from the sea waters as soon as disaster threatens the sacred Slavic fortress city of Retra.
  • There are also many legends about ordinary people being turned into boars for their various sins. In particular, among the Celts, in the mythology of the Greeks, in the narratives of Indian tribes from South America, etc.
  • In Scandinavian mythology, this image is a symbol of fertility, as well as powerful male power (the sacred beast of the goddess responsible for love and war).
  • The merciless wild boar in most legends is the constant companion of various gods of war. For example, Japanese Hachiman, Ares (Greece), Odin (Scandinavia), Roman Mars, Perun. Also, various mythological gods themselves turned into boars - the Gallic Mokkus, Set (Egypt), Vishnu.
  • The boar emblem was on the coat of arms of the Dutch nobleman Guillaume de La Marc, who fought fiercely all his life for the episcopal throne. After a series of failures in returning the throne due to him by right of succession, the nobleman settled in the forest and until 1482 frightened people with bandit raids. Executed in 1485 according to the orders of the emperor.
  • In Russian heraldry, the emblem with this character was used extremely rarely. For example, on the coat of arms of the city of Rylsk.
  • In Western European heraldry, a white boar was depicted on the coat of arms of Richard the 3rd, who heroically fought in 1485 at Bosworth until he left this world, bleeding from multiple wounds.

The main meanings of a wild boar tattoo - who is it suitable for?

The boar is a serious animal. Of course, he could not be ignored in the process of evolution of the art of tattooing. It has so many meanings , as many mentions in mythology.

But the very first thing is hunting protection . It was for this purpose that hunters painted themselves with the image of a boar.

  • For hunters: rage, fantastic strength, speed, battle to victory.
  • In Japan - sign of the moon (approx. - white boar), supernatural qualities
    (from boar to man), fearlessness, the ability to always achieve one’s goal.
  • Among the ancient Celts - a symbol of spiritual power.
  • In the art of the Renaissance - a symbol of debauchery, debauchery and lust.
  • In Iran - sign of the sun.
  • Vikings — victories and knowledge in the field of martial arts. This tattoo was applied by the most powerful and courageous Vikings of Scandinavia.
  • The military - a symbol of courage in battle, fearlessness.
  • Americans - a sign of special leadership qualities, determination, as well as sexual endurance.
  • Another frequently occurring meaning - leader, leader, dark demonic principle.
  • As a talisman , which gives the wearer vitality and health, wealth and abundance, and also protects from dangers.
  • Among the Scandinavians - warrior's protector.
  • The Romans, Greeks - a sign of destruction.
  • Among the Siberians - courage and military valor.
  • In northern Europe - a symbol of insolence and aggression, strength.
  • In Iran - symbol of the sun.
  • Christians - a sign of lust and tyranny.
  • In the zone. In these “not so remote” places, this image is painted by “dogs” - lesbian criminals, sentenced to long terms and having passive members of the female “harem” in the wings.
  • Boar with bear - secular and spiritual power of the world.
  • Among the Jews - enemy, destroyer.

Features of the Wild Boar tattoo

Images of boars, characteristic mainly of Eastern, American and European culture, are found today in a variety of styles - in realistic, Japanese, etc.

This tattoo is attributed to to the most difficult to implement , so it is important to find a professional master who can recreate the chosen image 100%.

  • Place of application. The boar is usually applied to the back, shoulder or chest.
  • How exactly? Most often, it is the boar's head that is applied, focusing on the terrifying grin and fangs. But holistic images (the whole boar) also take place.
  • The tattoo may be accompanied by some inscription (“motto for life”) or even, as well as additional elements (ornament, natural elements, etc.).
  • Still, the forest boar is very different from the domestic pig , therefore, when creating such a tattoo, not only good sketches are important, but also an experienced artist who, if necessary, will agree to use photographs of the boar itself, and not its domestic double, as the basis for the sketch. This is especially important when creating a one-color tattoo, when the image of a boar depicted on the body becomes similar to the original due to the accuracy of the silhouette and expressiveness of the contour.

We suggest you understand the meaning of a tattoo with the image of a boar. Since ancient times, this animal has symbolized strength, aggression and courage. In Iran, the boar personified, and in Japan -. Interestingly, in the land of the rising sun, white animals were banned during hunting. The wild boar evoked mixed feelings of fear, admiration and even respect. The boar was often associated with the gods of power, battles and fertility.

For the Celts, this animal personified spiritual power. Boar meat was eaten during various rituals, and it was also customary to place it in the graves of those killed. Another symbolism associated with this animal is destructive brute force. The boar was one of the monstrous rivals of Hercules himself and one of the Egyptian gods. In addition, this animal is the personification of lust and tyranny in Christianity.
Most often this tattoo is done by men.

In nature, he is considered a leader, characterized by such qualities as courage, ferocity, aggression, belligerence, untidiness and even gluttony.

The image of a boar's head means a talisman that can protect against various dangers in life and give the owner strength and health.

Residents of eastern countries saw such traits as valor and courage in the image of a boar.


A spectacular tattoo in the form of a boar is most often chosen by men. Although sometimes representatives of the fair sex prefer such body images. The tattoo looks equally original in the style of old school, realism and watercolor.

Such a body image for representatives of both sexes means courage, valor, perseverance, fertility, and fearlessness.

You can get a beautiful tattoo on any part of the body.

Meaning for men

An original tattoo with the image of a boar often becomes a choice for the stronger sex. Men more often prefer spectacular body images in graphic and tribal styles. For representatives of the stronger sex, such a body image means:

  • courage
  • aggression
  • courage, fearlessness
  • perseverance

A tattoo with the image of a boar on a strong male body will tell about the strong-willed character of its owner.

Such a man always confidently moves towards his goal and at the same time does not like to retreat. Sometimes such a tattoo means aggressiveness and courage.

Sometimes men choose an image with a boar because of the effectiveness of the design, and not because of its special meaning.

Meaning for women

A spectacular body image in the form of a boar is not so common, but still sometimes becomes a choice for the fair sex. Women most often prefer colorful tattoos in watercolor and realism styles. For them, such a tattoo will mean:

  • perseverance
  • desire to win
  • courage
  • a strong character

A beautiful tattoo in the form of a boar on a delicate female body can tell about the perseverance and courage of its owner.

Such a woman has masculine character traits. A representative of the fair sex with a similar tattoo loves to win and always confidently moves towards her goals.

However, it is important to remember that in the criminal sphere such an image has its own meaning. So, for prisoners, a tattoo in the form of a boar can mean non-traditional sexual orientation for women.

Sometimes women choose a tattoo with a boar because of the effectiveness of the design, and not because of its special meaning.

Which image to choose for a tattoo?

There are many different options for boar tattoos. Among the top most popular are body drawings in the style of realism. This tattoo looks beautiful on both male and female bodies. Such tattoos are distinguished by their naturalness and effectiveness.

A tattoo with the image of a boar means submission, fearlessness, courage, perseverance, determination, military heroism, superiority, strong will, patience, fertility, lust, sexual endurance, reliability, demonic nature, aggression, gluttony, dirt, ferocity.

Meaning of boar tattoo

The boar as a symbol was used in many cultures, but different nationalities gave it their own meaning.

Thus, the ancient Celts endowed the boar with spiritual power; in Iran it embodied the sun, and in Japan the moon. The Japanese never hunted this wild animal, but, on the contrary, revered and respected it. The boar symbolized courage, lack of fear and military valor. In India, one of the gods was also the wild boar - the ancestor of agriculture. The Chinese revered the wild boar because they believed it brought wealth, and in the Scandinavian countries the wild boar meant fertility and a good harvest.

The Middle Ages were distinguished by the fact that a tattoo of a boar was applied to the shoulder as a talisman for a successful hunt and a talisman against encountering a wild boar.

Christianity, on the contrary, endowed wild boars with negative properties. For believers, the boar - a representative of demonic forces - personified the most obscene sins: sexual desire, lust, aggression, gluttony and dirt. In ancient times, people also had a negative attitude towards wild boars, considering them symbols of wars and all kinds of destruction.

In America, the boar is exclusively a symbol of masculinity, a sign of incredible sexual endurance. The owner of a tattoo with a boar, as a rule, is devoted to his beloved and does not cheat on her. Such a man is a leader by nature and rarely pays attention to other people’s opinions.

However, the meaning of a boar tattoo can vary depending on the overall composition and details. Thus, a furious boar, whose mouth is open, carries an aggressive and frightening meaning. But the same boar, drawn as a calm or even cartoon character, testifies to the positive attitude and peaceful character traits of its owner.

In addition, the color scheme of such a tattoo also has a different meaning. The animal depicted in light shades is associated with the water element and the moon, in golden tones – with the sun, where the boar’s bristles are its ray.

Nowadays, the generally accepted meanings of the boar are courage, fearlessness, assertiveness, determination, and warlike character. The owner of such a tattoo definitely wants to tell everyone about his strong features and show his superiority to the outside world. This man has a developed strong will and patience, he always achieves his goals and does not give in to difficulties. A boar tattoo can be worn as a talisman, giving its owner powerful energy and good health. However, the very fact of applying this tattoo will not endow a man with strength, aggression and a strong character, but will only indicate the presence of such traits in his character.

Ladies should not wear such a tattoo, since in a criminal environment a boar on a woman’s body signifies the lesbian inclinations of its owner, and emphasizes the dominant role in a pair with another woman.

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